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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A Storeowner's First Impression Frankly, he has a point. There are lots of instances where cover are got me to pick the book up and see whether it was worth buying. If I wasn't specifically looking for Hero System, and wasn't all that familiar with it, I might pass over a book that looked kind of generic for one that looked like it might have what I was looking for inside. I kind of remember not getting Hero System Sidekick because I already knew how to do sidekicks. YMMV
  2. Re: Freedom from the Reich Dudes! We need more visual aids! Example: the Axis superteam: Nietzschemann (Kal-L landed in Bavaria in this universe), Die Fledermaus (Batman), La Furia (Wonder Woman, Italian-style), 隼 (Hayabusa-San, or Japanese Hawkman), and 精神の孤 (Spirit-fox or Kitsune, a semi-human sorceress).* More here, here, here, and here.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos If Half Life is anything like that video, I'm glad I know next to nothing about it.
  4. Re: "Neat" Pictures You just do that so you can be sure they'll be back for more, don't you?
  5. Re: Discussion: Taxonomy and Pathology of Halloween Monsters Actually that reminded me of a character I made up as part of a reimagined Justice League. The specific character was a scientific genius who looked like a terrestrial dog. His sidekick looked human but had only canine intelligence. By way of a psychic link, the "human" acted as the "dog's" hands. I went looking for the post but couldn't find it.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Slow down! I can't rep you again yet.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. I have to spread it. Your Kid(s) are on a roll!
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Ow! Quit it! (I gotta spread some first, yadda-yadda.)
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Dark Shadows, 90210 Happy 28 Days Later Alien National Geographic Seven Corsican Brides for Seven Brothers Karamazov SpaceBASEketBalls The Perfect Storm of the Century The Last Starfighter on the Left Behind
  10. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Link to Cannibalism in the Cars.
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Futurama repped.
  12. Re: Happy Halloween! What Would Your Character Wear? Lance O'Bannon, the Singing Cowboy would probably just patrol the streets on his robotic horse. Like every singing cowboy, he's kind of flambouyantly dressed anyway. Bob Tiger would dress up in furry shorts that matched his tiger stripes and take his kids trick-or-treating as Hobbes, the Tiger. If asked where Calvin was, he'd say: "He's still trying to reform the reformation." Thunder Rabbit would carry an Easter Basket and claim he just wanted to see what it was like to get candy for once. TCWOAN would probably just hide in the shadows, inducing narcolepsy in candy-stealing bullies and otherwise keeping kids safe. Fist-Man would definitely NOT shave his head, obtain a corncob pipe and sailor togs and go dressed as Popeye, but if he did, he'd be a dead ringer for him.
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares That. Is. So. Cool!!!
  14. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I used to make a similar drink with vodka, Kahlua and Irish cream. I called it "Smoggy skies over Los Angeles". The only thing I didn't like about it was that If I drank more than a couple, I'd fall over.
  15. I just finished listening to Science Fridays on Public Radio. One of the subject for today was the zombie psychology. A few days ago I watched a natural history of werewolves, presented by Animal Planet (Hint: mutated rabies virus). It got me thinking. How have you handled vampires, zombies, werewolves and other things that go bump in the night? A fantasy campaign's version of these creatures will necessarily be different than the "same" creature in a science fiction, contemporary adventure, or superhero setting. In many of my campaigns, vampires, werewolves and "ghouls" (my own version of zombies) were the result of different strains of the same disease, a disease that altered the physiology and psychology of the victim. There were subtypes of each different kind. For instance there were two primary varieties of werewolf. One I called "Full Lycanthropy Syndrome" (FLS) and the other was "Lon Chaney's Syndrome" (LCS). In FLS, the subject fully transformed into a close-but-not-quite-wolf-like creature that cound run on all fours. LCS victims transformed only partway. Full Lycanthropy Syndrome Lon Chaney Syndrome As you can see, the LCS victim has better luck meeting women, but they usually don't stay conscious for long enough to create a mutually-satisfying relationship. Vampires came in several varieties, from the classic movie-style Dracula clone, who looked human, had loads of charisma (and possibly mind control of one sort or another), could turn into a bat or mist (sometimes a wolf), etc. Then there were other varieties that were more akin to rats (Nosferatu, anyone?) There were other varieties in different parts of the world, where an isolated population had mutated into something a bit "different" like the Japanese kappa. If vampires and werewolves were the top predators, then ghouls were the jackals of the undead -- they usually only ate the flesh of the dead, but could and would kill someone and stash a body until it had "ripened" if they couldn't find something already dead. Most varieties lived secret lives near sources of dead bodies. Some were zombielike (slow and stupid), while others were cunning, wily creatures. Other monsters, like Frankenstein's monster, were assembled with the aid of Mad Science. Others came from another world (the Blob, The Thing) or were the result of radioactivity or other rubber science (Them, The Beast from 20000 fathoms). How have you, in specific or general terms, handled these (or other) kinds of "monster" in your campaigns?
  16. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I watched the Blob (the good one with Steve McQueen). It's kind of funny watching a monster movie with a Bossa-Nova score written by Burt Bacharach. The monster can't stand cold so in the end, they freeze it and drop it onto the Arctic ice shelf. I guess that seemed like a more permanent solution than it does today, huh?
  17. Re: Oaf only to activate When I saw "Oaf only to activate" I immediately thought it was a power that can only be activated if the character is a clumsy, stupid person. ETA: I believe that a limitation that doesn't limit is worth nothing. Therefore a limitation that limits less than normal is worth less than normal. I'd recommend dropping the OAF down to OIF cost, and specifying that the focus (one specific charge, to be exact) may be stolen only in the segment the character pulls it out to take it. If the character can be restrained to the point that a normally inaccessible focus could be removed, the entire focus can be removed. Due to SFX, the guy might be able to go back to his lab and make more, but that's another issue.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Relax. It wasn't a documentary. It's okay for it to be wrong. "Hey! Rabbits don't sing and dance on their hind legs! ...And what's with Elmer Fudd? Is he supposed to be a dwarf or something? Shouldn't that pig be wearing pants? Madness I tell you!! Utter maaaadness!!!eleventy-one!!!" Okay, I'll go take my meds now.
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