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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I just Googled "fast food" "off menu" and found this relevant article. ETA: Yet another relevant article.
  2. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore In-N-Out Burger has a secret menu that allows you to get things that aren't on the published menu. I've heard of a "vegetarian burger" that has no meat pattie, and a "low-carb burger" that has no bun (I'll bet that's messy!) Next time I have money I'll stop in my local Burger Palace* and discuss off-menu orders with the manager. If I get something of interest, I'l;l report back here. *Not an actual chain.
  3. Re: Inherent: SFX, any? As a GM, I'd rule on a case-by-case basis. I see no reason for making Extra Limbs any less Inherent than, say, the Usual Number of Limbs*. A movement power, for example, would probably not default to Inherent, and would have to pay extra for it to be so. Inherent =/= naturally occurring. Inherent is a defense against certain types of attack. As such it should cost something. *It's the player who wants to buy "Supress Extra Limbs" who I'd have my quibble with.
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I seem to be out of rep. Good concept, though!
  5. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Neighborhood Watcher -- Uatu moves to suburbia.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Explosives: for quick resolution of any diplomatic quandary! Repped!
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Nightmare on 34th Street An American Werewolf Singing in the Rain in London The Three Mousketeers On the Beach Blanket Bingo Willard! (The Musical Comedy.) It Came from Beneath the Sofa Father of the Corpse Bride The Computer wore Silk Stalkings The Diary of Merlin Jones And a remake of an old Christmas Classic: Mars Attacks Santa Clause (Directed by Tim Burton -- who else?)
  8. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Oh, I love it when a hypocrite gets apoplexy! Repped!
  9. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Werewolves: The Dark Survivors: A faux-documentary/crime story about what werewolves really are and how they got that way. Pretty good. In this case, lycanthropy is a mutant form of rabies that does not kill the host. Pretty good even though it turns out that the narrator dies before he's done narrating -- and continues doing so anyway. I'd give it three and a half bloodthirsty shapeshifters out of five. Psycho Beach Party: A sendup of beach movies (of which I am overfond, despite my complete lack of surferhood), PBP appears to be fairly fond homage to both the beach party movies of Frankie and Annette and the Psycho Killer movies of (perhaps?) the same period. Very enjoyable, but some may find the inclusion of GLBT themes unsettling. It's all in good fun, however, and this movie is one of my favorite genres: horror/suspense with a sense of humor. I'd give it four and a half knife-wielding maniacs out of five.
  10. Re: CHAMPIONS 6E -- What Do *You* Want To See? Oh, yes! Most definitely!
  11. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Gabriel Over the Whitehouse (1933) Synopsis: Newly-elected President "Judd" Hammond is just another cog in the party machine, and has no intention of addressing the problems facing the U.S. during the worst part of the depression. After he's injured in an automobile accident, the President shows a complete change in personality and starts "taking charge" in a dictatorial fashion. Released at a time when modern dictatorships hadn't yet fallen into disrepute, the movie was quite successful for a time (according to TCM host Robert Osborne), but quickly became a "stay away" movie as events in Europe started casting dictatorship in a bad light.
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Mars Needs Little Women Planet of the Naked Apes Don't Tell Mom... the Babysitter's Undead
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Full of win! I'll get back to you later when I'm not out of rep.
  14. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Mars Needs Women Review (actually just a listing of the highlights that made this movie a bit of comical fun despite it's attempts at serious science fiction): Martians, with the whole world to choose from for prime breeding stock landing in Houston, Texas! (Apparently Mars likes its women pneumatic with a LOT of hairspray) Five minutes of non-stop action jam-packed into a ninety-minute film! Women with big hair and big breasts! (And hips! Don't forget big, child-bearing hips!) Martians wearing wetsuits with headphones & antennae attached. Casual mockery of sexual equality! Martians (and everyone else sporting a Y chromosome) wearing dark pants, white shirts, narrow, and (possibly) black ties! (It was a B&W picture, after all.) Movie-style hypnosis that allows the Martians to dispense with expensive SFX and just talk people into doing their bidding! A stripper! (With really, REALLY big hair!) Yvonne Craig as the female scientist specializing in Space Genetics (no, I am not kidding!) that no-one takes seriously, even though the government paid big bucks to fly her into Houston! Tommy Kirk! I give it three out of five sexually-deprived male martians.
  15. Re: Jokes "You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later." Dangit!
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I want one! Smart Hearse
  17. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Tell me you weren't using mind-altering substances when you were attempting to write that. The Seven Cities of Goldfinger The Road to Sedan De Ville Alan Quatermain and the House on Pooh Corner Dracula Returns to Neverland
  18. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) When I was in Basic Training I had a lot of weird dreams. One that sticks in my mind is the one where my dad fell in two (he just split at the waist) and I put him and his legs into a wheelbarrow to take him to the emergency room. Dad was in fine fettle at the time, so I expect it was just the stress of military training.
  19. Re: moving Darkness Now that the serious answers have been posted, did anyone else misread the thread title as "moving Dorkness"?
  20. Re: CHAMPIONS 6E -- What Do *You* Want To See? Seconded. "Because that's the way it's always been done." isn't a good answer for why these traditions exist. Help us explain them to our new guys. A bit more description on the different "ages" (Golden, Silver, Bronze, etc.) and how they can be mixed and matched to obtain the "look and feel" you want in your settings.
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine ISTR the Fasching (Karnival) season starting on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the date and time of the signing of the WWI armistice. ETA: I wish we had something like the Fasching season here in the U.S.
  22. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Repped. A few obscure references: Paula's Not Home Cooking Paula Deen cooks Japanese with a Georgia accent (anyone for deep-fried sushi?) The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Eats Alton Brown cooks Spaghetti-Western style The Fantastic Forefathers After exposure to Van Allen radiation, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Betsy Ross and Samual Adams gain superpowers and fight the King of England's Super-Hessian, Victor Von Doom.
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