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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Star Trek: Disease or otherwise known as STD.
  2. Right up there with X-Men/Star Trek...
  3. Haven't seen Proditor in years.
  4. Sue dropped first. Storm women have a tendency to die young according to Johnny.
  5. More than likely, the Tesseract was an ongoing project with SHIELD/Hydra.
  6. They should have waited until after Endgame fixed the universe to announce that.
  7. Characters age, grow old, die, someone else takes up the mantle or they're forgotten as an urban legend.
  8. Honestly, I'd love to see a living world comic series. Hard to do on a monthly basis with limited pages. Main reason comics companies don't do this is Brand/Name Recognition and marketing.
  9. Black Panther Spider-Man Doctor Strange All dust, and yet all due for already announced sequels.
  10. Greywind


    Jason watched as the light faded from view. “Guess I was hungrier than I thought,” he said, turning his attention back to the pan on the stove. Turning the food with a spatula, Jason cut the heat and moved the pan to a cool burner. Reaching for a plate, Jason's eyes shot to the top of the stairs when a loud crack sounded through his loft. He set the spatula down. There was another crack that sounded like wood breaking. Jason began moving sideways to where he could get a clear view of the stairs, keeping his eyes turned that way. Another crack and plaster bounced down the stairs. The first thing he saw looked like the foot of a gorilla; bare pale human-colored flesh. The fur of the leg was reddish-orange. Redder than an orangutan's fur. As the thing descended the stairs, with plaster and dust coming along, the next thing of it Jason saw was a bone-spur jutting from its knee. It bent over, its face becoming visible below the ceiling line. Tusks jutted from its jaw. There was malevolent intelligence in its eyes. “You reek of her!” “That tends to happen when you play Tame the Wild Scruffy all night, Scruffy. I wasn't drunk last night and I sure as hell don't remember bringing you home. So, we'll skip over how the hell you got in here and go straight to what do you want?” Scruffy jumped from the stairs landing heavily on the floor. Wood cracked under its feet. Talons on its fingertips and bone-spurs jutted from its elbows. Scruffy stood around four feet tall and seemed twice as wide. “Kill you!” “Not much of a conversationalist, are you?” Scruffy charged. A blow from its massive fist sent Jason flying the length of the loft, stopped by his computer desk. Getting to his feet, Jason noticed the trickle of blood down his chest where the thing's talons had shredded his shirt. He tore that free and dropped it. Watching as the wounds on Jason's chest closed, Scruffy asked, “What are you?” in its guttural voice. Jason felt his control drop. His eyes were glowing red. Power was in his hands, begging for release. “Apparently, more than you were expecting.” Twin lances burned from Jason's palms and slammed Scruffy into the steel door of the loft, leaving a noticeable dent as it charged again. Jason spun, avoiding the brunt of Scruffy's shoulder. His knee shot up into its jaw. One tusk ejected, piercing the ceiling plaster. A backhand blow sent Jason into his dining table, breaking the back of a chair when he slammed through it. Up on one knee, Jason fired twin lances again. Scruffy blocked with a forearm, but Jason kept the power flowing. First one, and then the other broke through. Scruffy's arm melted. Then the beams worked on its chest until that started melting. The beams lost any resistance. One went through the desk, before joining the other going through the wall. Scruffy turned into some kind of slime that smelled worse than an open sewer. Jason cut his blasts. “Okay, Scruffy. Where did you scurry off to?” Jason moved slowly, skirting the puddle of goo. A cursory glance told him that his desk and all the electronics it housed would need replacing. “Time for an upgrade, Mentor.” A quick glance at the holes in the wall and Jason cursed. Glancing through he saw the damage didn't penetrate the building behind. “Saved a few bucks there, Scott.” Jason watched the puddle evaporate. The smell lingered.
  11. Greywind


    Angelique's hand slowly swept the bed. Turning her head she saw that the other pillow was empty. Her head was thick and throbbing. The dull ache of a hangover was an unwelcome guest on mornings like this, but not unexpected. Rolling over was a chore. Looking out through the skylight, Angelique could tell it was daytime, but the overcast sky hid the sun. She draped her arm over her eyes. Trying to remember the evening before, it only came in spurts. She recalled having dinner with Arthur. Then, later, a party of some sort. The more she pried at that the more her head pounded. Moving her hand slowly down her naked body, sensitive areas tingled letting her know that she would be tender for a few days at the very least. It happened like that sometimes. Bruises weren't uncommon depending on how rough the guy might have been with her. Not that it was ever something she had to deal with. Whoever she spent these types of nights with always ended up dead after she left. Sitting up slowly, Angelique caught her reflection in a mirror. Her exposed leg was still covered with a stocking. She hadn't noticed her belt still on when she had done her inspection. Another hammer-blow inside her head caused Angelique to close her eyes. Casting her eyes about the room, none of her clothes were apparent. Maybe downstairs. Standing slowly, she wrapped the bed sheet around herself. How do I know there is a downstairs? Heading towards the arch at the top of the stairs, Angelique noticed a picture frame lying face-down on the dresser. She lifted it up only to find Jason and Leah smiling at her. “No! Oh, Bright Lady, no!” She placed the frame back on the dresser. Feet slapping the risers, Angelique used the handrail to keep herself steady. Her vision was blurry. “I was wondering when you were planning on getting up,” Jason said. “I've got some lunch made. Are you crying?” “Bright Lady! I'm sorry! I'm sorry.” Angelique put her hand up with her fingers splayed. A violet light appeared, spinning slowly. Angelique jumped into the light and disappeared. The light itself faded.
  12. Greywind


    “Anywhere I can drop you?” Jason asked. Shaking her head slowly with a mischievous smile, Angelique said, “Mm uh. I'm a big girl. I don't have a curfew.” She ran her hands slowly across the leather upholstery of the limo. “So, what does the hostess get paid for her services?” Jason watched her as she slid forward on the seat and closer to him. “What do you have in mind?” Reaching out, Angelique took hold of Jason's tie, slid a leg to either side and straddled him. She looked him in the eyes before leaning close and nipping his bottom lip. Pushing her back to look at her, Jason said, “You're drunk.” “Maybe a little. Does it matter?” Angelique leaned back in and started kissing him. Jason found that, at that moment, it didn't matter.
  13. "I was there, at the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind. It began in the Earth year 2257 with the founding of the last of the Babylon stations..."
  14. I thought Winter Soldier was about how far you'd go to save a friend.
  15. Good luck, Captain. I think you're about to go where... everyone has gone before
  16. "You know, there was a time when I would've taken a bullet for you." "You already did. You will again, when it's useful."
  17. I know what love is cuz I watch talk shows. Love is the end of happiness!
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