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Rich McGee

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    Rich McGee reacted to Susano in Strike Force Organizations   
    For all of you RUSH fans out there, I just wanted to let you know that Aaron Allston's Strike Force Universe had a hero named By-Tor and another (a canine) named Snow Dog.
  2. Haha
    Rich McGee reacted to Stanley Teriaca in Strike Force Organizations   
    I know that. But the references to Rush songs...
  3. Haha
    Rich McGee reacted to Jkeown in Your Character's Costume?   
    In Meta-Earth, we make armor from Bronsonite (3rPD/3rED), Collapsium (18rPD/18rED), Durium (15rPD/15rED), Flexalloy (10rPD/10rED), Orichalcum (12rPD/12rED), Questite (10rPD/10rED and it is comprised of dizzy molecules and fibers of raw confusion. It adapts to a meta-human’s power and abilities), Talosium (It has 20rPD/20rED and tends to hum Ronnie James Dio tunes when it thinks you aren’t listening.), Turgenevite (8rPD/8rED), Onyxium (9rPD/12rED and is totally blacker than black, providing Stealth levels in the right circumstances), and Multifarian Memory Metal (15rPD/15rED and is totally weird, often phoning up at night to ask if you're thinking of it). There are also generic materials that cover values in between these. 
    And... none of the stuff never gets torn up in any meaningful way. I'm too 1970s to scratch the paint. 
  4. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Mr. R in My conversions (formerly Builds of 2018)   
    A month later Frank and Gabriella were no closer to getting in touch with Vixen.  They had put out feelers and greased some palms and still no luck.
    Then one day Max and Frank got a notice that Mace’s old base was being occupied.  And a message “Nice place.  Heard you were looking for me.  Might as well meet here!” Signed “V”!
    Frank looked at Max who looked at Mocker.  
    “Might be a trap!” Mocker said.
    Max answered, “There are easier ways to set us up!  So do we check it out?”
    “I Will.” said Mocker.
    “Alone?” said Frank.
    “Nope.  The rest of you will be around for back up!  If this is a trap, I want it to be as painful for them as possible!”
    A few hours later they were at the old farm house.  
    Mocker entered the Lab and found a little lady in a black and red leotard sitting a work table eating dinner.
    “I have a bottle of wine cooling, but I don’t know if you drink.. Wine?” she said.
    “Yes I can, but it has no effect on me.  You went to a lot of trouble to get us here.  You could have just talked at the bar.  Why all the trouble?” Mocker queried.
    “Well I needed to have you check out.  I brought extra food, you can call the others in if you want, and we can discuss the terms of my contract!” she said.
    “You seem awfully sure of yourself young la…”  “Please!  Call me Vixen!”
  5. Thanks
    Rich McGee got a reaction from fdw3773 in City of Heroes is BACK!   
    Oh, it's just a pipe dream - Freedom Force has a much smaller fan base than CoH - but one can always hope.  Just the fact that the big-ish supers MMOs are still going in 2024 is heartening even if the populations are small, and there's always the chance that someone will risk developing a supers tactical game that isn't tied to a Big Two IP.  There's one much like FF based on the Sentinels of the Multiverse setting, which benefits from decades of tech advances but isn't as ambitious in scope.
  6. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to fdw3773 in City of Heroes is BACK!   
    Although unlikely, a relaunch/sequel to Freedom Force would be great. I loved the game and the Character Tool feature that allowed fan to create character modifications. Some fans did some amazing work creating DC and Marvel skins along with their own.😀
  7. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Sketchpad in City of Heroes is BACK!   
    Interesting.  What's next, another sequel to Freedom Force? 
  8. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from tkdguy in On This Day in History   
    Every day is somebody's birthday, even the fast-approaching February 29th.  Whether you think it's significant or not, they certainly do. 
    January 7th, 1610 was also the date Galileo first spotted four moons of Jupiter, as well as more stars than he'd ever thought the sky could hold.
