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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. "Rigid armor" is not resistant PD. It is armor that has some type of hard, rigid plates. Skin, irregardless of resistant PD, is not, by definition "rigid".
  2. At least in Avengers they kept it contained to a few city blocks, whereas Metropolis pretty much needs a total overhaul.
  3. If it helps, I know a guy that will count all your modifiers for you (slowly and out loud) and then tell you what you need to roll. He will then do the same for your other rolls.
  4. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0988.html
  5. Yes, that cartoon looks stupid.
  6. Champions III I believe had a random character creator.
  7. Hold a chain, stand in water, get struck by lightning, and then get doused with chemicals. Worked for the Flash.
  8. Greywind


    The model made her way backstage to the dressing area. She shimmied out of the black dress and put it on its hanger. “Who's the guy to the left of the runway, Shannon? About ten seats up?” “That's the sponsors seating area,” Shannon responded. She, like the other girls, was beautiful. She had black hair, slightly frizzled. Her skin was the color mocha. What set her apart was the bright green of her eyes. “Scott something. Let me check.” She looked at something on her dressing table. “Jamerson, Leah. Scott Jamerson.” Leah slipped her shoes off and checked her one heel for damage before setting it aside and taking a royal blue dress off the rack with her name on it. The blonde popped her head up from her own dressing table. “Jamerson's are old money. Too good for you, girlfriend. Me, I'll be hooking him once we're done on the runway.” “Remind me again why no one likes you, Celeste,” Shannon shot at her back as she ran to the stage entrance. “Bitch!” Celeste called back. “Can you get this zipper for me?” Leah asked. Shannon ran the zipper up and tucked the pull. “His name is Jason Scott. Got your sights set?” “I...I don't know,” Leah said, grabbing the shoes for the dress. “Capwell!” a man's voice barked. The models not queuing up for their next appearance on the runway all looked to see what was happening. “Oh, shit,” Shannon whispered. Leah turned to face the stage director, who came up close to her. “What the hell was that?” “I tripped.” “You tripped. Over your own feet. You've been walking that runway for a week rehearsing and tonight you decide to show off your grace by tripping! And then, after that, what did you do? You looked back! Monique! What are the stage directions for this show?” “Don't trip. Look graceful. Don't make eye contact. Don't look back,” a girl's voice called back to him. “You've got three more trips up there, Capwell. I don't want to see a repeat performance! Do I make myself clear?” “Yes, sir.” “Good!” “Asshole,” Shannon whispered when the stage manager was departing. “I heard that, Welles!” he barked. “Don't mind him, Leah. He's just looking for a reason since he hasn't gotten into the pants of any of us, as far as I know.” Leah shrugged. One of the assistants slipped past her and took the black dress off her rack and deftly slipped it into a garment bag. A numbered tag went over the hook. “Hey! George? I was going to wear that to the Meet and Greet after!” Shrugging, George said, “Sorry, Leah. Dress got bought outright. Guy paid twice the reserve without blinking.” “You would smile like that, George. It was your design.” “Sorry. Pick another for after.” “But I like that dress,” Leah pouted. “Can't help you, Leah,” George told her, carting the dress away.
  9. Some people believe "Reality TV" is real.
  10. ...people actually watch WWE?
  11. Soap operas pander to men?
  12. That was the Mind Stone, which is now Vision's.
  13. Greywind


    “Is this seat taken?” Jason looked up from the evening's program to see an elderly man with a shock of gray hair and a goatee and mustache leaning heavily on walking stick. “Not at all,” Jason said affably. The old man sat and made himself comfortable, turning his attention to the model currently on the runway. “So, what brings the scion of Scott Enterprises here tonight?” Jason shot a glance out of the corner of his eye at the gentleman before turning his attention also to the model. “Oh, yes. I know who you are.” “I'm looking for a dress for a friend. Her birthday is coming up. And you are?” The man held out his hand to Jason to shake. “Arthur. Arthur Kayne.” “Any relation to Michael Caine?” Jason joked while taking the man's hand. “A distant cousin, at best, I'm afraid.” Arthur pulled round-lensed spectacles out of his suit coat's pocket, rubbed the lens with a handkerchief before slipping them into place. “Much better. There's a lovely one, don't you think?” The model in question had long blonde hair and a pretty face. “I don't like the cut of the gown,” Jason said, turning his attention to the program once again and making a mark beside the dress' entry therein. “Hmm. I wasn't thinking about the dress, but I suppose you're right. So where is this friend you're looking to get a dress for? Someone you're looking to settle down with?” Being used to offhand comments about his relationship status and people fishing for any information, Jason mostly ignored the question. “Just an old friend.” “Ah. My apologies if it seems I am prying. I don't get out much these days.” “Quite alright,” Jason said. “Now there's a lovely one,” Arthur said. Jason looked up. The model, wearing a black dress with seed pearls and sequins on the bodice, had long chestnut hair. She met Jason's gaze and stumbled, catching her balance before she fell. Jason stood up and watched her finish her walk on the runway. She cast a quick glance over her shoulder to him before exiting the stage. “Excuse me,” Jason said to Arthur. He pulled his phone from a pocket and accepted the call. “What?” He listened for a long moment. “Fine. I'm on my way.”
  14. I disagree, Hyper. You need to see the source (gun, muzzle flash) and you need to see where it hit (hole in target, falling body, spray of blood, etc.) There is nothing in the rules that specifically states that it needs to be seen throughout the travel process.
  15. You seem to like pushing. Particularly against the rules about pushing.
  16. There's a list of game effects somewhere of SFX interactions if the GM/players want to use them.
  17. I've run into it with players before, which is why i even said anything about it.
  18. Which is also very close to the "Average Champions Character" poll that was done in an early Adventurer's Club.
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