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Rich McGee

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  1. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Mr. R in My conversions (formerly Builds of 2018)   
    Yes, I can do something about the weather
    Despite the name, she's your usual stormer type.
    To power up-  Dex 21 and SPD 5.  Then bring MP to 60 AP (90 with the Indirect).  If still not enough more slots in the MP may be in order!
  2. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Ninja-Bear in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    Me too!
  3. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    If you ever accomplish even one of those goals you're doing better than I am.   
  4. Thanks
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Supers Image game   
    Complaints, complaints.  The burning in your eyes and the throbbing headache will pass when you finish your entry.  It's supposed to be a challenge, and so it is. 
    So here's my take on him:
    Mangorilla's latest rampage had been going on for about ten minutes when the first superhero showed up on the scene.  The big ape-man had snatched a police car off the ground and was just starting to swing it down on the pair of officers who'd been crouched behind it when a streak of color flashed by.  A pair of red-gloved hands wrenched his improvised weapon loose in passing, setting it down gently as the super touched down a few yards away.  Staggering, the furious villain wheeled around...and stopped cold in surprise as he saw his opponent.
    "Who the hell are you?" Mangorilla grunted, a sneer spreading across his bestial features.
    "Hadn't really decided on that yet, but it didn't seem like the right time to worry about a supranym with lives in danger.  Let's just say I'm the guy who's going to put you back in jail."
    "Ha!  Big talk, but I suppose you have to be pretty gutsy just to go out in public like that!"
    "Seriously?  You're going with that?"
    "Better get used to it until you get a better tailor.  What were you thinking with that costume?  I thought the Particolored Man was an eyesore, but you - I'll be doing you a favor beating you senseless before the news crews show up so you're not caught on camera like that."
    The newcomer sighed as Mangorilla leapt forward, furry fists swinging - and then he stepped forward, delivered a single efficient uppercut and stepped aside as the unconscious brute collapsed in an untidy heap.
    "Well, that could have gone worse." he thought as the police advanced warily.  "He should be out for a while, officers.  If you want I can deliver him somewhere?"
    "Uh, no, we've got backup on the way with a containment truck and lifting equipment." the sergeant replied.  He looked askance at the unfamiliar super.  "You new at this?  I don't recognize you and that costume's...uh...pretty distinctive."
    The hero sighed again.  "Yes, this is my first time in public.  Went through some MONITOR training when I realized I had powers, and they did a lot of testing before they figured out what I could do exactly."
    "Well, MONITOR knows their stuff, but...did they talk to you about, y'know, PR and stuff?  That stuff's pretty important for you supers in the long run."
    "This is about the costume, isn't it?"
    The sergeant's partner desperately smothered a laugh.  "Well, you have to admit it's...pretty colorful.  Wait, is this one of those alien super-suit deals where you get your powers from it?  Like that schoolteacher back in the Seventies?  I didn't mean to..."
    "No, it's not quite that simple.  But MONITOR told me not to talk about it too much, so..."
    At that moment a news van squealed to a halt nearby, the cameraman leaping out with his rig already running.  As he swept the camera around the scene he froze as the most garishly-dressed super he'd ever seen came into his viewfinder.  And laughed.  A dark-haired reporter kicked his shin as she advanced, microphone in hand.  "Hello there. I'm Mary Morgan from TV12 news and I'd like an interview.  I'm afraid I don't recognize you, sir.  May I ask what your supranym is for the viewers at home?"
    The hero restrained a sigh this time and looked down at his brilliantly-colored outfit, complete with that godawful belt buckle logo and the fake muscles.  Well, fine, he'd known this going to be a problem, so he might as well lean into it.  Besides, he'd always liked his dad's ZZ Top albums.
    "Well, ma'am, you can just call me the Sharp-Dressed Man."
    Mitch Salvatore discovered he had superpowers on Halloween night.  It was a complete accident.  His parents had never celebrated the holiday and he'd grown up without all the costumes and trick-or-treating and pumpkin-carving stuff.  But when a co-worker invited him to costume party on October 31st he'd thrown together a lame superhero costume using some gym shorts, a towel for a cape and a stupid lightning logo pinned to his chest just to fit in.  That turned out to be fortunate when a couple of muggers jumped him (and his date the Sexy Librarian) on the way to the party.  The first one broke three fingers when he punched Mitch in the nose (which remained very unbroken) and the second one broke his flip knife on that stupid paper logo like it was hardened steel.  Mitch was surprised but not dumb, and discovered he could pick two grown men up and knock their heads together without a struggle.  Also had to be careful about not cracking his girlfriend's ribs when he gave her a triumphant hug afterward.