  9. Thanks
    Rich McGee got a reaction from tkdguy in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    Despite the modern onus that term carries, the "hobo" part is actually a pretty legit description for many adventurers.  Where a tramp travels but only works under duress, and a bum neither travels nor works, a hobo is properly defined as a migratory worker, one who travels from job site to job site as needed.  Adventurers are usually wandering around on a quest with some form of remuneration, even if it's just looting the losers in fight, as military men did for millennia - as expected a benefit as US waitstaff getting a tip to supplement their wages.  That sure sounds like a temporary job that one might travel to and from (and for, even), so "hobo" is a title some might wear with pride - or at least acceptance.  Just don't call them tramps - or worse, bindlestiffs.  Everyone hates a bindlestiff.
    Now, the "murder" bit is a little harder to stomach unless your quest is an actual assassination, but for some reason most PC groups don't get offered a lot of targeted wetwork even when just putting a crossbow bolt in the evil vizier who usurped the throne really would be the sensible thing to do.  Still, perhaps that's simply due to lack of advertising.  A party that's actively seeking work as vitality reduction experts willing to travel might well choose to call themselves "murderhobos" to make the point abundantly clear.
    "Inc." is clearly an abbreviation, perhaps of a fitting distinction or boast.  Since the concept of corporate ownership doesn't appear in most fantasy settings, one presumes it's short for "incredible" or "incomparable" or even "incarnadine" if you want to be highbrow about it.
    A fine name for a band of footloose professional killers indeed.   
  10. Thanks
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Pariah in On This Day in History   
    Every day is somebody's birthday, even the fast-approaching February 29th.  Whether you think it's significant or not, they certainly do. 
    January 7th, 1610 was also the date Galileo first spotted four moons of Jupiter, as well as more stars than he'd ever thought the sky could hold.
  11. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to death tribble in On This Day in History   
    January 7th 1979 The Vietnamese army captures Phnom Penh. January 7th is now commemorated as Victory Over Genocide day.
    January 7th 1939 the last element to be discovered in nature rather be synthesised is identified as Francium
    Nicholas Cage turns 60 today
    EDIT: Would you believe that there is still about a third of the year that we have nothing for ?
    January, September and June are the worst months for missing dates. November and December are missing 3 dates each. 
  12. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from tkdguy in Futuristic Sports & Entertainment   
    The novel Braking Day had a sport involving teams from different hab-rings of a generation ship piloting customized EVA craft in a sort of obstacle derby race, although I think the "course" was a VR creation rather physical for safety reasons.  Running one of these little souped-up one-man worker bees into one another was an acceptable risk, but ploughing into a ring itself not so much.  Pretty much an STL long-hauler community's version of motocross, I guess.  The sport proper plays a very minor role in the plot so the specifics aren't made 100% clear.  There's also some less involved competition involving individual zero-gee maneuvering skills inside the ships themselves, since transiting between hab-rings is generally done by simply jumping after calculating a route with internal software running on your cybernetics (which are universal-from-childhood, to the point where few things operate manually any more - the POV characters struggle to understand how a hand-cranked plumbing cutoff valve works at one point, they're so used to interfacing with everything wirelessly).
    Pretty great read for an author's debut (and so far only) scifi novel.
  13. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to tkdguy in Futuristic Sports & Entertainment   
    According to the comments, this scene shows Cirque du Soleil acrobats practicing their routine instead of some extreme competition as the narrator claims. It looks almost like a scene from the Flash Gordon film.
  14. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Susano in Strike Force Organizations   
    3150 words written! In fact, the background information for ARL is pretty much complete. Now, all I need to do is clean up the character sheets, build the base, a vehicle, and get some location keys polished.
  15. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to tkdguy in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    Just for fun here's my ill-fated party.

    I created a new party, but I haven't decided on a party name. The working title for the group is "Murderhobos Inc."
  16. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Is Hero still your "go-to" rpg system?   
    Classic Batman story with Neal Adams art

  17. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Cygnia in Is Hero still your "go-to" rpg system?   
    There's the "White Knight" reality from DC's Black Label line that has a "heroic" Joker...
