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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Bricks, well, everyone really, got a "free" 2d6 added on to their attack for the 10 STR that characters got at the start prior to character construction. That meant that characters not concepted around HtH had to pay an extra 10 points to reach parity of attack dice. To offset that, spreading was introduced for ranged attacks.
  2. Greywind


    The research Melner is working on is central to a story I have been planning for a while.
  3. They only built that to keep the hippies quiet.
  4. Little Jason Todd/Robin punted Superman's genitalia out of the solar system once.
  5. No. The DC Heroes/Blood of Heroes system was inherently broken in the dice-rolling department.
  6. Greywind


    Trese heard the music of a piano coming from the library. She changed her course and headed for it. Before she got there she heard the tink-tink-tink of one key being repeatedly pressed. She stood against the door frame and watched Marlene play on the antique Steinway. She had never seen or heard anyone play it before. Marlene was playing from sheet music, but Trese couldn't place the song. Marlene looked up and smiled when she saw the other girl. “I didn't know you can play,” Trese said. Marlene shrugged. “I took it up early. My mom wanted me to learn to play. I never really got into playing until I met Stacy. The first time Jason brought me over I ended up spending more time with her than him. I think I learned more from her than I ever did during my lessons.” “I wish I had had the chance to meet her.” Trese came closer and stood on one bare foot with the scarred one hidden behind her leg. Her fingers tangled in the hem of her t-shirt. “I don't think the cover had ever been lifted off the keys in the entire time I've been here.” Marlene smiled. “She would have loved you every bit as much as Charles did. It's been used. Jason had it taken to the Mistral Wind for a party. Michael Williams was in attendance and he played on it.” “Michael... Williams? Black Lightning Michael Williams? The guy who sings Thundering Rain?” Nodding her head, Marlene said, “Yes. He's a friend of Leah's” “Wow. I just thought he was a guitarist and singer.” Trese came closer and sat on the bench with Marlene. “What are you wearing?” “Jason's shirt,” Marlene said with some amusement. Trese gave her a perturbed look and Marlene laughed. “That's not what I meant, and you know it.” Marlene stuck her tongue out at Trese. “I'm also wearing a garter belt, if you must know. Bikini bottoms?” Trese nodded. “I was going to go for a swim when I heard the piano. Marlene, can I ask you a question?” “You're going to be my little sister and you still feel you have to ask if you can ask me something?” Marlene teased. The redhead blushed. “How come you dress...?” She smiled. “Well, when I was in high school there was this guy I found interesting and I was experimenting with different things. To try and catch his attention. I was out shopping and came across a garter belt and it gave me a few ideas. After that, I found out that I preferred them to pantyhose.” She shrugged. “I like how I feel when I wear them.” “Did they work? Did you get his attention?” “Eventually.” “Jason?” Marlene gave a nod in answer. “Where is he, anyways?” Marlene screwed up her mouth. “Melner over in Special Projects called. He wanted Jason to meet with him.” She pulled the key cover over the keys. “Tell you what. You let me go get my suit on and I'll swim with you.”
  7. Yes, but then he leaves Pepper to take out the trash in the morning.
  8. Just need one of higher level is all.
  9. I know people that play RPGs and not wargames and are every bit the collector of minis. Gotta have the perfect one for the character.
  10. Suspicions are not empirical evidence. I have seen spreading done regularly in play. What it does is cut through thugs, reducing the time minor combats takes. Reduce damage to increase damage? That doesn't make a lot of sense.
  11. And then there's the problem of implementing house rules to fix something that isn't broken. Spreading was introduced to offset the inherent 2d6 STR offered.
  12. "Everything that's special about you came out of a bottle."
  13. I most often see AoE as stand alone powers. In which case, no, you don't have to reduce power level.
  14. Spreading requires a voluntary reduction in firepower for a wider effect. So unless the AoE player intentionally bought a weak power level, I'm not really seeing a disparity based on the "free".
  15. They've already said time travel.
  16. Probably not. When it comes down to it, all they have are the rules to sell. They can write genre books and setting books, but that's all fluff to the rules.
  17. First appearance as I recall is Deathstroke.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=-mcUPY0RMdU#t=74
  19. Greywind


    “So what happens now?” Trese asked, her face turned towards the small window. She had finally surrendered Jason's coat to the attendant. There was a cup of hot tea on the table in front of her. Beth gave her a long look before answering. “I'm not sure. I don't know what Jason's thoughts are. Until we get that sorted, you are, at the very least, his guest.” “Have you worked for him very long?” “A little more than five years.” Jason moving back caught Beth's attention. Trese turned to look when Beth fell silent. Jason was carrying the guitar from the cabin. That confused her. She didn't recall Jason packing it in the Range Rover. She heard Jason say, “Hey,” and a gasp from Marlene when she saw the guitar. She saw Marlene reach towards the guitar with a shaking hand, not quite touching it from where Trese sat. Jason turned the guitar around and set it in Marlene's lap. Her arms went around it, not like she was holding a guitar, but rather like she was hugging an old friend. Trese saw two shiny streaks roll down the face of it. Marlene drew her legs up. Kneeling down, Jason laid his hand on Marlene's calf. Two fingers lay above the hem of her skirt, two below. Something about Marlene changed with that touch that Trese couldn't define. “Open your damned eyes, idiot,” Trese heard Beth say. “Excuse me?” Beth gave her a weak smile. “I'm sorry. Just talking to myself.” Trese turned back to Marlene. He spoke quietly so that only Marlene heard. Whatever he had said she replied only with the nod of her head. Jason moved to stand and Marlene flipped the armrests between her seat and the one next to her up. She patted the seat. “Sit with me? Please?” Jason smiled and nodded. He retrieved the brief Beth had given him and sat.
  20. Spoken like a true Canuckian. That almost brought a tear to my eye.
  21. Actually, it usually leads to DEX roll off to see who actually does go first.
  22. ...unless they're holding their action to see what you will do.
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