    It was much later that night he discovered his powers vanished when he was naked, but that's between him and the Sexy Librarian.  They also didn't seem to work when he showered and dressed the next day - until he tried pinning on his "cape" again, and then he was stronger than normal but not on par with last night, and he still nicked himself shaving.
    Thoroughly confused, he called a 900 number for MONITOR's "superpower breakout" hotline, and within a few hours he was enrolled in their testing and training program while their experts tried to figure things out.  It wasn't long before they decided he had what they called a "psychosomatic power set" that was tied to some element of his subconscious and how it regarded his current wardrobe.  His impromptu Halloween costume had granted him "street level" hero abilities, but after some time (well, a lot - months worth) the scientists found he had a lot more potential than just that.  A whole lot more.  They eventually found that his subconscious preformed at absolute optimum when he was wearing...well, look at that image.  
    It was almost enough to put him off the whole idea of hero work, but MONITOR could be pretty persistent with someone whose peak performance was up in the top 1% of known supers.  Mitch was eventually convinced to "do the right thing" as his trainers put it, and has begun making a name for himself as the Sharp-Dressed Man.  A silly name, and one connected to a ludicrous costume, but he's still doing good deeds and saving people from danger.
    The Sharp-Dressed Man is a classic FISS and ranks well up in the top tier in terms of power level when he's in full costume, as well as having the ability to electrify himself at will, with voltages ranging from merely stunning to a full-on lightning bolt.  His outfit is as indestructible as he is, making disrobing him in combat fairly tricky even for those who understand his powers - which are still fairly few.  His extended testing period with MONITOR also led him to getting a lot of training time, so he's quite a bit more clued-in to how the supers community really works than most relative newbies.
    That same testing period found that he can manifest weaker but still useful levels of power without the full costume.  A simple belt with that logo grants him about the same street-level strength and toughness as he originally manifested, as well as enough electrical generation to sting, mess up most electronics, jump-start a car or recharge his phone, although he can't fly.  Adding a domino mask almost doubles his durability and physical strength as well as speeding his reaction time, and accessorizing with red gloves (even less tacky ones) help even more.  No matter how "dressed" he is he can't seem to fly without the tights and boots, and he's not great at it unless in the full costume.
    Perhaps not the most serious of concepts, but it's way better than getting random powers from a rotary phone dial many readers today will never have seen. 
  5. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from tkdguy in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    If you ever accomplish even one of those goals you're doing better than I am.   
  6. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to tkdguy in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    I have seen luck dice in play watching a few solo games on YouTube, mainly for avoiding death or adding damage to a strike. I may use it in my solo games, but I'm not totally sold on it. I definitely could have used that idea a few decades ago. My solution was to use a "three strikes, you're out" rule. A character in my games could escape death or permanent injury twice, but the third instance stuck. 
    On a different note, there are a couple of gaming-related things I need to do while I have the time, in no particular order:
    * Take stock of my resources. I have a lot of maps, modules, supplies, etc. I bought a lot of them and crafted a few more. I haven't even used some of the stuff. I need to look at what I already have so I don't end up buying stuff I don't actually need.
    * Finish my projects. I have a bunch of ideas, but I haven't had much motivation in completing my projects. My workspace is a mess, and I've got too much junk lying about. Time to finish what I've started and clean up a bit.
  7. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Old Man in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    Actually started in 4e, along with the healing surge mechanics that 5e modified into...was it Hit Dice?  I skipped the edition past playtesting and memory is hazy.  Acted as a soft maximum limit on healing per day/long rest.  13th Age (which is a spinoff of 4e the way Pathfinder was a spinoff of 3.5) uses a similar mechanic, as well as a mechanic called the Escalation Die that would be trivially easy to port over to 5e (or any WotC-era D&D, really) without catastrophically skewing the math.  The ED is very helpful at accelerating combats and preventing a slog at the end of a fight, which makes it a good choice for S&S where fights don't drag out.  You can see it under the combat rules on the 13th Age SRD. 
