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Rich McGee

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  1. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Steve in Fantasy Immersion and the Things that Ruin it.   
    It’s still getting updated regularly on Patreon, but the website seems to have issues.
  2. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Michael Struck in New Image Game   
    Al-Rukhkh, "The Roc", is an Azerbaijani hero/villain who grows to over 10 meters tall, has incredible strength, a considerable number of enhanced senses, and flight (though the powers are not from the costume, which neither has nor conveys any power).
    Given Azerbaijan's high levels of corruption, violence, repression, etc., the government considers al-Rukhkh a criminal because he fights for justice and freedom. Most people have the opposite opinion of them, of course.
    No-one has any idea what their Secret Identity is. That's because they doesn't have one - - - they has chosen to remain as "al-Rukhkh" at all times, ready at any instant to rescue, help, or protect anyone needing such, or to hinder and foil (though very rarely directly fight) the forces of oppression.

    Edit: Oops, I think that's a fourth submission. Sorry.
  3. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Stanley Teriaca in Superhero Team Concepts   
    The Gunsight Boyz: Supervillain team who are also rappers.
    Any group which is, of course, created as a supervillain team can be defined also as a superhero team. Just mod the psychological complications.
  4. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in Non-Middle Age "traditional" Fantasy settings   
    Only two sessions, but it wasn't for lack of interest.  Had a family health crisis and haven't managed to get back to it.  If you're familiar with Chaosium's BRP game engine it feels very natural, and the setting (despite being fairly exotic from a modern POV) is much easier to explain than Glorantha (much as I like it).
    There was a good series of actual play vids by the author on Youtube at one point, but I don't have them bookmarked. 
  5. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from DentArthurDent in New Image Game   
    It's 2024 and we're online, nothing is truly obscure any more.  OTOH, it could be a little confusing given the number of other unrelated species that use the "from Jamaica" construction.
    In the same vein, how about Halcón Rojo, or Red Hawk/Falcon for English speakers?
    Sky King's a pretty great nod to Tekken even if it wasn't meant to be. 
  6. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Quackhell in New Image Game   
    I am firmly in the Anti-AI camp. Here is the new image.

  7. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to DentArthurDent in New Image Game   
    Hawlucha! Nope. Already taken.
    Major Freedom! Also taken.
    Angry Lucha? Nope.  Jamaicensis? too obscure
    I’ll go with …

    Sky King
  8. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Ninja-Bear in Non-Middle Age "traditional" Fantasy settings   
    I saw it on the Net and it looked interesting. Glad someone else has actually seen it. Did you happen to run it?
  9. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Ternaugh in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Colossus: The Forbin Project: Movie thriller from 1970 about a supercomputer that is built to run the defenses for the United States, but ends up finding a similar computer in the Soviet Union, and working with it to take control.  Thankfully, nobody would be stupid enough to build a supercomputer for AI and name it Colossus. The movie's a good watch. (Blu-ray)
    Batman Returns: Sequel to the 1989 Batman, it's a complicated story involving a power-hungry department store owner,  his assistant - Selina Kyle/Catwoman, and the Penguin each trying to make their mark on Gotham. It's been a very long time since I last watched it, and it's not quite as good as I had remembered. This was on 4K with Dolby Atmos, and the picture and sound were very clear. I couldn't say that the HDR10 color made a difference, however, as it's mostly in shades of grey, with occasional bursts of flame. (4K UHD Blu-ray).
  10. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Michael Struck in Favorite Champions books from before 5e?   
    I really like Normals Unbound. A good set of "ordinaries" that can be adapted to most settings.
    I kind of like Champions in 3-D, but feel there should be much more about how to create your own dimension.
    I'll probably be hated it for this, but I love C.L.O.W.N. 🤡 and Foxbat Unhinged. What can I say; I like weird stuff. 🤪
  11. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Hermit in Favorite Champions books from before 5e?   
    IMO, experience, if the cover said 'Scott' on a Champions product, it was going to be good!
    Scott Bennie's 4th Ed VIPER book gave me everything I'd want from an organization book, giving specifics, and yet making it so easy to make my own local VIPER Nest Leader and his/her Nest. That, and Day of the Destroyer both deserve the praise they've already gotten here.
    Two of my other favorites were by Scott F. Heine:
    To Serve and Protect gave a fully fleshed out superhero team complete with base and backstory and, of course, a challenge for your PCs as they find themselves facing the now zealous "superheroes'. I was very proud of my PCs when they didn't just STOP their foes, but knocked themselves out trying to save them as well. It was a great game that paid off for years in what it lent to my setting.

