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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Traditional, since Nixon... Oh, wait, Ford didn't pony up either.
  2. I have a greater desire to remove politicians from politics.
  3. Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards.
  4. Doesn't matter if I do or not. Have you seen Washington's tax returns? Lincoln's? Kennedy's?
  5. As for that, my taxes are between me, my preparer and the IRS. Nobody else's business.
  6. Personally, I think this level of investigation should occur into the past of any and all public and elected officials. Any of them have anything remarkable sketchy in their past should not be eligible. ...and there goes our entire government.
  7. Another option is to simply pass the character to someone else that might want to play it. Change of appearance. Change of personality.
  8. When Winston Churchill heard about the attack on Pearl Harbor, he broke out a bottle of champagne and said "We've won the war." His generals looked at him like he lost his mind. America's Pacific fleet was wiped out, France was overrun, and the Luftwaffe was bombing London. Churchill said "America is like a giant boiler. Light a fire under it, and there's no limit to the amount of heat it can generate." If you start a fire, Mayor Tate, you'd better be prepared to deal with the flames.
  9. Have your father cast a spell on your hammer so that when he's pissed at you you can't pick the hammer up.
  10. They told us it was only a hurricane. From every cop show since the inception of television: "Freeze!"
  11. Howard's lawyer saw the writing on the wall and his contract had a decent salary worked in for sequels. TPTB wanted him to take a paycut. He refused. They recast.
  12. Completely a normal human with decent stats and a spirit-talker if you include the Weird Western aspects.
  13. Anál nathrach, orth' bháis's bethad, do chél dénmha.
  14. Are you kidding? They could barely get the Hulk to make an appearance in Infinity War.
  15. Claymore: Margo, you don’t return my calls any more. Margo: That’s not true. I never did return your calls. Claymore: I know! I can’t imagine why. Margo: It’s because: I. Don’t. Like. You.
  16. You've got to admit there's something between us. Yes. It's the law.
  17. Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations. There would never be another. It changed the future and it changed us. It taught us that we have to create the future or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for one another, because if we don't, who will? And that true strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely places. Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope, that there can always be new beginnings. Even for people like us. As for Delenn, every morning for as long as she lived, Delenn got up before dawn and watched the sun come up.
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