  8. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Old Man in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    The biggest healing change in 5e (for me, having skipped 3e and 4e) that enables this is the short rest healing mechanic.  This approximately doubles a character's hit points for a given session.  Couple that with the fact that damage generally doesn't affect characters until they reach 0HP and you have a pretty cinematic game going.
    That said you'd still have to tune the adversaries some.  In the 5e campaign I played, my paladin often wound up spending combats running around playing tag with his lay on hands.
  9. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Old Man in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    My bad.  I should have typed "mostly dead".
  10. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from DShomshak in Supers Image game   
    Complaints, complaints.  The burning in your eyes and the throbbing headache will pass when you finish your entry.  It's supposed to be a challenge, and so it is. 
    So here's my take on him:
    Mangorilla's latest rampage had been going on for about ten minutes when the first superhero showed up on the scene.  The big ape-man had snatched a police car off the ground and was just starting to swing it down on the pair of officers who'd been crouched behind it when a streak of color flashed by.  A pair of red-gloved hands wrenched his improvised weapon loose in passing, setting it down gently as the super touched down a few yards away.  Staggering, the furious villain wheeled around...and stopped cold in surprise as he saw his opponent.
    "Who the hell are you?" Mangorilla grunted, a sneer spreading across his bestial features.
    "Hadn't really decided on that yet, but it didn't seem like the right time to worry about a supranym with lives in danger.  Let's just say I'm the guy who's going to put you back in jail."
    "Ha!  Big talk, but I suppose you have to be pretty gutsy just to go out in public like that!"
    "Seriously?  You're going with that?"
    "Better get used to it until you get a better tailor.  What were you thinking with that costume?  I thought the Particolored Man was an eyesore, but you - I'll be doing you a favor beating you senseless before the news crews show up so you're not caught on camera like that."
    The newcomer sighed as Mangorilla leapt forward, furry fists swinging - and then he stepped forward, delivered a single efficient uppercut and stepped aside as the unconscious brute collapsed in an untidy heap.
    "Well, that could have gone worse." he thought as the police advanced warily.  "He should be out for a while, officers.  If you want I can deliver him somewhere?"
    "Uh, no, we've got backup on the way with a containment truck and lifting equipment." the sergeant replied.  He looked askance at the unfamiliar super.  "You new at this?  I don't recognize you and that costume's...uh...pretty distinctive."
    The hero sighed again.  "Yes, this is my first time in public.  Went through some MONITOR training when I realized I had powers, and they did a lot of testing before they figured out what I could do exactly."
    "Well, MONITOR knows their stuff, but...did they talk to you about, y'know, PR and stuff?  That stuff's pretty important for you supers in the long run."
    "This is about the costume, isn't it?"
    The sergeant's partner desperately smothered a laugh.  "Well, you have to admit it's...pretty colorful.  Wait, is this one of those alien super-suit deals where you get your powers from it?  Like that schoolteacher back in the Seventies?  I didn't mean to..."
    "No, it's not quite that simple.  But MONITOR told me not to talk about it too much, so..."
    At that moment a news van squealed to a halt nearby, the cameraman leaping out with his rig already running.  As he swept the camera around the scene he froze as the most garishly-dressed super he'd ever seen came into his viewfinder.  And laughed.  A dark-haired reporter kicked his shin as she advanced, microphone in hand.  "Hello there. I'm Mary Morgan from TV12 news and I'd like an interview.  I'm afraid I don't recognize you, sir.  May I ask what your supranym is for the viewers at home?"
    The hero restrained a sigh this time and looked down at his brilliantly-colored outfit, complete with that godawful belt buckle logo and the fake muscles.  Well, fine, he'd known this going to be a problem, so he might as well lean into it.  Besides, he'd always liked his dad's ZZ Top albums.
    "Well, ma'am, you can just call me the Sharp-Dressed Man."
