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  • Gender
  • Location
    Indiana, USA
  • Interests
    RPG Gaming, Papercrafting terrain/buildings for tabletop gaming, board games, war games, computer games, Reading Sci-Fi and Fantasy.
  • Biography
    Old gamer, closing in on early retirement. started gaming with basic D&D, then AD&D 1e. Started Hero with Champions 2e, mostly played 4e but with the new campaign, decided to move up to 6e since the whole table was having issues recalling the rules....so, great time to learn the new ones!
  • Occupation
    Network Administrator

FLBurnsGM's Achievements

  1. Managed to figure out how/where to import talents (there are two load prefabs, one under PREFABS tab), but still at a loss for how to load package deals.
  2. I am very confused. Bought the Pulp Adventures Character pack. I see three new Talents (animal friendship, hotshot pilot, inspire) in the unzipped file but I cannot figure out how to either add them to a character or better yet, permanently add them to the Talents list. I read through the manual, but how to use character packs was short and generic, and sadly, I kinda need a more detailed walkthrough of how to use these. Also, noticed there is a plugin folder when Designer is unzipped...what constitutes a plugin and goes there?
  3. HeroGM, The file is called RPM_OfficialCharacterSheet6e It does not list martial arts under powers and equipment, yet shows points spent in them (I show 12, which matches the designer). Also noticed Perks are listed with just Fringe Benefits, with no list of WHAT was purchased. Found one that works and is even better for my table of older players (larger text on more pages..2 front and back) 6E HTML Tasha's Ultimate Character Sheet v1.6.1 Serif n blue. Two sheets front and back, photo. Looks good
  4. Thanks for the reply. I'll keep doing it by skipping or holding phases. Software is great so far, not having to do constant rolls in cases of ties which happens a lot in low-power games.
  5. Moved the templates for combat from HCM to HD and ran export. Worked first try! Thanks again for the help.
  6. Is there a method to skip an entire phase for everyone? The only way I can find to do this is hold, activity, hold, activity over and over until everyone holds and it asks to go to the next phase. I am not really using HCM to its full abilities, but playing a low-skill/stat campaign with a lot of identical SPD and DEX that have to be randomized each phase, so a skip phase option would be great.
  7. This one is great, BUT for some reason Martial Arts options do not show under powers. I have 19pts under powers (that match the character) but no explanation what they are. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  8. Thank you. I found the combat exporter, did not realize I it was in HCM and had to be moved to HD to create a readable export. VERY new at the software, still reading manuals and trying things out.
  9. Thanks. Found a few RTF ones, almost settled on one of the RTM ones (it looks like the one in the book with rounded corners), but there is a bug...it lists powers costs, but no powers (I have 4 combat maneuvers). Can you suggest an RTF form? I turn off UAC. But will try moving the directory to a different drive and see if that helps.
  10. following the procedure on page 30 of hero designer, there is no export template shown? Is this something I have to download from here like I did the character export sheets or is it something i am missing? Tring to pull 2 pc's and an NPC into combat manager, but am stuck on the export step. Please forgive the barrage of questions, my group just picked up the designer and combat manager for me today and I am still learning. So far, love the Hero Designer, other than printing not being part of it like earlier editions (Last one I used was Hero Creator).
  11. So far, downloaded four different sheets. Look great on screen, but some of us prefer a printed copy. Whatever I do the printed page comes out wonky....parts of two pages on one, headers of the next page on the previous. Can someone recommend one of the many available templates that actually is formatted for 8.x11" US Letter? Also, do the default directories actually work? I set the directory for characters to one I created, go to open the character and it defaults to downloads and I have to browse back to the actual folder. I created and set an export folder, Hero Designer cheerfully ignores this and dumps completed HTML files in the main directory. What am I doing wrong?
  12. I know this is way old, but on the skills/perks/martial arts page (page 2), I have a broken image link in the upper right hand corner.
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