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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. There are also a lot of threads on this board of characters that people have made.
  2. I've been working on that between other projects.
  3. "I'm as human as the next man." "Dad, I WAS the next man."
  4. There's a reason for how the books are written. 35 years of history and Steve Long clarifying things.
  5. I disagree. The RAW gives a baseline for everyone to relate to. Outside of that, legality of builds for an individual campaign falls to that GM under "house rules".
  6. Greywind


    “What have you got?” Ash looked over the video section that Dani was working with. “Trese and I have been going over the video when we've had time. Mentor has a gap in the feed from the loft that he can't account for.” Ash nodded. “I'm aware of that. Any ideas?” Dani shook her head. “Not yet. What I wanted to show you has to do with Brad's report. I don't want to say that he's lying, but it might just be he's misremembering because of how fast everything happened. This feed here we got from Captain Stone. It's not from one of Jason's cameras. It's from a rooftop security feed that happens to face, or did face, Jason's building.” Dani set the video in motion. “Now Brad reported that Jason got caught in the blast wave. We had no reason to doubt considering the condition that Jason was in and the length of the nap he took afterwards. “Now this,” the video showed Pulsar flying in from the right of the screen, “as you can see, Jason flies in, and he's what? Maybe halfway across the street here. Watch.” On the screen Pulsar seemed to have lost control with one hand flying to his head. Then the blast wave caught him, throwing him backwards and off the screen. “Put it up on the wall screen, Dani. Play it again. Same speed,” Ash told the pyrokinetic. They both watched the scene unfold one more time. “So something happened to Jason before the explosion. The question is what,” Dani said, brushing her hair back. “You didn't see it? Roll it back and run it again,” Ash told her. Dani did. “What are you seeing? I've been going over this since Stone got it to us,” Dani said. “Mentor, take over. Roll it back and run it again. Only this time I want you to focus on the skylight of the loft,” Ash ordered. “Yes, Ash,” the AI responded. The image shifted and zoomed, pixelating in the process. Ash growled. “Can you clean that up?” “Not without increasing the resolution first. We're dealing with a copy. A bad copy at that,” Dani told her. “Zoom it out, Mentor, but keep the focus on the skylight.” As the video ran, Dani said, “Son of a bitch,” under her breath. Mere moments, long moments at the speed it was running, there was a flash of light before the blast forced its way through the skylight and knocked their view askew when the camera they had gotten their footage from was re-aimed by the explosion. “Back it up, Mentor. Run it again. Zoom out until Jason is in the picture just before the blast.” Again they watched, noting the timing of events; the flash of light in the skylight, Jason's hand flying to his head, and then the explosion. “Was that purple?” Dani asked. “No. It was violet,” Ash said. “It was the Witch.”
  7. As I recall, Aaron had a hand in the form that appeared in Champions III, I think it was, of the adventure record form.
  8. One of the most interesting fights in my game happened in a bathroom. Think of the opening of Craig's Casino Royale with archenemies going at it.
  9. Heaven forbid they might run into the Frito Bandito.
  10. Tell that to the people that gave it to Jane Foster.
  11. Logging the character out and going to the character select screen worked for me.
  12. When I was in Denver, I managed to find a replacement for the first book, which I had loaned to a friend and never got back. The Sword of Truth series The First Confessor Debt of Bones Wizard's First Rule Stone of Tears Blood of the Fold Temple of the Winds Soul of the Fire Faith of the Fallen The Pillars of Creation Naked Empire Chainfire Phantom Confessor The Omen Machine The Third Kingdom Severed Souls The Wheel of Time The Eye of the World The Great Hunt The Dragon Reborn The Shadow Rising The Fires of Heaven Lord of Chaos A Crown of Swords The Path of Daggers Winter's Heart Crossroads of Twilight Knife of Dreams The Gathering Storm Towers of Midnight A Memory of Light
  13. 1. (often initial capital letter) a comic character in commedia dell'arte and the harlequinade, usually masked, dressed in multicolored, diamond-patterned tights, and carrying a wooden sword or magic wand. 2. a buffoon.
  14. There was an issue of JSA where Black Canary was running around naked, with strategically placed arms and Mr. Terrific's orbs floating around her.
  15. Well, you can, but the results tend to be explosive...
  16. Have you tried simply talking to your players about your expectations when it comes to descriptive combat?
  17. I'd suggest tracking down someone with or a copy of Sentinels of the Multiverse and giving it a try. Or, you can get it electronically from Handelabra Games for Android, Kindle, iPad, Steam, etc. Greater Than Games is looking to do an RPG based off their multiverse setting. They are looking at doing it in-house rather than look at existing systems.
  18. The "hold for" has never worked for me. Holding is a tactic. Tactical situations change. The player should be free to interrupt, within reason, at any point after holding to finish their action.
  19. If the enemy works HtH, half-move and hold. They try to go around, hit them.
  20. The separation of Body/Con and Stun reminded me of SPI's DragonQuest with their Endurance (a measure of the punishment a character's body can absorb before he becomes unconscious, sustains mortal wounds, or dies) and Fatigue (a measure of the length of time that a character can sustain activities requiring a great deal of physical or mental exertion). It makes sense, to me at least, that they would be separate constructs. As for "losing a phase" when a character is stunned, it stands to reason that it gives the other characters a chance to cover their downed friend until he can get back on his feet, which in game-time is about 3-5 seconds. Damn that seems such a looooooooooooooooooooong time to some.
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