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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Evans didn't bother me with being cast as Cap after playing Storm. I've seen enough of his work to realize that he is a damned good actor.
  2. I don't recall any such power in the rules.
  3. Failing that, there are city setting books available and easily brought up to 6th's standards.
  4. How do you figure? On the assumption that's a single seat cockpit?
  5. Well, if you want that just change the title to P0rn Hero.
  6. It's the difference between being on the field during a football game and watching the post-game footage.
  7. That's for the player to remember and remind the GM.
  8. Greywind


    Staring at the cell phone in her hand like it was something alive and liable to bite her, Leah wanted to toss it out of the car. It was Jason's, though, so she stuffed it into the pocket of the jacket she was wearing against the cool Southern California winter day. The sky was blue and reflected off the Pacific Ocean. The view helped her some, as did the memory of that morning. After an awkward night of dancing and an ill-advised passionate kiss, Leah had spent several hours in the shower crying. When she finally felt she could face Jason again, she had crawled into bed beside him, only to have him in turn get up and take what had to have been a cold shower, since the water had started to turn just before she had gotten out. But that morning, Leah had woken up with Jason's arms about her. Her head had rested on his arm, her face close to his chest. His other arm held her close in sleep. She had awoken early and realized, and then just laid with him, not wanting to disturb him, pretending to still sleep. That lasted until Jason quietly slipped from her and went into the bathroom. When Jason came out, Leah was up and awaiting her turn. Jason had smiled at her, but she had had a hard time meeting his eyes. “Want to talk about it?” Jason asked, passing a car heading to a beach turnoff. “Not really. The guy thought he could get me to pose naked for him. Three years without work and the guy figures all I'm good for is porn work. From what Renea said, he's tried this stunt before with other models.” “At least she was able to give you a heads up on the situation before you got down to San Diego. Any expected problems with the Vancouver shoot?” Jason asked her. Glancing at Jason out of the corner of her eye, Leah gave him a wry smile. “No. Renea set that one up for me.” “It was nice that she re-signed you.” Turning her head towards the ocean, Leah, brushed her wind-blown hair from her face. “Yeah. Now I just need money,” she said quietly. “I can't keep living off everyone else.” Slowing the '59 Corvette Roadster so as not to rear-end a touring bus, Jason said to her, “No reason you have to.” “What do you mean?” Leah asked, turning her attention back to Jason. “I've pretty well depleted my savings.” “You've got money coming to you. Marlene...” Jason got quiet and Leah reached out a tentative hand to touch his leg. Jason's hand dropped from the steering wheel to lay atop hers. “Marlene had been fighting with accounting to get funds released for you for the time you were working undercover.” “I wasn't working undercover. You know that.” Jason swung out to pass the bus. “I know that. You know that. Marlene knew that. Marlene didn't care. Remember, she's the one that dealt with the Guardians. Everything went to her first before it got disbursed through to the various departments, like Accounting. It was a small matter for her to have a few files altered with Mentor's help, to create the truth that Sparx was undercover as a Guardian. You're entitled to the same pay that the others claim.” “She didn't have to do that,” Leah said smiling, although there were tears in her eyes. “No, she didn't,” he agreed. “She wanted to do that. For you.”
  9. What if you have Ray Summers as a graveling changing the rules on you?
  10. That's a judgement call. Guy comes up with a power and tries it, that's okay. Guy tries it every time it might be remotely useful, he's dumping XP into it to buy it.
  11. I use it as a way for the player/character to try new things. Because far too often when you get an idea and you want to try it, does it rarely work the way you expected the first time out. Then there is also the caveat that repeated use of an ability requires it to actually be bought as a power.
  12. It might be forthcoming if you can dig up the designer(s) that made that decision. Good luck on that.
  13. There's a lot of back story in s1 that's needed for the next 3 seasons. As for s5 and the build up to the Telepath War, the last ep, Sleeping in the Light is needed for closure in a way. It was filmed as the last ep during s4.
  14. Eidetic Memory can be bought as cameras and recorders.
  15. ...200 STR and you can move the world. 400# or kilos would be a simple matter.
  16. There's also debates on things like "maximum human potential" in regards to STR levels.
  17. Limited categories, from my interpretation, look at Systems Operation. Very broad subject as defined in the base rules. Yet you can further limit the category by specifying what systems the character can operate.
  18. Except Steve Rogers Captain America would be somewhere between 25 and 35 depending on where he was in his career.
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