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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. I know what you need Better than you do I know why you came I promise you I know where you go I know what you do Better than you do When nothing remains I come to you Sometimes she shines, and I know Beauty has her way With her hooks and her grace Beauty has her way Lights down, we drown, and I know Beauty has her way This plain day Beauty has her way The trembling lengths The conquering touch Everything to you And into your flame I'll follow you Where all wishes twist And bitter they kiss Everything to you In doorways and dreams I run to you Sometimes she shines, and I know Beauty has her way With her hooks in your face Beauty has her way Lights down, we drown, and I know Beauty has her way This plain day Beauty has her way I know what you want I know what you need I know where you go I know what you do Sometimes she shines, and I know Beauty has her way This plain day Beauty has her way I know what you want I know what you need Better than you do I know why you came I promise you
  2. You're not the real Avengers. The Hulk gives it away.
  3. You cannot die, you fool. You're Immortal.
  4. I was quoting Dennis Christopher's character from Fade to Black. Not Cagney's character.
  5. Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing.
  6. I remember Daddy´s hands, folded silently in prayer. And reaching out to hold me, when I had a nightmare. You could read quite a story, in the callouses and lines. Years of work and worry had left their mark behind. I remember Daddy´s hands, how they held my Mama tight, And patted my back, for something done right. There are things that I´ve forgotten, that I loved about the man, But I´ll always remember the love in Daddy´s hands. Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´. Daddy´s hands, were hard as steel when I´d done wrong. Daddy´s hands, weren´t always gentle But I´ve come to understand. There was always love in Daddy´s hands. I remember Daddy´s hands, working 'til they bled. Sacrificed unselfishly, just to keep us all fed. If I could do things over, I´d live my life again. And never take for granted the love in Daddy´s hands. Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´. Daddy´s hands, were hard as steel when I´d done wrong. Daddy´s hands, weren´t always gentle But I´ve come to understand. There was always love in Daddy´s hands. Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´. Daddy´s hands, were hard as steel when I´d done wrong. Daddy´s hands, weren´t always gentle But I´ve come to understand. There was always love ..... In Daddy´s hands.
  7. That light at the end of the tunnel? That's not Heaven. That's the C-train.
  8. I come from down in the valley where mister when you're young They bring you up to do like your daddy done Me and Mary we met in high school when she was just seventeen We'd ride out of this valley down to where the fields were green We'd go down to the river And into the river we'd dive Oh down to the river we'd ride Then I got Mary pregnant and man that was all she wrote And for my nineteenth birthday I got a union card and a wedding coat We went down to the courthouse and the judge put it all to rest No wedding day smiles no walk down the aisle No flowers no wedding dress That night we went down to the river And into the river we'd dive Oh down to the river we did ride I got a job working construction for the Johnstown Company But lately there ain't been much work on account of the economy Now all them things that seemed so important Well mister they vanished right into the air Now I just act like I don't remember Mary acts like she don't care But I remember us riding in my brother's car Her body tan and wet down at the reservoir At night on them banks I'd lie awake And pull her close just to feel each breath she'd take Now those memories come back to haunt me they haunt me like a curse Is a dream a lie if it don't come true Or is it something worse that sends me down to the river though I know the river is dry That sends me down to the river tonight Down to the river my baby and I Oh down to the river we ride