    Mind Games- Hello, PSI. This group rightly terrified my PCs on several levels but with a light hand and more shadow wars, it proved to be a good way to challenge them without over powering them. The villains are well done individually, put them together and you get some delightful soap operatic intrigues that can lead to a lot of plot hooks. Young members in need of rescue, a mole hidden in their ranks, the flamboyant and the the sociopathic; this would be addictive television these days
  12. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in Fantasy Immersion and the Things that Ruin it.   
    Also worth noting that cliches became cliches because they worked, and given some cooldown time to recover from overuse they'll work again.  I'm consistently amused by how many folks will claim some plot twist is a brilliant innovation when they're easily recognized as having been commonplace hack writing in the 1930s and 40s.
  13. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Quackhell in Superhero Team Concepts   
    Bonus if there are dozens of groups using "The Cause" as a name, each with differing ideas of what injustice is and what to do about it.  Thinking the People's Front of Judea, etc. etc. from Life of Brian here.
    9. The Spectrum - Group of heroes with color-based supranyms going through the ROYGBIV visible light spectrum (and sometimes beyond when membership is full up).  Red Shift, Agent Orange, the Mellow Yellow Fellow, Green Peacemaker, etc. etc.  Includes a "team mascot/sidekick" super-archer named RainBow that got adopted when the Indigo Archer died a while back.  They'd be more effective if they didn't spend so much time recruiting replacements for color slots that have been emptied by retirement, injury or death - or just leaving for a less jinxed team.
  14. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Michael Struck in Name suggestions for a character   
    Makes me think of the TV cartoon, SnaglePuss the Lion. 😉
  15. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Stanley Teriaca in Name suggestions for a character   
    Heaven to murgatoid, exit stage sideways.
  16. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Mark Rand in Name suggestions for a character   
    Major Minor was the tiny hunter who sometimes went after Snagglepuss.
  17. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Duke Bushido in Fantasy Immersion and the Things that Ruin it.   
    This is one among many reasons that my most "typical" (ie, pseudo-medieval ) fantasy world has the Torchbearer'a Guild-  need a guide?  An interpreter?  A porter?  Someone to carry torches?  Maybe there is a Guild Hall nearby...
  18. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Chris Goodwin in Fantasy Immersion and the Things that Ruin it.   
    Also worth noting that cliches became cliches because they worked, and given some cooldown time to recover from overuse they'll work again.  I'm consistently amused by how many folks will claim some plot twist is a brilliant innovation when they're easily recognized as having been commonplace hack writing in the 1930s and 40s.
  19. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Fantasy Immersion and the Things that Ruin it.   
    Also worth noting that cliches became cliches because they worked, and given some cooldown time to recover from overuse they'll work again.  I'm consistently amused by how many folks will claim some plot twist is a brilliant innovation when they're easily recognized as having been commonplace hack writing in the 1930s and 40s.
  20. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Clonus in Superhero Team Concepts   
    1.  The Dead Boyz:  A streetgang consisting of low powered youths whose powers and transforms have driven them away from their families, they have carved out a small territory in between two massive gangs both of whom are held off by caution when dealing with a supervillain team...of sorts.
    2.  The Uptown Girls/The Harem/Justice Squadron:  They call themselves the Justice Squadron but have difficulty getting anyone to agree that they are inheritors of that venerable 85 year old trademark since there's another group claiming the title.  Those who call them the Harem do so because of totally unfounded rumours that their lone male member is sleeping with all his team-mates fueled by a best selling book by an anonymous author about a team with suspicious similarities where the lone male member is polyamorously involved with them.  It's all lies.  Then again the less prosperous parts of the city just call them the Uptown Girls.  .
