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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Gyro Jim also had a penchant for taking his gyro up into the sky battles and trying to interview during said battle.
  2. Remington MSR http://www.remingtonmilitary.com/firearms/sniper%20rifles/msr.aspx
  3. Rogue changed. She wasn't what she was. Carol understands that, since she isn't what she used to be either. But there's still that part of her that would have a hard time forgiving what Rogue caused.
  4. No. The Psyche-Magnetron effectively created a split personality in her. One being a Kree Warrior. The Psyche-Magnetron created the costume. Her powers were within her. Not the suit. She changed to the black suit because for some reason the Kree suit was traceable. The sleeveless outfit gave her a greater, more comfortable range of movement. Originally she was limited to hand-to-hand combat. It wasn't until the Brood experimented on her after she had lost her powers to Rogue, that she became Binary and had energy blasting abilities.
  5. Cyclops has intercepted with his eye beam. He has done a power duel with Garokk. Translating from MSH RPG, all mutants have a high CON score. The have a minimum of Remarkable.
  6. As I GM, I capped it so that Find Weakness only worked once, to halve the applicable defense.
  7. Reputation, either perk or complication version.
  8. Depends on what you go by. Source material says the X-uniforms are armored.
  9. Madonna struck a pose and groped herself because no one else would.
  10. Wanda strikes a pose pose and points. She isn't a frontline fighter. Never has been. Never was intended to be. The only time I recall her hauling off and belting someone was when she hit Modred the Mystic.
  11. The analyze actually came into play for those that had a fighting style. Didn't do much against those that had the "classic comic book martial arts" package.
  12. ...but then at that point, it's where you are build a starting character and have to grow into the full concept. People seem to want to skip the "grow into" phase and just want it now.
  13. Like Daredevil wouldn't tool Thor if he came into the Kitchen and did something hinky.
  14. Nothing was ever done with Gargoyle, since he was Mark Williams' character and it was said he had plans for Gargoyle. So, whatever the character is capable of is mostly conjecture.
  15. Also consider scouring the board for various character threads for examples.
  16. Greywind


    “Oh, look. It's a Rainbow,” Ash quipped. “The name's Brawl now,” her opponent snarled. “Really? What happened? Did the LGBT community refuse to let you be their poster boy?” Taking a swing at Ash, Brawl growled, “I'm not gay!” “Maybe not, but that costume you used to wear sure was,” Ash responded, dodging the blow.
  17. Having some minor hand-to-hand combat ability does not make Wanda a trained Martial Artist. She's a blaster or a hostage.
  18. Quinjet should be built as a vehicle since the speed it is capable of shouldn't have any basis in the character flying it.
  19. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-AUURJf3SS5Q/UldOQ_xdr_I/AAAAAAAAAe0/AowJ1JmBG9k/s1600/woman+sniper+small.jpg
  20. Walk up to them, take what you want off them, and say, "Mind if I borrow this?" and walk away with it before you get an answer.
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