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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I still think the newest version of Fábrica de Heróis gives everyone "puppy feet" (that is: too d@mn big!!)
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures And now, a Baby Predator: See? Not all babies are cute!
  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures I'll see your kitty and raise you two baby monkeys.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Concept Cars of the Past Desoto for 1957 My dad had a 1957 (or '58) Desoto Station Wagon when I was a kid. It had the "Firedome" engine. It's the only car I can remember my dad getting a speeding ticket in. -
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Last night I watched: Xchange A mind-and-body-swapping sci-fi flick wherein some guy is "sent" from New York to some business thingie on the west coast by leaving his body at home and exchanging minds with somebody else, who now occupies the New York body. When it's time to return, he's told that the owner of his borrowed body had been "bodyjacked" by a terrorist, who now occupies his original body. in his subsequent panic, he winds up in the body of a "clone" (actually, a manufactured human who, like the other clones, looks just like Stephen Baldwin. Finally, the movie stopped being boring. Verdict: It's schlock, but it's good schlock. 2 brainless-swaps out of a possible five. Aftermath What would happen if the Earth's rotation slowed, then stopped? This show answers that question, and provides so many different ideas that could be adapted to a superheroic, science-fiction, pulp or fantasy setting. Did I leave any out? well, then etcetera! that should cover it! Verdict: I was in Nerdvana the whole time. 5 mass extinctions out of 5.
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures @ Deer: you're trying too hard. Real cute needs no photoshop. I had a girlfriend who could do that. Too bad she was a kleptomaniac.
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Ninja High School Musical Alvin and the Chocolate Chipmunks David Seville and the gang in a blaxploitation flick. Ugly American Idol
  8. Re: Jokes *facepalm* ...And all these years I've been doing it for free? I could've been a millionaire by now!
  9. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Ugly Americans It's hard to describe, but I'll try anyway. In this animated series, every fictional, fantastic, or mythological creature that was ever described really exists. Some of these have trouble restraining their natural (supernatural?) impulses. The main character, Mark Lilly, is employed by the Department of Integration, part of a (recently downsized to a) two-person team whose job it is to help these "Ugly-Americans" to adapt to life in civilization. His partner is a wizard/alcoholic who hasn't had a day of actual productivity in three years. His room-mate is a zombie who became one when his prospective girlfriend brushed him off by saying "I'm only into zombies" (when he shows up newly zombie-fied at her apartment later, she tells him "I'm into warlocks now"). Lilly's sometime girlfriend is his boss in the department, a half-human succubis who is attracted to Mark's gentleness, even though she claims to despise him for it. Mark fears one day she might kill him. What's not to like? Link to Promotional Trailer
  10. Re: The cranky thread I've got a toothache (pain level varies from "ow, that hurts" to "Mommy, make it stop!!!") and no dental insurance. I'm hoping to see an influx of cash in the next day or so, but until then I'm hurtin' bad.
  11. Re: Jokes I found this online, and it's a different take on the subject than I am used to. Pretty good, too! A shopkeeper watching over his shop is really surprised when he sees a dog coming inside the shop, He shoos him away. But later, the dog is back inside again. So he goes over to the dog and notices that it has a note in its mouth. He takes the note and it reads “Can I have 12 soaps and a shampoo bottle, please. The money is with the dog.” The shopkeeper looks inside the dogs mouth and to his surprise there is a 100 rupees note in his mouth. So he takes the money and puts the soap, shampoo and change in a bag, and then places it in the dogs mouth. The shopkeeper is so impressed, and since it is the closing time, he decides to follow the dog. The dog is walking down the street, when it comes to the zebra crossing, he waits till the signal turns green. He walks across the road till the bus stop. He waits on the stop and looks up the timetable for the bus. The shopkeeper is totally out of his mind as the dog gets into the bus and sits on a vacant seat. The shopkeeper follow the dog. The dog waits for the conductor to come to his seat. He gives the change to the conductor and shows him the neck belt to keep the ticket. The shopkeeper is almost fainting at this sight and so are the other people in the bus. The dog then moves to the front exit of the door and waits for the bus stop to arrive, looking outside. As soon as the stop is in sight he wags his tail to inform the driver to stop. Then not even waiting for the bus stop to arrive the dog jumps out and runs to the house nearby. It opens an big iron gate and rushes towards the door. As it approaches the door, he changes his mind and walks towards the garden. The dog walks up to the window and beats his head several times on the window. It then walks back to the door and waits. The shopkeeper maintaining his senses walks up to the door and watched a big guy open the door. The guy starts beating, kicking and abusing the dog. The shopkeeper is surprised and runs to stop the guy. the shopkeeper questions the guy “What in the heaven are you doing? The dog is a genius he could be famous in life.” The guy responds “You call this clever? This is the 3rd time in this week that the dog has forgotten the door keys.” The moral of the story: You may continue to exceed onlookers expectations… But will always fall short of the bosses expectation…
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures Pelagic Sea Slug This fishing site sez it's real. Hermit crab in a transparent shell.