    3.  Death Squad:  While they officially called themselves the Justice Squadron, they turned their backs on the old superhero rules and decided to take no prisoners, so people started calling them the Death Squad.  Some years after they were forcibly disbanded by more old-school heroes, two of the old school heroes each began a new team trying to redeem the Justice Squadron name but could not work together.  
    4.  X-Wives:  After one of the oldest and most powerful heroes died, most of his former wives, each endowed with a fragment of his powers banded together to fill the vacancy in his home city.  
    5.  The Unusual Suspects:  A group of super-powered ex-convicts banded together to exonerate one of their number who was falsely accused and moved on to try to reinvent themselves as superheroes.  
    6.  The Necessary Evils:  The United States government on the other hand, decided to put together a team of current superpowered convicts and put them to work doing community service.  They have an odd habit of running into the Unusual Suspects.
    7.  The Protectorate:  In a parallel universe, the world is ruled by superhumans "for it's own good" in a megateam known as the Protectorate.  
    8.  The Cause:  A team of political radicals out to fight what they perceive as injustices, dwelling in the gray area between hero and villain.
  21. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Ninja-Bear in Fantasy Immersion and the Things that Ruin it.   
    I heard Mike Shea give a definition that a cliche is just a really overly used Trope. However he said it’s subjective because what I find is a cliche you may not. So don’t be afraid to use Tropes.
  22. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from DentArthurDent in New Image Game   
    Too true.  And if you go look at the latest on Storn's thread you'll see a good reason why.  An artist of his caliber should not be forced to work at a job anyone with a valid driver's license and basic literacy could do to make ends meet.
    Include me right the hell out of that "each and every one of us" bit, thanks.  I'm on my third decade of not owning a car, have had rooftop solar for years now, and most of the property that I've inherited from the older generations of the family is now leased out as a solar farm - which barely covers property taxes, but better "barely" than not at all.  Don't look to me to provide an excuse for you using AI art when you know full well what it does to artists, much less the environment.
  23. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Quackhell in New Image Game   
    Too true.  And if you go look at the latest on Storn's thread you'll see a good reason why.  An artist of his caliber should not be forced to work at a job anyone with a valid driver's license and basic literacy could do to make ends meet.
    Include me right the hell out of that "each and every one of us" bit, thanks.  I'm on my third decade of not owning a car, have had rooftop solar for years now, and most of the property that I've inherited from the older generations of the family is now leased out as a solar farm - which barely covers property taxes, but better "barely" than not at all.  Don't look to me to provide an excuse for you using AI art when you know full well what it does to artists, much less the environment.
  24. Sad
    Rich McGee reacted to Storn in Storn's Looking For Commissions   
    Recent private commission.

    My life has drastically changed of late. Due to my wife's health issues, she had to step back from working. As a professor, nurse etc, her earning potential has always been WAY better than mine.

    I need a regular paycheck and so, I've become a Fed, well, a postal worker. A rural carrier. I will still do artwork from time to time, just not at the rate I used to. The AI explosion has killed my private commissions. I used to get 10 or so a month. Now, I'm lucky to get 1.

    Since I don't need to have my artwork pay the mortgage anymore, I'm oddly going to raise my prices. I can afford to be choosy and now spend more time on projects in between delivering mail.

    Thanks for reading this long screed. Have a great day and keep on keepin' on.

  25. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Duke Bushido in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    Keep you cookie, Sir.
    I find them... Revolting....

    I enjoyed that one myself, actually,but I didnt own it, so when Gary moved off to chase his doctorate, I never got to play it again.
    Damn, I'm old....
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