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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes I'm sure his excuse is "What? She's covered, isn't she?"
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I'm sure we've seen it before, but it's been a while. Gopher Broke
  3. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store Excellent idea. Somebody rep this guy for me, huh? Perhaps the objective isn't so much to create heroes and villains as it is to see how different individuals who seek the power to "make things right" actually go about doing so once they have been given the power. Batman, for instance, had a tragedy in his past which drove him to protect others from suffering as he has. Others choose to use their powers to gain wealth, some sort of elevated status, the admiration or "respect" (fear) of others, etc. What happens when a certain number of "loose cannons" are set upon the world, each with their own agenda? Is the net result a better, if somewhat more chaotic world or does the world descend into despotism as those with the might to do so sieze power? It could be that Icons is an agency of some foreign power (extraterrestrial or maybe extradimensional) whose purpose is to sow chaos to weaken the Earth's defenses against invasion. Conversely, it could be preparing Earth to defend itself by creating beings who have the ability to counter the advanced technology of an invader. It could be some cosmic experiment by advanced beings for reasons we can't fathom, and everyone, not just the "suits", is a labrat for this experiment. I'd recommend leaking hints that support several of these theories, but keeping Icons' motivation a mystery as much as possible.
  4. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Everybody Loves Raymond Burr My Rennaissance Faire Lady A Ren-fair promoter bets he can train a randomly-selected woman to pass as a "rennie".
  5. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Thanks! Just what I was hoping for. http://beta.nfb.ca/film/Banshees_Over_Canada/ http://revver.com/video/170616/private-snafu-censored/ Dancing Hitler An Itch in Time (Not every wartime cartoon had the war as a subject) Bugs, I'm ashamed of you! Danny Kaye U.S.O
  7. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares CATSNIMH't The Jellical cats are drugged by hyperintelligent rats.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos WWII propaganda cartoon Walt Disney Cartoon - Education For Death Sorry I couldn't find more propaganda* from the Axiz powers. If anyone can discover the magic search terms that will help find 'em, post 'em or post links here. THX! * Every time I try, I've been getting neo-nazi BS.
  10. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store Bat-Manuel, anybody?
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Must be one of those "optical illusion" pictures. Willard and the Secret of Nimh
  12. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Lately, I've started calling those boxes of chicken and beef broth "Chicken Juice" and "Beef Juice" respectively. We're in the kitchen, We're in the kitchen! We've got a lot of what it takes to make a... sandwich!
  13. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I had a couple of dreams last night that I remember fairly clearly. Dream 1: I had attempted to assist a black friend to stand up for himself and demand fair treatment. The consequence of these actions, however, were unsettling. The man was returned to slavery (don't recall if it was nationwide or if they had just made an exception for this guy), and rendered blind. I can remember being apallingly guilty and kept telling him "my friends and I will save up and buy you so we can take care of you." In the dream, I remember thinking how stupid and patronizing that sounded, but I couldn't stop because I really wanted to make things right and could see no effective way to do so. Dream two: My mom and my sister were trying to set me up with one of my sister's friends. They were worried that I needed companionship and couldn't understand why I wasn't as concerned about this as they were. I kept trying to explain to them that I knew her friend wouldn't like me for who I was, but for what she could make of me. While I knew I needed love and affection, I was really getting sick of so much rejection and had decided that loneliness was the better option.
  14. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store Perhaps the body instantly conforms to the new standard when the costume is donned, and changes back when it is (intentionally) removed? That way nobody will suspect that Joe Porkbutt is really Super-Physique-Man!
  15. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store Where do I sign up? (I'm assuming superwomen my own age might look as appealing?) If they're playing an RPG how about Icons and Infamy©?
  16. Re: My Superhero Universe I prefer the term Benchmarking, as in "That's pretty good. I'm going to steal benchmark that for my own campaign. I wanted to love the book and the movie, but although the visuals were stunning, neither told a story I was very interested in.
  17. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Ninja Super High Me The Secret Garden of Nimh
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The Witch Doctor Song (from the Alvin show)
  19. Re: Steampunk - Source Material Links: 7 Awesome Steampunk Appliances Steampunk watch Steampunk Bluetooth headset Dr Grymm's Eye Pod Victrola I have no idea what this is for, but it appears to be steampunk-flavored.
  20. Re: Steampunk - Source Material Yeah! Usually that's an optional extra!
  21. There're a few genres that require little people, but there's some overlap. How do you adjust your game when the main characters are small, like leprechauns, pixies, elves (the little ones, not those hyperthyroid ones from D&D), rats from Nimh, or stand-ins for opressed minorities coming to America (American Tail anyone?). What if there's a secret civilization of animals that lives in the shadows of humanity? What if giant creatures moved to Earth, and viewed humanity as vermin? Pets? Delicacies? Pick something that appeals to you and run with it.
  22. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I'd post something clever but I forgot what it was. Yes, it's one of those days.
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