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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. So, exactly what kind of drug is this Hyperium that it causes you to lose days?
  2. What are you trying to do? Are you going to create your own comicbook for sale? If so, then Question Man gave you the answer. http://moonstonebooks.com/shop/category.aspx?catid=42 If you plan on creating in the Champions Universe for your own game, it doesn't matter.
  3. Must have missed where it was mentioned to include other characters...
  4. Which makes it next to impossible if someone wants to use them in a game.
  5. You would need to set guidelines, such as "All characters by RAW", "no house rules applied" to keep everything balanced or show what the expectations are.
  6. Greywind


    “I'm sorry.” Looking up from where he was bent over the red felt of a billiards table, Jason said, “For what?” He made a short jab with the stick in his hands and balls clacked together. “You want to play a round?” “Rack 'em.” Almost as soon as Jason said it, the balls were corralled in the rack and Warren was taking a cue stick down. “You can break,” Jason offered. Lining up his shot, Warren said, “I'm sorry that I jumped into the middle of that.” “It doesn't matter.” “Obviously it does.” Warren sent the cue ball slamming into the triangle. When the balls settled he had sunk a solid and a stripe. “I just think that there's a reason that you and I have these...abilities. If he can use our help, why not offer it?” Warren picked the two ball off the table and sank it. “For starters, because I don't like Dan Thomas.” Warren's third shot missed. Jason stepped up to the table and took in the lay of the balls. “Being able to do something doesn't mean I have an inherent responsibility to do it.” “But that's what it's all about. Isn't it? Helping those that can't help themselves?” “What?” Jason said standing back up. “I said, isn't it about helping others? Not expecting anything in return. Just helping. You're helping Beth.” “That's different.” “Is it? Then you're helping her dad. You're not just enabling her to help him. You're taking the first steps to see that he's taken care of.” Jason sighed and bent low over the table again, “That's interrelated. I offered Beth a job. She accepted with conditions. I agreed to her conditions. It's as simple as that.” Looking around the room, Warren noticed a photograph of Jason in a football uniform. He walked to it to get a closer look. One photograph of Jason kneeling, hand on top of his helmet. The helmet was turned to show the school logo. “You played football?” Glancing at Warren, Jason said, “As a freshman.” The cue sent a striped ball into a pocket. “What position?” “Running back.” “I was a receiver. Our team did pretty well in division. How about yours?” Balls clacked without any sinking. “Your shot. I played as a freshman. I quit mid-season.” “Why?” “Playing flute in the band was less painful.” Warren gave him a not-amused look. “The last game I played in, I made several of the other team's defense look...stupid. They took exception. I got crunched. Ride to the hospital in an ambulance and a doctor put me on the injured list for the rest of the season. Simple as that.” “Oh,” Warren said, taking his shot. “Was there a reason for the change in subject?” Shrugging, Warren said, “Just trying to get to know you better. What do you want?” Warren sank another ball. “Want?” “Out of life.” “A wife, a white picket fence, two point four children, one-and-a-half cars in the garage, and a dog,” Jason said dryly. “That sounds rehearsed,” Warren said, sinking another ball and moving around the table. “I want what everyone else wants.” “That doesn't sound bad. Welcome to your world?” Jason sighed. “Says the guy that just wants to be a farmer.” “There's nothing wrong with being a farmer,” Warren said testily. “I didn't say that there was. I'm just pointing out that, really there isn't a lot of difference between what you want and what I want.”
  7. And so we have a huge amount of user created content. ...much like the various character threads in this forum.
  8. Joe Johnston was hired to do a WWII movie with Cap. Shane Black was hired for IM3 because Favreau walked away after the crap Marvel put him through on IM2. Branagh walked away after the crap from filming Thor. Whedon has done A1 and A2. Whedon was apparently the reason that Ruffalo was hired on as Banner. Norton's rep as difficult made it so Whedon did not want to work with him. We know Wright walked away from Ant-Man after pushing it from about the time of the first Iron Man movie.
  9. Set it up as an UNTIL database of capes.
  10. Fredd Gorham Outside of EE, never heard of him.
  11. It's just one more thing, is all. Favreau left because he wanted to do an Iron Man movie and not a stepping stone. Branagh left Thor because Marvel insisted instead of letting Branagh make the movie he wanted to make.
  12. It must have been an inefficient bureaucracy that did them in.
  13. How so? RDJ only did Iron Man 7-8 years ago. He's already had to renegotiate to finish through Infinity War. Everyone else came after him.
  14. Wasn't intended to be insulting. If 5 is the average, then 4 IS below average.
  15. That average has existed for as long as the game has. It didn't end with the 6th ed refiguring. Why should it change to support a below average mindset?
  16. There was an issue of Green Lantern where he was trying to save a space shuttle and ended up doing more damage to it due to his inexperience. You could also refer to Superman Returns when he's trying to saving the plane that is going to pieces.
  17. Lots of Wisdom. No common sense.
  18. I agree with much of this. In earlier editions with the inherent END cost of powers coupled with the Increased END cost Lim it was possible to create a "once per adventure/combat" power that would take the character out on its use. Now it is more a moderate bang that won't slow the character down much at all, regardless of how high you crank the multiple on the END cost.
  19. http://epicstream.com/features/Practical-Superhero-Costume-Redesigns-For-Women ...and for the most part, they suck.
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