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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Why Mental Defense when it does not impact upon their mind in any way save perhaps frustration?
  2. http://sto.gamepedia.com/Sector_block?cookieSetup=true
  3. Can't we just give them the rulebook and some lubricant?
  4. You might want to consider picking up the Hero Combat Manager.
  5. Unless it's a battlecry, I personally find quotes stupid. "So, yeah, this guy totally said this. Once." "What's the context?" "Dunno."
  6. Can always ressurrect PRE Defense as a Power.
  7. You know my collection. I've only added to it over the years since. Some of the adventures need characters introduced beforehand, in order to (try to) build up any necessary relationships the module might require or swapping out the victim of the module with an already established ally (Target: Hero). Some adventures need their seeds sown, in game time, before you start running (Shades of Black comes to mind). Very few modules were actually one-off, pick up and start running. Which is why I'll borrow ideas and whatnot, but run with the game world as is.
  8. Adventure modules tend to be limited use items. Run it once with a group and it's done.
  9. Anybody tried searching for Thia Halmades' Halo threads? Seems the Covenant plasma weapons would be a good place to look.
  10. "Vampires are okay! It's the damned muties we gotta watch out for!"
  11. Lighter work? One comic weighs pretty much the same as another of equal size.
  12. How do you fold a carrier into the morning paper?
  13. Must be where the laughs came from.
  14. The publisher/owner that wants to turn the Grand Old Lady into the National Enquirer.
  15. Depending on the who and what, I often have incidental PRE attacks go off and have an impact on the players' adversaries. Mostly because I feel that if someone does something unusual that will make the less battle-hardened go "Wha...?" The players don't use them often enough.
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