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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I Am Curious: Smurphy The Egg and I, Robot Independence Day of the Dolphin Look them both up. Super Funnygirl Electraglide in Blue Tights Clark Kent buys a motorcycle.
  2. Re: Super Transportation Here's s'more: The AMV-211 The Gridlock Commuter
  3. Re: How can you make the stone age cool? Sure, if you're into Sitting-Around-And-Drooling HERO. Visual aid:
  4. Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers
  5. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Touched Where by an Angel? The stories of the Angels' Internal Affairs Bureau
  6. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Good idea: Harry Potter HERO The players are students at Hogwarts Bad Idea: Happy Potter HERO The players are students in a ceramics class.
  7. Re: How can you make the stone age cool? [quote=Egyptoid;1960244You're gonna puke when you read this, but hear me out. Look at the Survivor TV show. It's highly rated for a reason. *Sigh.* Oh, well, I suppose I'd better go watch a few episodes now. BTW, can anyone recommend some good fiction (fantasy or otherwise) set in the stone age?
  8. Now THIS one was a Doozey! Last night I dreamed I was a young man who was trying to court a woman (Doris day -- back when she was HOT!) who worked in an office as a secretary. Her boss looked like the guy pitching catchphrases in this ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ga6sAYpcJY Someone else in the office had designs on her, and when he discovered she was interested in me, he killed her and disposed of the body. While my character in the dream didn't know this, I myself did. I went on to become the physical therapist of boss-man's son, and, just as the sleazeball was about to pin the rap on me, I was recruited by the angels to become one of them and, among other things, clear my name and ensure Sleaseball the murderer got justice. My powers included the ability to read peoples' heart (emotions, desires and intentions), to give messages without being seen, invisibility, flight, desolidification, enhanced strength, etc. While I was an angel, I also had a magical Lamborghini Murcielago Spyder. It could fly, become invisible and insubstantial (perfect for parking in the living room! ) I began doing my "angel work". The last part of my dream had me entering a house to implant the feeling of hope into a resident there. Just as I was exiting the house by flying up through the roof a woman in the room looked right at my invisible self and remarked "I see an aura without a body." I stopped and returned and asked her how she could see me. I didn't get to hear her answer because just then someone knocked on my door and woke me up.
  9. Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover! The forst thing I noticed was "CHAMPIONS: THE SUPER ROLEPLAYING GAME". Does this mean it comes with ready-to-play rules or is this just a genre book without the basic rules?
  10. Re: Cool Guns for your Games What gun are you referring to?
  11. Re: Firearms in fantasy? Insofar as the "every 10 shots or so" remark, I could probably say the same thing. The source I cited gives a ballpark figure that I'd give more weight to than my memory. Having to "fiddle with" a blackpowder firearm every so often during a battle sounds like a reasonable expectation. I do remember that after about 10 shots or so with my own "smokepole" (percussion, not flintlock) the fouling could make it difficult to reload and eventually you'd have to clear fouling from the touch-hole or it would refuse to fire. I rarely shot that much before cleaning, though, so it wasn't much of a problem. I also used a blackpowder substitute (Hogden's Pyrodex) which differs from "real" black powder in some respects.
  12. Re: How can you make the stone age cool? I'm beginning to realize that "stone-age" and "prehistoric" aren't genres, but settings. As such, you could concievably use these settings for Champoins, Dark Champions, Fantasy HERO, Pulp Hero, or even Star Hero (prehistoric cultures?). Would the Mods be so kind as to move this thread to the HERO System Discussion forum? Until then, how can you "stone-age" or "prehistory" a fantasy scenario? How about superheroics or realistic (not fantasy) settings? What useful skills does a shaman have? If there is no magic what use is he? If there is magic, what can he do? What about stone-age weapons? What's an atl-atl look like when transformed to game terms? Clubs are easy, but spears? What are the relative advantages of sharpened wood, stone, or antler speartips and/or arrowheads? Bows-and arrows? How are they made and how are they maintained? How about the vital importance of survival skills? Most stone-age peoples would have these to some degree. What sort of technologies should we not take for granted? Examples (and anyone else with ideas add your own thoughts): making stone tools making rope curing hides making clothing What else? Should languages be limited because there aren't all that many words yet?
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Not all furries are fursuiters...
  14. Re: Firearms in fantasy? From that remark, I'd give a flintlock weapon a small chance to fail to fire. This will be due any number of causes from a broken flint, to a damp/defective bit of powder, to environmental conditions, or even simply bad luck.
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Ben 10: Illegal Alien Swarms Ben Tennyson joins the Border Patrol. Superman vs Wonder Warthog Ku Klux Klan of the Cave Bear The Land before Time Forgot...? Sweeny Todd, the Demon Bawbew of Fweet Stweet Same movie, but with Elmer Fudd as the title character instead of Johnny Depp
  16. Re: Cool Guns for your Games This "Seasickness" gun causes nausea with it's pulsating lightshow. No. I'm not kidding
  17. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Dunno if I remembered to say I watched Year One a few days ago. Ancient Discoveries: Megamachines Apparently technology was a lot more complex in ancient times than previously supposed. Nova: Killer subs in Pearl Harbor Before We Ruled the Earth: Mastering the Beasts
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Warning! Subject Matter NSFW But no nudity either.
  19. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Chop Shop: The first episode of the series (their project car catches fire and is destroyed). Mythbusters: The episode where they try to bank-shot a pistol round back to the shooter. & The Goode Family: the "Pleatherheads" episode. Adopted son Ubuntu sucks at just about everything until he's given an opportunity to play HS (american) football. Hilarity ensues.
  20. Re: But wait! There's more!! The ultimate survival gun. It's made of bacon, so if you can't find any game, you can eat it. The Pocket-Knife Pistol Wait just a second while I unfold my gun... I said WAIT! A! SECOND! *Bang!!* Seriously, this should have a switchblade function to deploy the barrel quickly. From the same site as above -- a cane pistol for your Victorian adventurer-gentleman. Again from the same site. I remember watching the ads for these when I was a little kid. Found at an art website Not a gun, but I still want one! Finally! The gun for the man who has everything except accuracy!
  21. Re: But wait! There's more!! The following are airsoft guns, but I have no idea what they're modeled from. I think that's supposed to be an M4 under all that bodywork. I think this one's customized
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