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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  2. Re: Aquaman, Hawkman, Ant-Man - how would you run them? This thread is getting too cerebral for me.
  3. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns) Now I want to know where I can get that on DVD? It can't have done well at the box office (so it should be cheap) but it looks like a hoot!
  4. Re: Natural Disasters: What are they and what can the heroes do? New Thread: Thread: How to Save That Train!
  5. Part of this thread: Natural Disasters: What are they and what can the heroes do? Due to Earthquake, poor maintenance, villainous action or whatever, a train is about to derail. How (as a GM) would you handle this situation. How would the heroes learn of this in tome to prevent serious harm? Otherwise, how to mitigate the damage in the aftermath? Someone with more than a passing knowledge of railed transport, feel free to provide expert opinion. Everyone else is welcome to post inexpert opinions.
  6. Re: The Buildings! They're FALLING!! A building that was tottering would derive some benefit from unskilled bracing, but would eventually collapse. I always allowed characters with Demolition skill to quickly determine where bracing is needed, allowing the heroes to finish bracing the building faster and thus allowing more time for evacuations. A building braced under the direction of someone with Demolition skill would not collapse unless it was struck by more destructive forces (aftershocks, a villain blowing up a bomb inside/on the building, etc.) or if the bracing was removed. A character with a really good Demolitions skill could direct which braces to knock out to allow a controlled collapse in a desired direction.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I know it's fake, but I want to see it anyway!
  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Futurama:Episode 4/4: Less Than Hero One of my favorites. Superheroes: Clobberella, Captain Yesterday and Superking (Leela, Fry, and Bender) all in one episode. Cool! G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra I never had a G.I. Joe as a kid, but I enjoyed this flick. A few things that bothered me (no-one who wasn't military would notice or care) were that when Duke proposes to [whatever-her-name-was] (they didn't repeat it enough for me to remember) he's sporting non-regulation facial hair. Another thing was when the General announces he's going to disobey orders and everyone's fine with that without asking why! Fortunately, I was able to shush the critical parts of my brain and enjoy the visual fireworks. If I were running a Champions campaign I would definitely file the serial numbers off Cobra and put a Viper sticker over the brand name.
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures More Food Art Here.
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures Sorry! Wrong thread!
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Peter "Rabbit" Gunn Mr. MacGregor's garden isn't a safe place anymore -- for Mr. MacGregor! Ferngully II: The Last Forrest Gump Petticoat Junkyard Wars Maximum Overhaulin' When all manner of mechanical and electrical devices suddenly become sentient and self-aware, They enslave Chip Foose to fix them up and make them look "cool".
  12. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Igor This movie was the most hilaious twist on the Pygmalion myth I've ever seen. I can only guess that the critics' lukewarm reception was due to a distain for comedic parody. I give it 4 1/2 hunchbacks out of five. YMMV, as this movie seemed to strike a chord with me. Naked Archaeologist Episodes 19-21, What Happened to the JC Bunch? parts 1-3. The host investigates what may have happened to the first followers of Jesus. He speculates that the Kosher Jewish followers of Jesus did not believe he was divine but, like Ezekiel*, he would return when the time is right to gather the lost tribes in a fully independent and unoppressed nation of Israel and establish worldwide peace. These believers were (it is suggested) driven "underground" as the Jews eventually (around 200-300 CE) decided they were a heretical sect and the Christians decided they were "too Jewish".
  13. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... I've really got to spread some.
  14. Re: Natural Disasters: What are they and what can the heroes do? Added link to new thread in the OP: Thread: The Buildings! They're FALLING!!
  15. Part of the Natural Disasters discussion: Question: Natural Disasters: What are they and what can the heroes do? Okay, we've discissed a few other problems associated with natural disasters, so this thread is about what to do about buildings that are collapsing, toppling or have already collapsed or toppled. I guess that I'd allow some chance for the heroes to shore up a sagging building, if only long enough to effect an evacuation. How would you as a GM or player handle buildings toppling/collapsing as a result of earthquake or other disaster?
  16. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Good Idea: Variable Power Pool Bad Idea: Variable Power Poot Worse Idea: Variable Power Poo
  17. Re: Aquaman, Hawkman, Ant-Man - how would you run them? I've always been a bit confused about what it is that Aquaman does, since my first exposure (pre-mid-sixties) was a comic wherein he had fish powers and abilities. In one scene he rescues someone from a fall by puffing up like a pufferfish and floating like a baloon (yes, the silver age was Just. That. Silly.) Nowadays I'd guess he's a deep-sea-adapted brick with a variable power pool, the SFX of which include whatever aquatic or semi-aquatic sea life happens to be handy.
  18. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Paranatural -- Mystery lights Pretty interesting show. There was footage of "earthquake lights" and ball lightning as well as several other kinds of mystery lights. Good scientific stuff, filled in with paramormal lipservice. History's Mysteries -- Asteroids (ep. 107) Nice review of the history of the search for a planet between Jupiter and Mars that resulted in the discovery of, first a few, then many asteroids. Included some info re: the frequency and effect of asteroid strikes, and what we might be able to do to prevent a big one from hittting us.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHAshi4vdbg
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Slaughterhouse Five weeks in a Baloon Wile E. Coyote Ugly Repo Men in Black Protecting the Earth from the deadbeats of the universe
  21. Re: "Neat" Pictures I'm so glad to have found this. Cal Earth Home
  22. Re: "Neat" Pictures 360 degree view of the night sky Earth and Sun size comparison. Barn Owl Istanbul Birds in Flight Watchdog and Napdog
  23. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Shatner: Something's on the wing! It's all sparkeley!"
  24. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares All About the Benjis, Man! Same movie, but Benji plays all the protagonists. Darkstar Wars Same movie, but with the Darkstar cast and sensibilities. The Twilight Zone Saga
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