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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Leave Liefeld out of it. There are much better artists out there.
  2. http://time.com/4791258/game-of-thrones-george-r-r-martin-interview/ https://www.quora.com/What-is-George-R-R-Martin’s-role-in-HBOs-Game-of-Thrones-season-7
  3. I've never seen such violence over such small potatoes.
  4. Doesn't change the fact that Scott is the only one of the 4 to have survived.
  5. Greywind


    Catching his reflection in a piece of polished chrome, Jason brushed his fingers through his hair and checked to make sure his bow-tie was straight before slowly descending the stairs. His eyes scanned the crowd for the dress he had purchased and the woman whom he wanted to meet. Wending his way through the people, Jason's eye went from person to person. None of them sent the charge down his spine like the model on the runway had. Greetings and smiles, a few handshakes, but nowhere was the person of his interest. “Hi, there,” a woman said when he stopped at the bar to get a drink. “Mm, ginger ale. Living life dangerously.” Turning towards her, Jason's gaze traveled down her body covered in a red sheath dress, with matching shoes. Eyes returning to her face, her lips were rouged in the same shade as the dress. The color struck him as being entirely too bright for her. “The Babe Wore Red.” She frowned and cocked her head slightly to the side. “Excuse me?” “It's the title of a story,” Jason explained. “Oh. I'm Celeste. And you are?” she asked with a smile that reminded Jason of a shark about to bite. “Not interested. Excuse me,” he said, taking his drink, mingling, and continuing his search.
  6. If you try to escape or play any sort of games with me, I will taze you and watch "Supernanny" while you drool into the carpet.
  7. https://www.gateworld.net/news/2019/02/carmen-argenziano-1943-2019/ The veteran stage and screen actor died Saturday at the age of 75. Before he was cast as General Jacob Carter on Stargate SG-1 in 1998, science fiction fans already knew him as the Centauri Urza Jaddo, old friend to Londo Mollari, in the Babylon 5 episode “Knives.”
  8. As usual, I'm writing slowly because I know you can't read fast. Well, I guess that's a bear we all gotta cross.
  9. You know what the definition of a hero is? Someone that gets other people killed. You can look it up later.
  10. I believe that when we leave a place a part of it goes with us and part of us remains. Go anywhere in these halls, when it is quiet and just listen. After a while, you will hear the echoes of all of our conversations, every thought and word we've exchanged. Long after we are gone, our voices will linger in these walls for as long as this place remains. But I will admit that the part of me that is going will very much miss the part of you that is staying.
  11. Depends on at which point he is at in his career when introduced to the campaign.
  12. It's the challenge. Chicks dig the challenge.
  13. Greywind


    Jason watched until the portal closed and then descended slowly, settling back into the mud outside the cabin. He looked around at his friends, dirty, disheveled, and in most cases wounded. Whether with bruises, cuts, scrapes, or deeper injuries. Marlene stood in the doorway, smiling. He allowed himself a small smile in return, but in the dark doubted she could see it. “Where's Dani?” Trese asked. “Warren,” Jason said, “I need a towel. One of the big ones.” “No offense,” Warren responded, “but with everything we just went through I think we need a bit more proof of...” Jason's eyes began to glow. Then the stones hanging from necklaces and Warren's ring began to glow as well. Crimson light, power, emanated from Jason, expanding rapidly, blinding all of them. They felt their aches and their pains vanish. Ash's shoulder popped loudly back into its socket with a whimper from her. All their injuries rapidly healed within that orb of Jason's power. As the light faded and their vision cleared, they saw Jason slowly force himself up on his knees with one arm. Voice tight with pain, he said, “A towel. Please.” Jason grunted when his own shoulder resocketed. “And don't expect me to do that again.” He rocked back on his heels. “Ever.” Taking the asked for towel from Kate, Angelique stepped up to Jason. She held out her hand and helped him to stand. “A towel and,” her gaze dropped lower, “something to cover with,” she said with a smile. “Thanks, Angel,” he said with a warm smile. Taking the offered items, Jason disappeared both and then the shorts appeared on him with a crimson flash. His friends and comrades watched him. A few took tentative steps forward, only to have Jason turn away. He limped to Spellbinder. Her head was down and her back to them all. “What did you do, you old bastard?” Jason heard her whisper. I simply provided a spark. I left it to see if it would start a fire. She was crying and laughing at the same time. “You never compelled either of them.” “Adalene?” “I'm sorry.” Spellbinder forced herself to stand upright. She turned to face Jason. “I'm sorry. I was the one that made you and Sandy...” “I know.” “How?” She dropped her head, allowing her hood to hide her face. Lifting her chin, Jason brushed the hood back. Adalene looked up at him. The rain washing away her tears faster than they were falling. Motes of her magic fell with her tears, soaking into the ground. “What other reason did you have to be teaching at my high school?” “You knew?” “I figured it out a while ago. Arkayne wanted Marlene and me to stay apart for whatever reason. You had some type of relationship with him. It only made sense.” “I'm sorry,” she said again. “Did you have anything to do with her death?” “No!” She felt Jason's eye boring into her. “Did you have anything to do with my mother's death?” “No.” Jason's arms slipped around her, pulling her into an embrace. “We were happy, Adalene. We had things planned. We were happy. We were in love. In her memory I forgive you.” Her head fell against his chest. Sobs wracked her body as Jason held her. “Why?” “I told you before,” Jason said gently. “I am the Guardian of the First Gate, the first line of defense. I made you that promise. Nothing you have done, nothing you have said, makes me question that or my resolve.” In time, she pushed herself away. “I should go.” “No. There's plenty of room inside. You need to get cleaned up and rest.” “I need a drink.” Jason smiled at her. “Michaels!” “What?” Brad yelled back. “The lady needs a drink. You're the bartender.” “Asshole.” “Up yours, too, Brad.” Some laughed. Kris said, “Some things are normal.”
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