    Mitch Salvatore discovered he had superpowers on Halloween night.  It was a complete accident.  His parents had never celebrated the holiday and he'd grown up without all the costumes and trick-or-treating and pumpkin-carving stuff.  But when a co-worker invited him to costume party on October 31st he'd thrown together a lame superhero costume using some gym shorts, a towel for a cape and a stupid lightning logo pinned to his chest just to fit in.  That turned out to be fortunate when a couple of muggers jumped him (and his date the Sexy Librarian) on the way to the party.  The first one broke three fingers when he punched Mitch in the nose (which remained very unbroken) and the second one broke his flip knife on that stupid paper logo like it was hardened steel.  Mitch was surprised but not dumb, and discovered he could pick two grown men up and knock their heads together without a struggle.  Also had to be careful about not cracking his girlfriend's ribs when he gave her a triumphant hug afterward.
    It was much later that night he discovered his powers vanished when he was naked, but that's between him and the Sexy Librarian.  They also didn't seem to work when he showered and dressed the next day - until he tried pinning on his "cape" again, and then he was stronger than normal but not on par with last night, and he still nicked himself shaving.
    Thoroughly confused, he called a 900 number for MONITOR's "superpower breakout" hotline, and within a few hours he was enrolled in their testing and training program while their experts tried to figure things out.  It wasn't long before they decided he had what they called a "psychosomatic power set" that was tied to some element of his subconscious and how it regarded his current wardrobe.  His impromptu Halloween costume had granted him "street level" hero abilities, but after some time (well, a lot - months worth) the scientists found he had a lot more potential than just that.  A whole lot more.  They eventually found that his subconscious preformed at absolute optimum when he was wearing...well, look at that image.  
    It was almost enough to put him off the whole idea of hero work, but MONITOR could be pretty persistent with someone whose peak performance was up in the top 1% of known supers.  Mitch was eventually convinced to "do the right thing" as his trainers put it, and has begun making a name for himself as the Sharp-Dressed Man.  A silly name, and one connected to a ludicrous costume, but he's still doing good deeds and saving people from danger.
    The Sharp-Dressed Man is a classic FISS and ranks well up in the top tier in terms of power level when he's in full costume, as well as having the ability to electrify himself at will, with voltages ranging from merely stunning to a full-on lightning bolt.  His outfit is as indestructible as he is, making disrobing him in combat fairly tricky even for those who understand his powers - which are still fairly few.  His extended testing period with MONITOR also led him to getting a lot of training time, so he's quite a bit more clued-in to how the supers community really works than most relative newbies.
    That same testing period found that he can manifest weaker but still useful levels of power without the full costume.  A simple belt with that logo grants him about the same street-level strength and toughness as he originally manifested, as well as enough electrical generation to sting, mess up most electronics, jump-start a car or recharge his phone, although he can't fly.  Adding a domino mask almost doubles his durability and physical strength as well as speeding his reaction time, and accessorizing with red gloves (even less tacky ones) help even more.  No matter how "dressed" he is he can't seem to fly without the tights and boots, and he's not great at it unless in the full costume.
    Perhaps not the most serious of concepts, but it's way better than getting random powers from a rotary phone dial many readers today will never have seen. 
  11. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to LoneWolf in Armor Piercing vs Penetrating   
    Why do we need to eliminate either of them?  There is nothing wrong with having more options, both advantages have their place.  The whole point of the Hero System is that you can build any power you want.  Some attacks are better built as AP others may work better as PEN. 
    As to the cost difference AP attacks are more useful on higher dice attacks, where PEN works well on low dice attacks. Putting AP on a low dice attack gives you less bang for the buck then PEN as the target with decent DEF can still often bounce the attack.  PEN on the other hand becomes less effective at higher dice.   
  12. Thanks
    Rich McGee reacted to BoloOfEarth in Supers Image game   
    Rich McGee, all I can say is:  
    Especially loved the reference to the Greatest American Hero.
    Okay, I've copied down the text and picture, and will absolutely have him appear in my Champions campaign.  I'm sure my players will get a kick out of him.
  13. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to tkdguy in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    The default MERP setting is just after the Great Plague. Angmar is very much an active participant in the scene, although there won't be another major war for a couple more centuries. 
    Boromir's PC had to drop out of the campaign due to real-life issues. When he was able to rejoin the game, he decided to retire his old character and create a new one: Faramir.
  14. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Quackhell in Supers Image game   
    Complaints, complaints.  The burning in your eyes and the throbbing headache will pass when you finish your entry.  It's supposed to be a challenge, and so it is. 
