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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    Still writing. Just dealing a family health problem currently.
  2. Pretty standard if the fight goes long enough. "I'm not having much luck against this one!" "Trade up!"
  3. Honestly? It will depend on the enemy. How well do your heroes know the villains? If they don't know them, how are they going to know which to go after?
  4. They've already been teasing at the Atom's costume.
  5. Whether or not the focus actually gets damaged/destroyed doesn't matter. You can still use the mechanic that already exists to determine whether or not the focus goes on the fritz due to the incoming damage. By counting up the BODY of the Dispel dice and applying it as you would any other attack.
  6. There are a lot of user generated character threads on the board.
  7. I would also take a look around the board at the various character threads. They might give you some ideas about power levels.
  8. Because I have had players that like to do it, to build their own character's story and I've had players that won't be bothered.
  9. If the Focus is not unbreakable, then if it took BODY, then it would lose a power, per the damaging a focus rules (if they still exist in 6th).
  10. And it has been shown repeatedly that Thor isn't the Thor of myth, except in name. They did a story where a camera crew ended up going to Asgard and a tool of a human got hold of the belt and gloves, which Thor needed as a child to wield Mjolnir. Ended up looking like the mythological Thor, with the wild red hair and beard, and got his unworthy hands on the hammer.
  11. Greywind


    Tara took a drag from her cigarette. She held the smoke in for a long moment, before slowly blowing it out through pursed lips. Her attention was divided. One part of it was on Michael, who was busy romping through the snow to the best of his ability along the shore of the frozen lake. The rest of her attention drifted to the lonely figure of a man. Jason shifted from one position, flowing easily into another, doing his exercise routine. Katas, Tara reminded herself. She wondered how he made it seem so simple. She wondered about Jason. He had made no complaint about having to chop his own firewood when he had rented the cabin from her mother. To her surprise, he had even filled their bin. Tara had watched him once, when he was chopping the wood. He went at it like a man possessed. Taking a last puff from the cigarette, Tara flicked the butt into the snow and turned back to Michael. “Michael! Get back here! It's not safe on the ice!” “I'm getting my ball!” her son called back to her while pointing further out on the frozen lake. The wind across the open ice blew the ball further and further away. “You can't get it. Get off the ice! Now!” “But Mom!” Michael stomped his braced foot in a fit of childish defiance. Tara moved closer without going out on the ice herself. “Michael, it isn't safe. I'll get you a new ball. Come back...” There was a loud crack and her son disappeared. “...In,” she whispered. “Oh, god,” Tara said quietly as reality set in. “Michael!” she screamed. “Help! Someone help!” Oh, please,” she screamed, begging. Jason passed her in a running dive. He plowed through the thin layer of snow and slid into the hole in the ice, disappearing into the dark water that had claimed Michael.
  12. I thought the speed farce went away.
  13. Are you saying the Hulk needs to go on a diet?
  14. Also, I don't agree that Loki would be crushed. There was no force being exerted. It is more of an "unmovable object" than the Blob is.
  15. I don't care if it is magic. The item in question cannot be moved except by the express wish of Thor. Period. I firmly believe that Loki was lucky if he could still breathe with Mjolnir laying on his chest.
  16. Pym was Ant-Man/Goliath/Giant Man or Yellowjacket. While he did grow once or twice as Yellowjacket, he concentrated more on shrinking and being Wasp's partner than his growth abilities. You're also leaving out "Hank Pym: Scientist of the Shrinking Toys" when he was with the WCA.
  17. You can't move out from under something laying on you without causing it to move.
  18. Welling wore Routh's shirt. Wasn't that enough?
  19. No. Because it was pointed out that the unworthy cannot move it. Period. Or did you miss the whole point of everyone, including Thor, not being able to move it to the point that SHIELD erected an installation around the hammer's impact point? It could not be moved. Not by hand. Not with a truck.
  20. No, it isn't, but those that are more interested in writing seem to be more willing to do so.
  21. Except that it was a fairly important point when done in Thor, and Hulk not being able to lift the hammer was a point in the battle between the two of them on the helicarrier in The Avengers.
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