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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Not to mention that the rules specifically state that combat starts on Phase 12. Whenever the first shot is fired, the first punch is thrown, that is Phase 12.
  2. You can't get unstunned post segment. You actually have to burn a phase in order to get unstunned.
  3. Keep in mind that the first Phase 12, the moment when combat is initiated, can result in a stunned character since they may not have been expecting a fight, and that they won't get unstunned until some time during the next turn.
  4. Disadvantages are only as limiting as the player wants them to be and as limiting as the GM makes them be.
  5. I find it's usually a case of "why should I spend the money when I can download it for free?"
  6. It's selling well enough that you will continue. Congrats. It isn't selling well enough to support you or a business.
  7. On the other side of that, if there was more demand for fantasy books, they would probably get written.
  8. And the monster books can actually, easily, be used in just about all genres.
  9. ...with either soda or beer and pizza and pretzels.
  10. No. I avoid White Wolf games like the plague they are.
  11. Because fantasy is just watered down super heroics
  12. He's just reinforcing that V will want to come back for those boots.
  13. Because he made for a lousy costume himself.
  14. Yes. Mostly just remember George Perez doing his stories in the Deluxe books. Modeled the character Phoenicia off his own wife.
  15. Fantasy will at best, be third behind D&D and Pathfinder. D&D is, and always has been, the path of least resistance where fantasy RPGs are concerned. Pathfinder is a direct off-shoot. The system primarily should have been Champions and held the preeminent position for Supers. The other genres always seem to be minor filler, because people want to play Star Trek or Star Wars. Pulp and post-apocalyptic are even more niche-y.
  16. Dynamo - belt, conferred STR and durability Lightning - speed, killed the user over time No-Man - android, as one body was rendered useless, his conscious transferred to the next body in line. Had an invisibility cloak. Menthor - mentalist There was also a Raven.
  17. Greywind


    Eric Somers stood aloof. At an intimidating six-and-a-half feet tall and wide enough through the shoulders to seem like a wall, no one approached him. Not even the servers. That didn't bother him. He wasn't at the party to be entertained. He wore a long, black coat over a suit and tie. His shoulder length brown hair was pulled back into a tail. Draped across his arm was a fur trimmed, blue cloak that Julia Frost had opted to wear in lieu of a coat. His eyes never stopped scanning the crowd of revelers. He especially watched anyone that went too close to the staircase Julia had gone up. He hated masquerades. Too many masks, in his opinion. And behind any one of them could be a real mask. New York was rife with them. Moreso than a lot of other major cities. Eric preferred Chicago. Finally, Julia descended the stairs. He did not stir. Her orders had been explicit to him. “Wait here,” she had said. And so he had. A figure in orange and yellow moved towards the bottom of the stairs. Orange and yellow reminded him of the Guardians and Pulsar; no love lost there. The figure was dressed as Pulsar might look as a woman. She stopped and exchanged pleasantries with Julia. Before long both women continued on their ways. Unfurling the cloak with her approach, he said, “My Lady.” Julia paused just past him, allowing him to drape the garment over her shoulders. She pulled the hood up. Heading towards the door, Eric fell into place two steps behind her. Outside, their car, an SUV limousine, stood waiting. A valet rushed over to open the door for her. He offered Julia a hand and Eric stared at him. An intimidating stare that caused the valet to stumble and back away. Eric put his hand out for Julia so that she could pull herself up into the car. Eric slipped in behind her and the SUV settled lower on its reinforced frame. Before he could pull the door closed, Julia pulled her tiara off and tossed it out to shatter on the drive. Ice to melt in the morning sun. “It did not go well?” “Hsst!” she gave out in warning. Julia punched a button for the intercom. “Take us back to the hotel,” she told the driver. Condensation was heavy on her breath. Eric went to make comment and Julia held her hand up to forestall him. “Contact the team.”
  18. What? Indentured servitude to wield a ring isn't "payment"?
  19. Synergy was a catalyst, or an activator. She didn't grant powers unless the person already had the inherent ability. Like what she did with Battalion's brother.
  20. Greywind


    “I see,” she said coldly. She thought for a moment before her face brightened. “Well then, I won't keep you gentlemen. A lovely party, Jason. Thank you for the invitation.” “Good evening, Julia,” Jason said with a nod of his head. Jordan saluted to her with his hooked hand. “Miss Frost. Ever a pleasure.” Julia gave a shallow curtsy, spun on her heel and clicked her way back to the stairs. “To see you leave,” Jordan added quietly when she was out of earshot. Jason turned his attention back to the dance floor. Jordan followed suit. There was a slow song playing. Warren held Kate close while they danced. Irish was sitting on the window seat, shoes off and rubbing one foot. She was chatting animatedly with Emily. Brad danced slowly with Jennie while looking elsewhere. Jason didn't need his link to know that Leah was in the direction Brad was looking. Jason shook his head slowly. Marlene was nowhere in sight. “Are you sure you're doing the right thing? I've never known you to go into battle without a plan?” Of the three options, Jason choose the one closest in his mind. “If it was anyone else, I might have doubts. My godmother once told me that sometimes you need to just follow your heart.” Jordan nodded. “Wise woman, your godmother,” he said. “Except for who she married,” Jason said with a smirk. “Except for that,” Jordan agreed. Jason toyed with the envelope in his hand before pulling up the flap and taking out a single sheet of stationary. Jason, Sorry for not being there, but I've got a project that I'm working on. If you are doing what I think you are, and with whom, I can only say it's about time you opened your eyes to what's in front of you. Much love, Brianna “You were supposed to come looking for me.” Jason looked up and smiled at “Lady Pulsar”. “I've been watching you all night,” he told her. “From a distance.” She walked slowly towards him and Jason took his time admiring the nuances of her costume. The under layer was an orange body stocking or body suit. The over layer was a high cut leotard, much like a bunny suit, only with a high collar. The star burst was cut out, showing cleavage through the sheer under layer. High heeled yellow pixie boots were on her feet. Yellow gloves matching the cut of the boots covered each hand. Orange lens canopied her eyes in her yellow mask. The lower part, where Pulsar wore a full mask, was open. Her lips were colored a sparkly orange, fading to yellow along the line of her mouth. She spun slowly, allowing Jason to see all of it. “What do you think?” “Very daring, Marlene.” She turned to Jordan and cocked her head up to look at him. “You haven't danced with Irish, Jordan. There's a slow song playing” Jordan smiled. “Why do I get the impression that I'm being dismissed.” “You aren't, but I'm about to do something that might embarrass you again.” Jordan nodded to Jason and headed towards the stairs.
  21. "Older brother of Married to Raven."
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