    So here's my take on him:
    Mangorilla's latest rampage had been going on for about ten minutes when the first superhero showed up on the scene.  The big ape-man had snatched a police car off the ground and was just starting to swing it down on the pair of officers who'd been crouched behind it when a streak of color flashed by.  A pair of red-gloved hands wrenched his improvised weapon loose in passing, setting it down gently as the super touched down a few yards away.  Staggering, the furious villain wheeled around...and stopped cold in surprise as he saw his opponent.
    "Who the hell are you?" Mangorilla grunted, a sneer spreading across his bestial features.
    "Hadn't really decided on that yet, but it didn't seem like the right time to worry about a supranym with lives in danger.  Let's just say I'm the guy who's going to put you back in jail."
    "Ha!  Big talk, but I suppose you have to be pretty gutsy just to go out in public like that!"
    "Seriously?  You're going with that?"
    "Better get used to it until you get a better tailor.  What were you thinking with that costume?  I thought the Particolored Man was an eyesore, but you - I'll be doing you a favor beating you senseless before the news crews show up so you're not caught on camera like that."
    The newcomer sighed as Mangorilla leapt forward, furry fists swinging - and then he stepped forward, delivered a single efficient uppercut and stepped aside as the unconscious brute collapsed in an untidy heap.
    "Well, that could have gone worse." he thought as the police advanced warily.  "He should be out for a while, officers.  If you want I can deliver him somewhere?"
    "Uh, no, we've got backup on the way with a containment truck and lifting equipment." the sergeant replied.  He looked askance at the unfamiliar super.  "You new at this?  I don't recognize you and that costume's...uh...pretty distinctive."
    The hero sighed again.  "Yes, this is my first time in public.  Went through some MONITOR training when I realized I had powers, and they did a lot of testing before they figured out what I could do exactly."
    "Well, MONITOR knows their stuff, but...did they talk to you about, y'know, PR and stuff?  That stuff's pretty important for you supers in the long run."
    "This is about the costume, isn't it?"
    The sergeant's partner desperately smothered a laugh.  "Well, you have to admit it's...pretty colorful.  Wait, is this one of those alien super-suit deals where you get your powers from it?  Like that schoolteacher back in the Seventies?  I didn't mean to..."
    "No, it's not quite that simple.  But MONITOR told me not to talk about it too much, so..."
    At that moment a news van squealed to a halt nearby, the cameraman leaping out with his rig already running.  As he swept the camera around the scene he froze as the most garishly-dressed super he'd ever seen came into his viewfinder.  And laughed.  A dark-haired reporter kicked his shin as she advanced, microphone in hand.  "Hello there. I'm Mary Morgan from TV12 news and I'd like an interview.  I'm afraid I don't recognize you, sir.  May I ask what your supranym is for the viewers at home?"
    The hero restrained a sigh this time and looked down at his brilliantly-colored outfit, complete with that godawful belt buckle logo and the fake muscles.  Well, fine, he'd known this going to be a problem, so he might as well lean into it.  Besides, he'd always liked his dad's ZZ Top albums.
    "Well, ma'am, you can just call me the Sharp-Dressed Man."
    Mitch Salvatore discovered he had superpowers on Halloween night.  It was a complete accident.  His parents had never celebrated the holiday and he'd grown up without all the costumes and trick-or-treating and pumpkin-carving stuff.  But when a co-worker invited him to costume party on October 31st he'd thrown together a lame superhero costume using some gym shorts, a towel for a cape and a stupid lightning logo pinned to his chest just to fit in.  That turned out to be fortunate when a couple of muggers jumped him (and his date the Sexy Librarian) on the way to the party.  The first one broke three fingers when he punched Mitch in the nose (which remained very unbroken) and the second one broke his flip knife on that stupid paper logo like it was hardened steel.  Mitch was surprised but not dumb, and discovered he could pick two grown men up and knock their heads together without a struggle.  Also had to be careful about not cracking his girlfriend's ribs when he gave her a triumphant hug afterward.
    It was much later that night he discovered his powers vanished when he was naked, but that's between him and the Sexy Librarian.  They also didn't seem to work when he showered and dressed the next day - until he tried pinning on his "cape" again, and then he was stronger than normal but not on par with last night, and he still nicked himself shaving.