  18. Thanks
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Cygnia in A gaming conundrum   
    I wonder if that particular problem might be a habit acquired from playtesting too much in the past.  When you playtest an adventure (even a short con game that isn't going to be sold commercially) you're kind of expected to do what you can to break the game by ferreting out likely plot holes, wrong turns that won't drive the overall adventure forward, NPC motivations that don't make sense and other things.  You aren't expected to be as vicious about it with RPGs as board or minis game playtesting because you just can't catch every bizarre thing that real players might do, but some stress testing does help.  If you do a lot of that sort of thing it can become a habit that's hard to shake, or even notice yourself doing.  The guy may subconsciously think he's helping by finding points that break easily.
    Or maybe he's just kind of a jerk.
    Sympathies on the frustration, regardless.
  19. Thanks
    Rich McGee reacted to Pattern Ghost in City of Heroes is BACK!   
    This news just . . . floored me. NC Soft has actually licensed City of Heroes to one of the private servers, Homecoming. I found out yesterday, been making heroes since. It looks like Homecoming doesn't have any major changes over the old live version. It's essentially the live state, with the planned issue updates implemented. Not a huge problem getting back into it. The old cash shop is now a "P2W Store" which lets you buy things from the old cash shop for Influence (in game currency instead). The game always needed an influence sink, so that's a win win. I snipped the announcement post from their forum, but there's also a FAQ and more info in the thread linked:

  20. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to unclevlad in Most commonly spoken languages in the US   
    From Wikipedia, if you're wondering which to consider for your character...
    English – 245 million (78.5%)
    Spanish – 41.3 million (13.2%)
    Chinese (including Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien and all other varieties) – 3.40 million (1.1%)
    Tagalog (including Filipino) – 1.72 million (0.5%)
    Vietnamese – 1.52 million (0.5%)
    Arabic – 1.39 million
    French – 1.18 million
    Korean – 1.07 million
    Russian – 1.04 million
    Portuguese – 937 thousand
    Haitian Creole – 895 thousand
    Hindi – 865 thousand
    German – 857 thousand
    Polish – 533 thousand
    Italian – 513 thousand
    Urdu – 508 thousand
    Persian (including Farsi, Dari and Tajik) – 472 thousand
    Telugu – 460 thousand
    Japanese – 455 thousand
    This does say "spoken at home" and not those picked up as a second language, so it may reflect immigration over the last 40-odd years more than anything.  Still interesting that, say, French and German are down so low.
  21. Thanks
    Rich McGee reacted to unclevlad in Coronavirus   
    India has half the *reported* deaths.  With India, there's always a serious question about the completeness.
    Brazil's medical care, considering the population as a whole, is several steps behind Germany's.  On that basis alone, a higher death rate could be expected.  
    And...OK, yeah, it's nice they're down...but...WorldOMeters reports 1800 deaths in the last 7 days;  over 1900 in the 7 prior days.  We're still talking 90-100,000 deaths per year, world wide.  So it's still a significant problem...just not a major crisis.  And it looks like we may have reached a steady state.
    That's a good 6-7 months of steady numbers, with just expected random variation.  Unless something dramatically changes insofar as treatment goes, it's likely this is the norm.  The GOOD!! news?  This should be lower than deaths from the flu.
  22. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from Gauntlet in Market Research: Creatures of the Night, Revised?   
    It's probably better that way. 
    Although a re-watch of some Tom Baker or Patrick Troughton or Jon Pertwee or whoever your personal ideal Doctor is might remind you of why you once thought of him more regularly.  There's something to be said for a bit of nostalgic low-budget scifi.
  23. Haha
    Rich McGee reacted to Stanley Teriaca in Your Character's Costume?   
    What is this thing about realistic costume damage you speak of, kemosabi?
  24. Like
    Rich McGee got a reaction from tkdguy in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    No, but adblocking services are also updating regularly.  It's going to be an arms race for a while to come.  There are a number of youtube creators who've noticed significant dips in views and are already lobbying to reverse the change, with the quite reasonable threat of leaving the platform if they don't - if their revenue from YT proper becomes a fraction of what they get from direct donations why stay?  Their paying audience will follow them wherever they go.  Between that and folks like myself who are simply boycotting it should be interesting to see where things go.  Youtube probably won't change, but you never know.
  25. Like
    Rich McGee reacted to Stanley Teriaca in Market Research: Creatures of the Night, Revised?   
    Actually no, but I do imagine them doing Inexces' "I Need You Tonight".
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