  9. At last, we can retire and give up this life of crime.
  10. Greywind


    A cool breeze blew gently across the balcony attempting to flip the pages of the travel magazine Marlene was reading. Smiling at Jason, Marlene runs her hand gently down his back. “Hmm?” he mumbles around the paintbrush held in his mouth. “Nothing,” she says. “Just making sure this is really happening and we're both here.” Marlene glances at the painting he is working on, a sailboat out on the water done in watercolors that he had found in a gift shop. With only one hand on her magazine the passing breeze managed to tug a few pages from between her fingers. There before her was something that bothered her. Something that she had never brought up to Jason. A simple picture of a cabin in the woods. It wasn't a big cabin. And there was a lake. It wasn't in the mountains. At least not the sharp, rough mountains of the west. Maybe the softer hills of the Appalachians or the Catskills. She didn't look for a location or a caption. “Do you know what I regret?” she asked. “Hmm?” He pulled the brush from his mouth. “What's that?” “I never got time in the cabin.” Brow furled, Jason turned his head to look at her. “You spent time in the cabin.” Marlene closed the magazine and set it on the table so that the wind wouldn't flip it open. “Not like Sandy and Leah did.” “Oh.” “And while waking up beside you with your hand on my butt,” she said, standing up, “it would have been better if my butt had been bare, you had been naked, and my best friend your girlfriend hadn't been laying on the other side of you.” Smiling at the memory, Jason set his brushes down and turned his chair to face Marlene. “At least I was warm between the two of you.” “I may be being playful, but I'm serious, too. There were a lot of good memories made in that cabin, Jason,” she said quietly. “And they weren't all yours. Spring Break in our senior year; you, me and Sandy. You disappearing up there after she died.” “I wouldn't call that a good memory,” he said just as quietly. “And I didn't tell that guy to burn it down.” “Maybe not, but that cabin was your hideaway. It was the first place you took Kris and Ash after meeting them. If you asked them I'm pretty sure they would say that they miss it. I know Leah did. She wanted you to take her back up there after that trip she took to Europe.” Marlene set her forearms on Jason's shoulders and ran her fingers through his short hair. “But you, you seemed to think it only affected you, so you never bothered to rebuild it. “In the time that I have been the account manager for the Guardians I have seen bills and receipts for cars to replace those lost in battle. Not yours, but other peoples. Medical bill assistance for injuries incurred by bystanders and police. Salvage operations. Construction, new or repair. All these different things that you paid for, for others, but because you feel that you are the only one that impacted you never bothered to rebuild it.” Her forehead was pressed against his now. He was frowning. Trying to smile, he said, “I love you.” “Hmm, tell me that again,” her voice husky. Jason's hands moved up her back. “I love you,” he said quietly. His fingers moved through her hair and it spilled forward. “You've been letting your hair grow out.” Marlene brushed hair from her face and stroked its length down her sweater. Nodding her head, she smiled at him. “Yeah. Not sure why, but yeah, letting it grow back out some.” She pulled his head up so that their lips touched in a gentle kiss. “Think about what I said,” she said breaking away. “Where are you off to?” he asked. “The show is in four hours,” she said. “While it isn't Broadway, I'm sure those actor types are the same everywhere and they wouldn't want us walking in in the middle of the first act. And there's dinner, whether or not it is before or after, maybe before and after depending on how hungry I get. So I figured I would take a little time and get my hair styled. You finish up your painting. I want to see it when it's done.” Stepping through the glass door, Marlene smiled to herself. This is going to be a rather interesting relationship, Mr. Scott. * * * * * Still frowning, Jason watched Marlene walk into their room. There was a sway to her hips that he was used to seeing when Marlene was in heels. Thinking about it, he realized that she wasn't trying to be sexy. Not now wearing low-heeled boots and jeans, or other times in heels and more formal wear. Or less. He got the impression that it came when Marlene was feeling self-satisfied about something. The more he followed that train of thought, he got the idea that he was at the center of it. This is going to be a very interesting relationship. With a crimson flash, he tossed Marlene's hair tie on top of her magazine and turned his attention back to his painting.
  11. Haven't seen anything about a Klingon captain. Only captain I've seen cast is Michelle Yeoh is a recurring role; Capt. Georgiou of the Shenzhou. Doug Jones and Anthony Rapp are the only other castings I'm aware of.
  12. What you are talking about not being defined is the special effect of how an entangle works. Special effects are left up to the player when they design their power.
  13. You're a polished diamond Now you're feeling kinda rough Yes I know how long you been searching for the perfect touch You better hear what I say I can tell your eyes are just about to give you away Cause there's the girl that you were after Feel your heart beating faster now There's the girl that you were after Can you say that you don't want her anymore Just take my word now Cause you know it's true she ain't good enough for the likes of you You better hear what I say I can tell your eyes are just about to give you away Cause there's the girl that you were after Feel your heart beating faster now There's the girl that you were after And all the time you can't get past her There's the girl that you were after Broken glass, complete disaster There's the girl that you were after Can you say that you don't want her anymore I believed you once When you explained That it wasn't to tough To forget her name Cause there's the girl that you were after Feel your heart beating faster now There's the girl that you were after And all the time you can't get past her There's the girl that you were after Broken glass, complete disaster There's the girl that you were after Can you say that you don't want her anymore There's the girl There's the girl There's the girl There's the girl
  14. Spare a little candle Save some light for me figures up ahead Moving in the trees White skin in linen Perfume on my wrist And the full moon that hangs over these dreams in the mist Darkness on the edge Shadows where I stand I search for the time On a watch with no hands I want to see you clearly Come closer than this But all I remember Are the dreams in the mist These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away Is it cloak 'n dagger Could it be spring or fall I walk without a cut Through a stained glass wall Weaker in my eyesight The candle in my grip And words that have no form Are falling from my lips These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away There's something out there I can't resist I need to hide away from the pain There's something out there I can't resist The sweetest song is silence That I've ever heard Funny how your feet In dreams never touch the earth In a wood full of princes Freedom is a kiss But the prince hides his face From dreams in the mist These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away
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