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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Gallstone
  2. Re: The best Superpet? Yeah, but the problem with this pet isn't "what to feed it" but how to keep it from eating everything. "Bad megashark! Put that airliner down! Drop it! Drop it, I say!" *Whacks megashark on nose with rolled-up newspaper.*
  3. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I dreamed that aliens from another dimension had arrived to invade Earth. A little girl knew how to stop them: if enough people played a specific chord on a small music synthesizer (that everyone just happened to have) it would banish the bad guys. Unfortunately, the badguys had already contacted a lot of people and convinced them that the chord would cause all reality to collapse and therefore, the police, military, etc. were after the girl and her family, who were trying to find some place where they could tune the synthesizers to the correct chord. While concealed in a library, the authorities came in looking for the girl. She shut off her synthesizer and found out that they couldn't track her when it was turned off. The rest of her family left their synthesizers on and went off in different directions to confuse the search. Meanwhile, as the girl was leaving the library, she was buttonholed by some woman who was ecstatic that the aliens were here, and how they were going to make a heaven on earth. The girl knew different. She tried to explain how the aliens were going to use earthlings as a power source. The human reaction to pain, suffering, anguish, etc., generated energy the aliens could use (in retrospect, this sounds a lot like "scream" from Monsters, INC.). The woman could not believe the aliens would be so different from the way she wanted to believe, and I became so frustrated with the woman that I jumped into the dream and tried to get this hammer-headed woman to understand the amount of peril the Earth was in. Fortunately, the X-men showed up (along with Thor and a few others from the Marvel Comics) and helped the girl to escape. Their plan was to take the girl someplace safe where they could create the musical chord and broadcast it worldwide. Then I woke up. (Dammit! I wanted to see the rest of this movie!)
  4. The past is a foreign country. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7Y7E37DgOA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVsgZc8ER8Y
  5. Riffing on Baloo The Baloo Angel A nightclub entertainer (Rebecca Cunningham) seduces and destroys a freelance pilot (Baloo), ending up as the owner of his company and reducing him to the status of hired help. The Baloo Bird Fantasy about a brother (Kit Cloudkicker) and sister (Molly Cunningham) searching for a magic bird of happiness (the Sea Duck) in a dream kingdom. The Baloo's Brothers Jake and Elwood Blues (Baloo and Louie), two ex-con, music-loving brothers are out to reunite their old band so they can raise money to save the Chicago orphanage where they grew up.
  6. Re: Yet Again: Please Help Name My Character Might I suggest one of the following? Radar Ranger Superheterodyne Magnetron Modulator Klystron or Maser
  7. Re: TK Throws I'd do it as an area effect (or explosion) TK that only (and always) moves things away from the center. I might add "personal immunity just to save some confusion.
  8. Re: Godzilla Haiku I liked this one (the Haiku and the Godzilla) best:
  9. Re: one for the browncoats with big wallets Is midichlorine used for genetic cleansing?
  10. Re: The best Superpet? Mundane pets are easier to control when they revolt. Beagles are loads of fun (even the ones that don't fly & shoot lasers out their eyes).
  11. SSgt Baloo


    Re: Neomen I may be the only person to think of the Moreau series in this whole thread (then again, maybe not). The Moreaus were human/animal hybrids designed as expendable soldiers. I'm sure there would be a certain amount of interest in "recreational" use as well as practical applications. To an extent, they'd be like autonomous robots -- you can use them for jobs that are too dangerous, too tedious, ot too menial for "real" humans. Besides, if they look like animals, its easy to treat them like "nice" white folks used to treat "colored folks" in the 30's. As late as the '50s my mom had a friend who boasted that sometimes she'd even sit down and have tea with her ("colored") maid, just so long as she (the maid) remembered "her place". Even well-meaning people could (and did) get it all wrong when it came to race relations. You might like your Labratory Retriever very much, but he's a combination of housepet and appliance, so you might not automatically see how your behavior towards him might be deficient in compassion and respect, and if you did, you might not see why it matters. In any case, I'd expect the PCs (regular human and Neo) to have a more enlightened attitude.
  12. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... At least no-one will remember your face!
  13. Re: "Neat" Pictures If cats could fly, there might be fewer pigeons.
  14. Re: Help! It's on fire! All good ideas. Repped.
  15. Re: Help! It's on fire! Any fire science degrees present? ISTR (from my flightline safety classes) that the "fire triangle" consisted of heat, fuel, and air. Any powers that eliminated (or substantially diminished) any leg of the triangle would either put it out or halt its spread. The thing is, I hate the idea that everything has only one "right" way to counter it. Drains, only versus fire effects are for use against characters using fire attacks. Anything that should logically put out, control a fire should be allowed. Maybe it's because I've had a lot of experience with GMs who could not grasp that mundane (not super-powered) dangers could be fought with mundane means. Please carry on. I do like to see how others deal with "real" threats in a super world.
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RP8xo4qd8k
  17. Re: How to Save That Train! I'd have to apply Comic Book Physics in such a case. Otherwise, you're asking the last coupling on a train to support the braking forces of the entire train (and what prevents the superhero brick from tearing off two handfulls of caboose while the train careens down the track, it's speed hardly diminished at all?
  18. Re: Female Master Villains I once had a villainess (whose name I now forget) based on the Mandrill. She had loads of powers (added PRE, Mind Control, etc.) that only affected people who would normally be attracted to women anyway. She was the leader of a W.I.T.C.H. "coven" that held the (then operational) nuclear powerplant at Rancho Seco hostage.
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Six Million Dollar Gidget Following a surfing accident, Gidget becomes a cyborg agent of the OSI. True Grits An elderly, one-eyed gunslinger learns to cook southern style. Ace Ventura: the Tokyo Files Pet Detective Ace Ventura goes to Japan to negotiate peace between Kaiju and Japanese authorities. Observe and Minority Report Police use psychics to arrest flashers before they can expose themselves. Akira: the Musical Hollywood Babylon 5 Hollywood scandals and space battles!
  20. Re: Natural Disasters: What are they and what can the heroes do? New thread: Help! It's on fire!
  21. Part of the Natural Disasters discussion (Thread: Natural Disasters: What are they and what can the heroes do?) Something's on fire! Whether it's a burning building, a warehouse, or a wildfire, how do you, as a GM handle fire? What can the heroes do to minimize or halt the disaster?
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