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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. The only quibble I have is, I would have gone darker on his wings where they're shaded by his body. Maybe a bit closer to an orange.
  2. Someone that needs the practice.
  3. I see your time with the coloring books hasn't been wasted. The depth of color has greatly improved.
  4. Crusade Got through the first 4 eps. Some interesting going on that furthered some of the ideas in Babylon 5. Some things that make me go "Wha?"
  5. http://www.rsvlts.com/2015/03/31/perfect-timed-military-photos/
  6. Technically, the opening phase of combat is always 12. You're attacking and want to hold? When you finally decide to fire, it will be Phase 12. The game is funny like that.
  7. The Mighty Balabanto One-Shot It's a collector's item.
  8. Something like, but right now I'm leaning more towards during he reception.
  9. Actual limitation? Or simply a plot device?
  10. Goyer is a decent script writer. He's a lousy director and I hope no one ever puts his ass in that chair again.
  11. My understanding is that Luthor is the catalyst that sends Supes after Bats.
  12. ...or just watch the Angel episode The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco.
  13. You're crazy. But then we all knew that already.
  14. Can only push in heroic situations. Working out ain't heroic. Just necessary.
  15. If you look, you can find images of Bats training, lifting, etc. Try to guesstimate from those images how much he has on the bar.
  16. 800kg with perfect lift and leverage. Something that you won't get easily in a combat situation.
  17. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0980.html
  18. Then apply the skill where they don't get grabbed in the first place.
  19. Converting straight from DC Heroes, Bats has a 30 DEX.
  20. Since we only really have benchmarks for STR, going by the chart and Olympic lifters, they can easily manage STR 23-26.
  21. Well, if you're playing urban fantasy, you might need a cleaning crew. ...in haz-mat suits.
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