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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Enough to Destroy A Planet? I think that you would create some havoc on the surface, depending upon the size of the hole you blasted in the planet, but it would have to be a very BIG hole to assure the total destruction of life on the planet.
  2. Re: The Art and Science of St. Nicholas As I touched on, above, I am a proponent of the Quantum Santa Theory. In essence, Santa can be in multiple locations simultaneously. This allows him to multitask with mutiple orders of magnitude of improved efficiency.
  3. Re: The Art and Science of St. Nicholas My thoughts exactly, but you'd also need teleportation (SFX: He flies his reindeer really, really fast) and a huge number of memorized locations (or perhaps just a few different ones for each duplicate). Still, has anyone yet calculated the number of man-hours Santa-hours required to actually complete the task of appearing nearby, entering the house, distributing the presents and exiting the house? With teleportation as described above, travel time is negligible unless the teleport only sends St. Nick to a region (perhaps it's megascale) and then he has to cover the region more slowly using flight, etc? I think once the above question is answered it will be child's play to calculate how many "quantum Santas" are necessary to provide worldwide coverage in a single night.
  4. Re: The Art and Science of St. Nicholas RE: Santabot: Oh, definitely yes! I'll go look for some sites that list canta's capabilities.... The Science of Santa Claus Santa Claus: An Engineering Analysis REBUTTAL The Physics of Santa Claus
  5. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Yep! Bad idea!
  6. Re: Enough to Destroy A Planet? Now that we know that, how many hexes does the Earth have in volume, and since the mantle is molten/semi-fluid rock, not just dirt, does it have a defense and what is it's body (per hex)? Once the mantle is taken care of, the core is made of molten metal does each hex of the core have more body? what about defense?
  7. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Good Idea: Stone Age Adventure Hero Bad Idea: Flintstones Hero
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Loch Ness Mobster Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Like Me Touched by an Angel in the Outfield Navy Christmas SEALs That Darned Cat from Outer Space Doctor Doolittle: the Tokyo Raid Baby's Day Out of Africa High Planes Drifter: a Spiritual Journey Fantastic Four Musketeers Meet Joe Blackadder The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Dachshund Invasion of the Body Doubles Peggy Sue Got Married With Children Caddillac Man Who Shot Liberty Valence Howard, Fine, and Howard the Duck 12 Angry Men on a Horse The Unbreakable Molly Brown The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Buck Christmas in a Connecticut Yankee & King Arthur's Court
  9. It's that time of year again, and there's a new Hero System ready to flex its muscles on the neverending question: "How would you model Santa Claus' abilities in the Hero system?" The first thing we have to do is determine just what the effects are we're looking for, how many "stops" he's gotta make and how many Santa-hours it takes to get the job done. Rules: You can't invoke "GM Fiat" on this build. No "He does whatecver the GM says he can". You have to describe Santa's power in Hero Terms or define an ability Santa possesses (as established in a multitude of books, poems, carols, movies and Christmas specials). Examples: "Fact": He can fluently speak any language on Earth at need. Ability: Cosmic VPP; switchable at any time, only to know language used by person you want to communicate with. Or: Universal translator bought to ridiculously high levels (now I wish I'd bought the Ultimate Skill ). OR "Fact": He knows your name and whether you've been naughty or nice. Optional: you can stat the power/ability out in detail if you are so inclined. I'm at the library and my books are at home, so I can't go into detail as I don't have the rules memorized.
  10. Re: Cool Guns for your Games That's because users don't come in standard sizes. That's part of the reason there's an aftermarket for custom grips. If one brand doesn't fit your hand right (or can't be inexpensively modified to do so) there are plenty of other brands that might suit you better.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Symphony in Slang
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Insurance Agent Cody Banks Ernest Saves Hannukah Nightmare on 34th St. The Santa Subclause: Red October in December I Love Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Old Yeller Submarine Song of the South Part 2: Uncle Remus' Revenge!
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Tobacco Road to Eldorado Polar Pineapple Express Mr. and Mrs. Smith Go to Washington Mr. Burns' Excellent Adventure A children's book: Where's Wall-E?
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures Now I'm confused. When last I saw that post the picture was a thumbnail, linked to a bigger pic. Did a Mod change it?
  15. Re: Classical Greek-Roman Campaign Didn't Iron Crown do a classical/heroic Greece supplement many years ago? I used to have it but can't recall the title.
  16. Re: rank and age Some possibly helpful links: Eligibility for consideration for promotion: time-in-grade and other requirements About.com: Enlisted Promotions Made Simple (Not so simple, but does provide links to many relevant topics, in case you're interested.)
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Not me. I gotta spread some first.
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures Okay, I give up. How DO you post a full-sized picture? Or is that no longer allowed?
  19. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "Thanksgiving: people expect a Norman Rockwell experience, but get Mama's Family instead."
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Another food-related one: Santa Claussen Pickle A Boy and His Shaggy Dog
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