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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: The Science of Real Super Powers Link to Straightdope article: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2636/supermom
  2. Re: The best Superpet? I hate to break the news to ya bud, but "sea monkeys" are just brine shrimp.
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Harry Potter and the Half-Crocked Prince
  4. I rarely note my Irish heritage except on St Patrick's day. Leprechaun's Gold And now for my personal favorite: The Wearing of the Grin
  5. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns) Cool! Do you have pics?
  6. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I saw the first episode of The Pacific. Excellent drama. I also read Hollywood Babylon, a largely-falsified "tell-all" (well, a lot, anyway ) about the "sordid" goings-on in Hollywood from the silent era to the "present" (well, 1970 or thereabouts).
  7. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) A new one from last night. I was Harry Potter and the two main bad-guy wizards (An older man and a suitably fatale-like woman) were plotting to kill me. I put a magic disguise on that made them think I was one of their assassins, snuck into their sanctum sanctorum, and tricked them, locking them into a closet. I then went to the part of the magical world where all the talking animals were (shades of Narnia!) to find my friend and ally, a 3-foot-tall talking mouse. I couldn't for the life of me remember his name, but I knew that it wasn't Reepicheep. The other talking animals told me he had gone on a mission against the bad wizards, but couldn't provide details. I helped them overthrow the guards that had been keeping them in line, then left to find out more details from the badguys. When I opened the closet where I locked the badguys, I realized that I could magically make them allies by hugging them as they came out of the closet. I hugged the woman, but discovered that magically making her my ally also partially erased her memory, so she couldn't remember anything bad she'd done, nor anything she'd been planning. At that point, I drew a Colt M1911a1 and held it against the badguy wizard. At that point I realized this was a bit dark for Harry, so I stepped out of him, becoming me, and tried to talk him out of shooting the badguy. Harry caused the wounds that would appear if he pulled the trigger to manifest on his victim in an attempt to make him talk, but he refused to do so until Harry shot him. He then revealed that their assassins had reported they had killed Harry and burned the body. While Harry started questioning where the bones were, I nipped out to the armory in the next room to grab a gun because I knew things were about to get violent and I couldn't do magic. We then went to a magic shop that specialized in bones. It turned out that the bones were actually those of a three-foot-tall mouse (still not named Reepicheep). Apparently, Harry's mouse friend had (presumably with magic) disguised himself as Harry to draw away the assassins. I turned to see how Harry was had taken the news, but he had teleported away. I knew he was furious that his animal allies had allowed his mouse friend to go on such a dangerous mission, and I was afraid he'd kill some of them if I didn't get there quickly, tackle him and hold him down until he calmed down. I had just arrived at the talking animals' territory when I woke up.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures I should buy my nephew this shirt as soon as possible. He'd love it!
  9. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I watched several episodes of Operation Repo.
  10. Re: Jokes Bill Engvall: Here's your sign. Spoilered for (possibly) NSFW language.
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Looks like a skinny ALF to me.... SEE?
  12. BBC Children's entertainment is also adult entertainment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdcMBtwalnw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GznOxF2okcY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHnfLtaV1rY
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Inspector Gadget Hackwrench Curse of the Catty people Batman Begins Again War of the World's Dumbest Criminals Speed III This time the bomb's on a train. Speed IV This time the bomb's on a plane. Speed V This time the bomb's on a taxi. Speed VI (and beyond) Repeat the above formula ad nauseum.
  14. Re: Legal Questions: Pink Defense Kudos to AnotherSkip for the "attacking Flaming gorilla" in his campaign notes. Will Rep as soon as possible.
  15. Re: Legal Questions: Pink Defense Given the above set of conditions, one might be able to: Observe carefully from outside the premises, obtaining whatever intelligence you can by video, radio, and other "remote-sensing" devices, powers, or magics. Or you could send in a character who is inorganic to do your surveillance. Use powers that do not require your presence on the property to obtain evidence, such as telekinesis, telepathy or what-have-you. Police could be alerted to goings-on at Warthaw by "anonymous tip" if sufficient evidence becomes available -- things like what's going on or where to find contraband, etc. I Now I think about it, I'd like to hear more from the player(s) in the campaign regarding what Warthaw is up to.
  16. Re: The past is a foreign country, Part III: Not so different in some ways http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJstmxb8vyw
  17. Re: Legal Questions: Pink Defense At the very least, I would think that the company might become liable for coercion or extortion. You turn pink. The only way to turn back is to submit to the corporation's ministrations. If you are not an employee, they have no business instructing you what to do to return to your former color. The fact that they do so should weigh heavily against them when civil suits are filed on behalf of anyone who has been turned pink, regardless of whether they "got better". The example given above regarding IRS agents is a very good one. Federal agents, in the course of doing their legitimate duties, are rendered pink on the premises of Corporation X. Said agents can only be rendered unpink by submitting to demands of Corporation X ("Tell us exactly what you were doing that would harm Corporation X.") I don't think so, especially when undercover FBI agents start showing up for work sporting a shocking pink complexion. Just how long would it be before Corporation X was under investigation for any number of reasons? At the very least, they would likely be given a cease-and-desist order preventing them from using their "pink defense". Just because "Nobody knows for certain it was us" doesn't mean that when the circumstantial evidence starts piling up nobody can do anything just because it's only "circumstantial evidence".
  18. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I watched two classics of the 1950s giant monster genre: The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (rumored to have inspired the much-longer-lasting Godzilla movies) and The Monster that Challenged the World wherein giant escargot threaten to eat everybody, but only if they escape from the Salton Sea.
  19. The past is a foreign country, Part III: Not so different in some ways One unrelated to the post title:
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures From www.StrangeVehicles.com: It looked just like a road -- until this happened! It amazes me what people used to consider "stylish".
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Invasion of the Booty Snatchers My Life as a Teenage Rowboat Star Tracks Steampunk adventures along the space-rails.
  22. Re: Natural Disasters: What are they and what can the heroes do? I'd give you "appropriate subject matter and sig" rep, but I gotts spread some.
  23. More: The past is a foreign (and sometimes repugnant) country My Mother the Car Jerry Van Dyke turned down the part of Gilligan for this. My Living Doll Look! Uncle Fester's playing the piano! Beatnik Exploitation film trailer
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