    Thoroughly confused, he called a 900 number for MONITOR's "superpower breakout" hotline, and within a few hours he was enrolled in their testing and training program while their experts tried to figure things out.  It wasn't long before they decided he had what they called a "psychosomatic power set" that was tied to some element of his subconscious and how it regarded his current wardrobe.  His impromptu Halloween costume had granted him "street level" hero abilities, but after some time (well, a lot - months worth) the scientists found he had a lot more potential than just that.  A whole lot more.  They eventually found that his subconscious preformed at absolute optimum when he was wearing...well, look at that image.  
    It was almost enough to put him off the whole idea of hero work, but MONITOR could be pretty persistent with someone whose peak performance was up in the top 1% of known supers.  Mitch was eventually convinced to "do the right thing" as his trainers put it, and has begun making a name for himself as the Sharp-Dressed Man.  A silly name, and one connected to a ludicrous costume, but he's still doing good deeds and saving people from danger.
    The Sharp-Dressed Man is a classic FISS and ranks well up in the top tier in terms of power level when he's in full costume, as well as having the ability to electrify himself at will, with voltages ranging from merely stunning to a full-on lightning bolt.  His outfit is as indestructible as he is, making disrobing him in combat fairly tricky even for those who understand his powers - which are still fairly few.  His extended testing period with MONITOR also led him to getting a lot of training time, so he's quite a bit more clued-in to how the supers community really works than most relative newbies.
    That same testing period found that he can manifest weaker but still useful levels of power without the full costume.  A simple belt with that logo grants him about the same street-level strength and toughness as he originally manifested, as well as enough electrical generation to sting, mess up most electronics, jump-start a car or recharge his phone, although he can't fly.  Adding a domino mask almost doubles his durability and physical strength as well as speeding his reaction time, and accessorizing with red gloves (even less tacky ones) help even more.  No matter how "dressed" he is he can't seem to fly without the tights and boots, and he's not great at it unless in the full costume.
    Perhaps not the most serious of concepts, but it's way better than getting random powers from a rotary phone dial many readers today will never have seen. 
  15. Haha
    Rich McGee got a reaction from tkdguy in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    Let's ask Boromir about that. 
  16. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to death tribble in Supers Image game   
    Which is why I tried to kick it into action again
  17. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Quackhell in Supers Image game   
    Hopefully it stays active for more than a few cycles this time around.  Going back through old posts it's been through rather a lot of hiatuses over the years.
  18. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Quackhell in Supers Image game   
    Thanks to everyone for their takes on the pic and the quick responses. So good to see this thread active again after being dormant for a time.
    While I really liked the detail and world building of Rich McGee's entry I am going to go with wcw43921 as the winner. Guess I am just a sucker for a tragic backstory. 
  19. Thanks
    Rich McGee got a reaction from tkdguy in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    My ideal MERP game never gets near any of the characters in the books and just uses the setting (much like my ideal Star Wars RPG session), but I could see this working for one-shots that throw canon in a wood chipper.  The question is what they'd actually be doing in those one-shots.  The Fellowship's a weird mix of people outside of the story (and doesn't stick together long even there) and even if you just treated them like a D&D adventuring party where would they be hunting for treasure and fighting monsters?  Moria, the Misty Mountains and the Mirkwood suggest themselves, but the opposition feels like it get pretty same-y pretty fast.
  20. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Tjack in Supers Image game   
    Granted, some of the Fourth World/Eternals stuff could be pretty out there. But the costumes of the Fantastic Four & Challengers of the Unknown are classics. Clean and simple, copied by everyone.  The era of the ‘60’s and ‘70s fashions and art were equally ugly and probably had a lot to do with all that 
        I’m just getting in the habit of sticking up for Jack Kirby since he didn’t get the recognition he deserved from the MCU movies until recently.
  21. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Tjack in Supers Image game   
    Don’t go dissin’ “King” Kirby ‘round here.
