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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. "When your head comes away from your neck, it's over." ~ Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez
  2. It was leaked, out of context photo. They're all standing around freezing; hence the coats.
  3. No, of course not. They never do tests. Not many real deeds either. Oh, conversation with your grandmother's shade in a darkened room, the odd love potion or two, but comes a doubter, why, then it's the wrong day, the planets are not in line, the entrails are not favorable, "we don't do tests"!
  4. Yeah, but they all signed their souls away.
  5. 2008 actually. She was in Jump! with Patrick Swayze. And The Artist's Wife is currently in post-production.
  6. Yes, but Jonathan and Jennifer Hart's hobby was murder. The first season intro said so.
  7. Being difficult to destroy is usually in the realm of artifacts. Not generally cursed items.
  8. That would be about when they made him The Flash, right after the Crisis.
  9. Also looking a little psychotic...
  10. How many other people did she have a hand in getting killed?
  11. ...or hand-wave as a plot device as it doesn't have a real impact on the game.
  12. Have you cleared your browser cache lately? Just a thought.
  13. Out on his feet looking for a place to lay down.
  14. Combat Luck is one power. The armor is built separately. You cannot have X amount of Combat Luck hardened and Y amount not hardened. All or nothing.
  15. " Do you know what the definition of a hero is? Someone who gets other people killed. You can look it up later." Zoe Washburne, Serenity
  16. Defenses are either hardened or they are not. All or nothing.
  17. Wolverine is the Regen poster boy. Not the REC poster boy.
  18. Bucky will become Captain Assassin America and Sam will become Captain Flying America.
  19. It may just mean that Cap won't be a focus like he has been. Feige has stated that some characters are going, whether death, retirement or other he hasn't said.
  20. She was also trained by Cap. A lot of the Avengers were trained by him in hand-to-hand.
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