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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    “I understand you are to be escorting Marlene this evening.” Slipping a cuff link into the cuff of his shirt sleeve, Jason said, “You understand correctly.” “If I am not mistaken, this will be the fourth event to which you have escorted her.” Jason smiled. “I'm not keeping score, Mentor, but your count seems about right.” He tightened up his tie, lighter blue contrasting against the darker blue of his shirt. “Then, perhaps sir, a visit to the vault might be in order.” “Why?” “I am not at liberty to say.” That brought Jason up short. He ran his fingers through his hair. “Mentor, tell me why I need to visit the vault.” Mentor was uncharacteristically quiet for a long moment. “I am sorry, Jason. I cannot say why.” “The training wheels came off when I turned eighteen, Mentor. There were only two people that could give you an order that I could not override after that.” “Yes, sir.” Jason stared at his own reflection. He pulled on his suit coat. A tie-tack that matched his cuff links held his tie in place. “Which one was it?” “Your mother.” * * * * * He descended the stairs slowly, lost in thought. His mother had died while he had been in high school. There had been a few mandates that Jason had come across that his mother had put into place. To find one now, this long since her passing, shocked him. “Why Marlene?” “I cannot say.” Reaching the bottom of the stairs he cast his gaze over pieces of his family's history. It wasn't dusty, the cleaners his dad had created kept dust, cobwebs, spiders, and the random mouse or rat at bay. He made his way to a stack of crates. A light push moved them out of the way, rolling on hidden casters. He held his hands palms forward, slightly away from his body, at his waist. “Open sesame.” “Biometrics are active,” Mentor said. “Open the damned vault or I'm going to be late.” A section of wall sunk in and then split. Each part rolled back behind the wall. “Dad and his secret rooms.” The keypad lit up. A sequence of numbers ran across the display. Rods pulled back silently. There was a solid thunk when the door seal broke. “Okay. So what am I looking for?” Jason asked stepping within. Inside the vault only one light was on. Jason watched as door opened on a security box. His eyes darted to a display that showed the box number and expected contents. Jewelry. Stepping to the box, he put his hand on the handle of the inner box. His thumb pressed against the print reader. The box released when he pulled. The box he placed on a central table. Lifting the lid, inside he found a large square envelope with his name on it. Jason reached inside for it. Underneath was a jewelry box meant for holding necklaces. He opened the envelope and found a second envelop with Marlene's name on it along with a note in his mother's handwriting. Jason, If you are serious, this case is to go to Marlene. Mom “I think I am,” he said to himself. Lifting the case free, he opened it. Jason smiled at the contents. The lid snapped closed. * * * * * “She isn't ready yet,” Beth said when she let Jason in. He glanced at his watch. “I know. She's back here,” she said, leading the way towards the bedroom. Jason started whistling walking behind Beth. Beth stopped and turned to look at Jason when she realized he was whistling The Lady in Red. “Not likely. Or maybe, since I don't have a date. Just don't get any other ideas.” Jason chuckled. “It's a good color on you.” “Thanks,” she said pushing the bedroom door open. Marlene was sitting at a vanity scanning a drawer in her jewelry armoire. She wore a light blue evening dress that would hang just below her knees. High-heeled sandals were on her feet. “Hi! Almost ready. I can't quite decide what jewelry to wear,” she said, smiling at him. “Maybe Beth and I can help.” Beth snorted. “Good luck with that. I've been trying for the last hour. We're going to be late.” “Trust me?” “Completely,” Marlene answered. Jason slid the drawer back into place. He closed the doors to the armoire. Marlene gave him a questioning look. “Turn to the vanity and close your eyes.” Marlene complied with a giggle. She heard a box snap open. “Hold this, please,” he said to Beth. “Are these real?” Beth asked. Jason gave Beth a questioning look. He bent over to whisper in Marlene's ear. “Do I get the pleasure of taking your hair down later?” His breath was warm where it caressed her. She shivered. Jason drew the strands around Marlene's neck. “Can I look now?” “Not just yet.” He secured the strands and the safety chain. “Beth,” he indicated the case. When she stepped closer he pulled the earrings from it. “I've never seen any that color before,” Beth said. Jason set the earrings on the vanity in front of Marlene. Standing up behind Marlene, Jason said, “Now you can look.” Looking at her reflection, blue pearls hanging around her neck, Marlene felt her mouth go slack. Glancing down she saw the matching earrings. Tears stung her eyes when she looked at Jason's reflection. “I... I... I can't. They're your mother's pearls.” “You've got about five minutes to decide. Then Beth and I are leaving without you,” Jason said. Marlene's fingers rose to caress the pearls. “Well?” Lifting one of the earrings, Marlene released the clasp and hung it on her ear. The second followed in short order. “You will take these home with you tonight,” she said. Jason nodded.
  2. I get tired of them finding needs for Spider-Man to remove his mask when dealing with the bad guys. It doesn't happen in the comics. It shouldn't be happening in the movies.
  3. When Wolfman and Perez created Cyborg he was a walking dark cloud of brooding angst because he hadn't come to terms with what had happened to him.