  22. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Supers Image game   
    Okay, I'm in.  Once again I refuse to do the obvious despite humming They Might Be Giants' "Particle Man" the whole time I was doing this writeup.  Instead, two different sets of obscure references for added inspiration:
    EMT Maxwell Morgan received his powers by pure happenstance while tending to civilian casualties from the Cosmo-God Omegos' attack on New York City.  Caught in a wave of energies refracted through the Prism Absolute, he found himself able to control a spectrum of exotic energies hitherto unknown to Earthly science.  Adopting the heroic identity of Primary, he now uses his fantastic abilities to help protect the innocent from superhuman threats and heal those injured in body, mind and soul.     His circle of friends and fellow ambulance service volunteers are still unaware of his dual identity, but the struggle to balance his responsibilities between the two roles grows harder every day.  The situation is further complicated by invitations to join no less than three hero teams, all of who are offering to help train him in the use of complex power set - something Maxwell feels he badly needs, as he's getting a bit overwhelmed with the whole hero gig.   As Primary he displays a remarkable range of abilities, although he can only manifest one group of them at a time, with the color aura radiating from his forehead changing to match his current mode.  Each color offers a very different set of powers:   Blue - Enhanced intelligence and problem-solving, potent telepathy and telekinesis Red - Augmented physical strength and durability, coherent light and heat projection  Yellow - Creation of simple but durable energy constructs, radiant light emission that heals injuries (physical or otherwise) while dealing terrible damage to supernatural entities of malign nature   Switching between power sets is near-instantaneous but requires concentration that he doesn't always have to spare during a crisis.   Maxwell wasn't the only person to have been accidentally empowered the day Omegos was defeated.  He's clashed several times with a casually larcenous time manipulator/speedster calling herself Clockstopper who radiates an aura of orange light that resonates with his own when in red or yellow mode.  He's also experienced similar resonance while being attacked by a villain known as the Unquiet, a glowing green spectral entity who can appear and vanish along with its undead minions in a miasma of purple energy.  Who these villains were before their transformation and what their connection to Primary may lead to is an ongoing mystery.  
  23. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Doc Democracy in Create Area Full Of Water   
    Going to jump the shark....
    I propose Summon.  Create the most passive, non aggressive Water Elemental.  It appears, goes to where you want it and stays there.  All it has is size.  Should be pretty cheap....
  24. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Scott Ruggels in Involuntary vacation   
    waits, and checks his watch.
  25. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in Supers Image game   
    Okay, I'm in.  Once again I refuse to do the obvious despite humming They Might Be Giants' "Particle Man" the whole time I was doing this writeup.  Instead, two different sets of obscure references for added inspiration:
    EMT Maxwell Morgan received his powers by pure happenstance while tending to civilian casualties from the Cosmo-God Omegos' attack on New York City.  Caught in a wave of energies refracted through the Prism Absolute, he found himself able to control a spectrum of exotic energies hitherto unknown to Earthly science.  Adopting the heroic identity of Primary, he now uses his fantastic abilities to help protect the innocent from superhuman threats and heal those injured in body, mind and soul.     His circle of friends and fellow ambulance service volunteers are still unaware of his dual identity, but the struggle to balance his responsibilities between the two roles grows harder every day.  The situation is further complicated by invitations to join no less than three hero teams, all of who are offering to help train him in the use of complex power set - something Maxwell feels he badly needs, as he's getting a bit overwhelmed with the whole hero gig.   As Primary he displays a remarkable range of abilities, although he can only manifest one group of them at a time, with the color aura radiating from his forehead changing to match his current mode.  Each color offers a very different set of powers:   Blue - Enhanced intelligence and problem-solving, potent telepathy and telekinesis Red - Augmented physical strength and durability, coherent light and heat projection  Yellow - Creation of simple but durable energy constructs, radiant light emission that heals injuries (physical or otherwise) while dealing terrible damage to supernatural entities of malign nature   Switching between power sets is near-instantaneous but requires concentration that he doesn't always have to spare during a crisis.   Maxwell wasn't the only person to have been accidentally empowered the day Omegos was defeated.  He's clashed several times with a casually larcenous time manipulator/speedster calling herself Clockstopper who radiates an aura of orange light that resonates with his own when in red or yellow mode.  He's also experienced similar resonance while being attacked by a villain known as the Unquiet, a glowing green spectral entity who can appear and vanish along with its undead minions in a miasma of purple energy.  Who these villains were before their transformation and what their connection to Primary may lead to is an ongoing mystery.  
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