  13. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Freejack I had only seen this flick once before, in the theater. I had to stifle a laugh when I saw the bank sign showing the current year as 2009. I had forgotten just how plausible a scenario corporate takeover of the government and economic domination by the Japanese seemed back then. Now it's just funny, since recent events have proven that large corporations are neither all-knowing nor all-wise as we had thought back then. Virtuosity I skipped this when it was in the theaters and subsequently ignored it thereafter until now. Turns out it's pretty entertaining, and Sid 6.7 would make an excellent villain or supervillain. Get Smart I've only seen this flick twice (both times on cable). I still like the way they handled Max's character -- not actually bumbling, but only seeming to, and having a great deal of knowledge and insight, characteristics not shared with his TV inspiration. Three Wise Fools Margaret O'Brien steals the show while veteran actors Lionel Barrymore, Lewis Stone, and Edward Arnold try to keep up. Signs M. Night Shaymalan again tries to pull off a "Sixth Sense". I had low expectations for this movie and my expectations were not only met, but greatly exceeded. Although I keppt rooting for this movie to turn into an action flick, it didn't. It really didn't need to as the human drama was pretty interesting. I'm probably damning this flick with faint praise, but what the hell, it was better than I expected.
  14. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns)
  15. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Meet The Hollowheads If you like weird, you'll love this movie. Leave it to Beaver on acid, or maybe thosw "magic mushrooms". Watch it stoned and it might make sense. I was handicapped by sobriety, however, so although I was amused, I was also confused. I'll have to watch it again just to be sure I understood this movie. Baffling, but entertaining. I give it 2.5 slightly radioactive nuclear families out of five. The First Travelling Saleslady The premise of this movie is that Ginger Rogers' character makes and sells corsets. When her scheme to boost sales by featuring her products in a burlesque production, the League of Decency boycotts her products, forcing her into insolvency. In order to pay back her supplier of steel corset stays, she offers to go to Texas and sell barbed-wire fencing. Hilarity ensues. This was the last movie released by RKO before it went under. It's main selling points were Ginger Rogers and Carol Channing in starring roles. Of interest were parts played by James Arness (of Gunsmoke fame) as the Texas Rancher who doesn't want the range fenced in, and Clint Eastwood, playing a lieutenant in Teddy Rooseveldt's Rough Riders.
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Megamind movie trailer
  17. Re: "Neat" Pictures This could be someone's fantasy familiar -- a flying badger!
  18. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Found at This is why you're fat (click on the description to see the picture): Deep-fried Twinkie On A Stick Dipped In Chocolate Syrup PopTarts Sprinkly Ice Cream Bites The Bacon Mug Cadbury Creme Eggs Benedict The Flatline Burger There's a lot more. Check out their archive (click here).
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The judge is Rudy Valee. The following aren't part of the same documentary, but they have a similar theme. Cartoon director Bob Clampett Loved to tweak the censors:
  20. Re: Champions movie Yeah. The electorate is finding out the hard way that celebrities aren't any smarter than the rest of us.
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Saw Planet 51, which stands 1950s alien invasion movies on their heads. Thoroughly enjoyable, if that's your thing.
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I may go into a diabetic coma. I'd rep this, but I must spread some before I can.
  23. Re: "Neat" Pictures The above is a real cat without makeup or props. He's just naturally ugly.
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