  4. There's a good possibility Spider-Man will die in his next movie. After all, there's going to be how many in there?
  5. I understand that RDj had to practically beg her to stay with the role after the first movie.
  6. Keep in mind Disney is also one of the major players in moving the goal posts of public domain.
  7. Hey! Well my temperature's rising and my feet left the floor Crazy people knockin' 'cause they're wanting some more Let me in baby, I don't know what you've got But you'd better take it easy, this place is hot And I'm so glad we made it, so glad we made it I want you gimme some a-lovin', gimme some a-lovin' Gimme some a-lovin' every day Hey! Well my head's exploding and I'm floating to sound Too much is happening 'cause you're around It's been a hard day and nothing went too good I'm gonna relax like everybody should And I'm so glad we made it, so glad we made it I want you gimme some a-lovin', gimme some a-lovin' Gimme some a-lovin' every day Hey! Well I feel so good, everything is getting hot You'd better take some time off 'cause the place is on fire Better start baby 'cause I have so much to do We made it baby and it happened to you And I'm so glad we made it, so glad we made it Right now! (gimme some a-lovin') Every day (gimme some a-lovin') Every night (gimme some a-lovin') Oo oo (gimme some a-lovin') Gimme some a-lovin' every day (gimme some a-lovin') Hey baby (gimme some a-lovin') Oo oo (gimme some a-lovin') Every day (gimme some a-lovin') Gimme your loving baby (gimme some a-lovin')
  8. It's still a breach of contract. They could have renegotiated with her in light of the situation.
  9. Irony Man is not impressed. 😛
  10. They have option for Iron Man. Either Harlan from IM3 or an Ironheart. They could even do a Pepper Potts movie with her armor.
  11. I've based NPCs on people I've known and the group I played with knew who and easily recognized them. It lead to much entertainment.
  12. Fanhome has a kit for assembling the MkIII armor. It's a subscription model. I got my first shipment today. Stage 1 is the head. It's got some heft to it. High quality. Good paint matching. Something for me to look forward to for the next 23 months. https://www.fanhome.com/us/marvel/iron-man-build-up/
  13. Greywind


    Ash indicated an airbike. “That's yours, if you can't tell by the size. Controls are really similar to a cycle. Each hand is the accelerator for that side. Rear thrusters are controlled by your feet. Press down for up. Pull up for down. Left handle controls the left front. Same with the right.” “Shifter?” Charley asked. “Auto. Warren was fiddling with a manual build. I'm not sure how far along he is with it. Pull back for a climb. Push forward for a dive.” “Ever do a Crazy Ivan?” Charley asked, grinning like a mad woman. Laughing, Ash smiled back. “Oh, yeah. Controls take a bit of getting used to, so don't get too carried away.” Looking across the bay, Charley asked, “What's the difference between this and one of those?” “This is like a bike. Those fliers are more like planes.” “And enclosed. My hair gets frizzy in the rain.” “Well, Jason put this on the order when he figured you were going to stick around for a while. It's built to your size. I'm not too sure how well you would fit in a flier. This button here,” she indicated it on the control cluster. “This is the wind screen. Basic on-off. It automatically adjusts for atmospheric issues, like rain, and speed.” “On button?” Charley pointed one out. “Yep. Flight bay open, Mentor.” A section of outer wall scrolled back on either side. Ash mounted her own airbike. Charley watched while Ash slipped her boots into the stirrups and brought it to life. “Think I've got the basics.” She mounted the airbike. “Fit is good!” Ash gave her a thumbs up. Charley brought her cowl up into place and mashed the starter. They both gunned their engines and shot out of the side of the tower.
  14. Last night I had a crazy dream A wish was granted just for me It could be for anything I didn't ask for money Or a mansion in Malibu I simply wished for one more day with you One more day, one more time One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied But then again, I know what it would do Leave me wishing still for one more day with you One more day First thing I'd do is pray for time to crawl I'd unplug the telephone and keep the TV off I'd hold you every second Say a million I love you's That's what I'd do with one more day with you One more day, one more time One more sunset maybe I'd be satisfied But then again I know what it would do Leave me wishing still for one more day with you One more day, one more time One more sunset maybe I'd be satisfied But then again I know what it would do Leave me wishing still for one more day Leave me wishing still for one more day Leave me wishing still for one more day with you One more day (one more day)
  15. Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be. It's harsh, and cruel. But that's why there's us - champions. Doesn't matter where we come from, what we've done or suffered, or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world is as it should be, to show it what it can be.
  16. ZZ Top Bassist Dusty Hill Dies at 72
  17. Actually, he lived in an apartment in Metropolis.
  18. Walked out, goodbye I swore I never would cry Tore a page of my heart She wants me to be her friend I'm lonely again Tore a page of my heart Oh, tell me who wrote the book of love Was it somebody from above (ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...) Surely he must know all the rules (ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...) Knowledge not meant for mortal fools Must have been someone from above Tell me, who wrote the book of love (oh, oh, oh, oh...whoa...) In silence the lonely make All their mistakes Tore a page of my heart Someone in heaven above Shop me how to love Tore a page of my heart... Oh, tell me who wrote the book of love Was it somebody from above (ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...) Surely he must know all the rules (ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...) Knowledge not meant for mortal fools Must have been someone from above Tell me, who wrote the book of love (oh, oh, oh, oh...whoa...) In silence the lonely make All their mistakes Tore a page of my heart Someone in heaven above Shop me how to love Tore a page of my heart...
  19. You left this morning on an early plane You left your picture behind to haunt me You left in a steady rain You say you'll miss me, say you want me I'm left this mornin' with a world of doubt I'm left this mornin' indecently exposed So much we never did talk about And your kiss goodbye, said the case is closed I don't want to lose you I don't want to lose the best love that I've ever found Don't want to lose you Why didn't I cry when you said goodbye Why didn't I break down, break down and say I don't want to lose you We met last night in a public place And your new lover was just across the street But tears washed across your face Girl I wanted to, hold you close to me I don't want to lose you I don't want to lose the best love that I've ever found Don't want to lose you Why didn't I cry when you said goodbye Why didn't I break down, break down I remember all the things that we did The warmth of your smile And your tender touch I always knew I cared about you girl I just didn't know how much I don't want to lose you I don't want to lose the best love that I've ever found Don't want to lose you Why didn't I cry when you said goodbye Why didn't I break down, break down and say I don't want to lose you
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