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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. http://sh-meet.bigpixel.cn/?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0
  2. That's because Marvel and Universal don't have the same working relationship that Marvel and Sony do, so no more Hulk movies for the time being.
  3. Two kinds of people in this world Winners, losers I lost my power in this world Because I did not use it And I go insane like I always do And I call your name, she's a lot like you Two kinds of trouble in this world Living, dying I lost my power in this world And the rumors are flying And I go insane like I always do And I call your name, she's a lot like you
  4. The first rule about Flute Club is that we do not talk about Flute Club!
  5. Greywind


    Wings beating the air, Kris threw herself off Jason's balcony. She quickly gained altitude. “Hey, Kris,” Jason called. Kris turned herself about, wings beating harder to hold her in place. Jason had a boyish grin. Kris couldn't recall the last time she'd seen him with one. “Yeah?” “I can see up your skirt from here.” She couldn't help but smile back at him. “Pervert,” she called back. “Love you.” “Love you back.” Kris turned back and headed toward the city. * * * * * Jason stood on the balcony, watching Kris slowly vanish into the distance. He stayed there long after she disappeared. His hand curled into a fist. He closed his eyes and exhaled. He forced his hand open and then opened his eyes. “You can't have her,” he said. Turning back into the apartment, Jason made his way to the bedroom. He opened the closet door and took out biking leathers. He disappeared those and then changed into them in a crimson flash. He took a motorcycle helmet off a hook and closed the closet door. With a crimson flash, his phone appeared in his hand. There were several text messages waiting. He selected one and responded with, “I'm on my way.”
  6. Makes me wonder if they know the value of those things.
  7. Don't recall that being an issue anywhere in any RPG. Michael Carpenter from The Dresden Files is Butcher's take on a paladin.
  8. Scott, take a page from Kull's book; "By this axe I rule!"
  9. Possibly Dracula with the Darkhold stories. Then they could fold Blade into the MCU. Just not with the Blade Trinity Dracula.
  10. The basic paladin follows Lawful and Good in equal measure. Not Lawful or Good depending on circumstances.
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