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Everything posted by IndianaJoe3

  1. Barrier is probably overkill here. Change Environment (Precipitating to Non-Precipitating, AoE: 1m radius) for 1 point seems about right.
  2. I've often wondered aloud about why Hero doesn't run a Patreon similar to what Evil Hat did with FATE. (Last I heard, they were at least breaking even.) I'd certainly be willing to pay $5/month for a Hero product, even with minimalist production values. Lack of material? No obvious interest from the fan base? They ran the numbers privately and decided it wouldn't work? Only DoJ knows.
  3. It wouldn't even do that. China holds ~5% of US government debt. If they sold all their T-bills and refused to buy more, they'd lose money and some other government would buy it instead.
  4. For those that have been hesitant about making the investment, Tabletop Simulator is on sale for $10 until 12/3.
  5. I think that's the same guy Adam Savage used for his, "Iron Man" suit build.
  6. "Ultimate" is the 5e version. For 6e it's Hero System Archetypes. This book could provide a lot of value. You can fit a lot of templates and archetypes into 120 pages (for ~$20-25).
  7. This sounds very much like the, "Superhero Gallery" section of the Champions genre book, only scaled down to 300 points. I've toyed around with this idea as well but never got far. The archetypes I selected were: Blaster (Energy Projector) Brick Martial Artist Mentalist Powered Armor Weaponmaster I also wanted to add more detail to some of the skill and martial arts templates (no more, "30 points worth of...").
  8. Probably. Watch some of the 2-Gun Action Challenge videos at In Range TV. It's not actual combat, but they do try to impose physical or mental stress.
  9. It wasn't aliens. It was Foxbat! (All part of his master plan...)
  10. I'm kind of thinking aloud here, the more I think about it the less it seems like Resource Pools (although that's where I started) The, "loadout" rules would depend heavily on how magic works in your campaign. The caster would start with a certain amount of "free" spells, roughly equal to the real cost of a fighter's equipment. These spells would all be GM-created (much like equipment would be). If the player wants custom spells, or more spells, then he has to pay for them normally. The introductory spell list would cover the basics, but not be overly powerful. There should be enough to give the player a reasonable selection, but limited enough to give him incentive to spend more points on something special.
  11. Let me come at this from a different angle: have you considered adapting the Resource Pools from APG1?
  12. That was last year. He hasn't mentioned anything specific on FB lately.
  13. I thought about that, but Speed changes are overly complex for the power as described.
  14. This sounds like a Presence Attack.
  15. It's built as a combination of Extradimensional Movement (UAA) to put stuff into the bag and Stretching (Extradimensional) to pull stuff out. (FHC 243).
  16. Forgotten Weapons had this 10-gauge revolver a few days ago.
  17. Aren't a large number of charitable non-profit organizations also tax-exempt?
  18. This is pretty well-developed technology. The first Pegasus was launched in 1990.
  19. Darth Vader's laundry is the dark load of the Sith.
  20. I think the relevant difference (at least with this example) is the consequences for failure. The guests may not notice (or care) if there is dust under the couch or smudges on the coffee table, but the cops will be looking everywhere for evidence and dusting for prints.
  21. Oh. Right. I prefer the Multipower version because it's a clean build and RAW. If that won't work (because it has to fit inside another Power Framework), the custom Advantage is probably the cleaner option.
  22. Late to the party, but here are my suggestions for a hypothetical 7e. Create an SRD. This will be less of a functional game than a statement of principles and default assumptions. The core rules will follow these. Heavily prune the skill list. It's bloated and overly specific in many cases. Some skills may be rebuilt as Talents. Change Environment can be used to add or remove penalties, but only for defined environmental effects. "Create Light" is now here. Images will only be used to create an image of something. No, "Images, only to create light." That's an environmental effect. I am debating whether Size Change Powers would be better suited as Multiform. Power Defense will be replaced by GM-defined, "Exotic Defense." If poisons or magic are prominent in a campaign, then the GM can define Poison or Magic Defense. There will be a new section for, "Composite Powers." It is, fundamentally, powers built from other powers. Transfer would be one example, Reach would be another. I'd probably also completely redo the default setting. Hero needs to be in charge of its own universe.
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