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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Reminds me of the Star Trek (Fasa) campaign I ran back in the day. Your group sounds like a fun bunch. Repped.
  2. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Noooooooooooo! (Repped)
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Spoilered for size Brokebeak Mountain A mashup of Hitchcock's The Birds and Brokeback Mountain Chip and Dale's Power Rangers
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Dr Hook ~~ Everybody's Making it Big But me Dr Hook ~~ Millionaire
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Funny Ad Watch the cat walk on water!
  6. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I watched Adventure in Baltimore (1949), one of Shirley Temple's last few movies as an adult.
  7. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I can only remember a snippet of last night's dream. I saw two dejected elves sitting in front of a burned out tree. One turned to the other and wailed "I thought trees were supposed to be Fireproof!"
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Found two earlier, just thought I'd cross-post 'em here: Spoilered for size.
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures Spoilered for size
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Excerpt from Fido: how to live with zombies Don't Put It In Your Mouth Captain Video anti-racism message Grandpa's 1939 Worlds Fair Television Set Museum
  11. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Last night I watched Fido, a story set in the 1950s of an alternate universe where radiation from space turned the dead into zombies. The Zombie Wars are over, and Zomcon sells "controlled" zombies (they wear a control collar -- if the lights go off, hit the panic button!). They also protect the public by fencing in the cities, thus fencing out the "wild" zombies. Timmy is an outcast at school, picked upon by the bullies and ignored by the girls. When Timmy's mom buys a zombie servant against her distant husband's wishes, Timmy finds a friend in "Fido". Fido (Trailer 2006)
  12. Re: "Wee Folk", traditional or furry Looky what I found! Rodent Weight Standards
  13. Re: "Wee Folk", traditional or furry Much larger critters (humans f'rinstance) might have an inherently harder time spotting a small critter (unless for example, it was the lone white mouse on a black tile floor). The time scale and distances would have to be adjusted to a smaller scale, as well. I've been told that the shorter nerve paths between brain and body give faster reaction times to small creatures when compared to larger ones. Aside from size considerations, what other characteristics might define wee folk of whatever species? What makes leprechauns different from elves besides, presumably, culture? They both make shoes, but do they all? What are pixies and what do they do for a living? Is there such a thing as a Fairy publicist? Gnome accountants? Dwarf stand-up comedians? In a Superheroic world, does the occasional sapient (or non-sapient) animal develop superpowers at the same rate as for humans? What do you think?
  14. Some more PSAs Don't do drugs! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2130392624413165666# Phishing PSA Coffee Addiction PSA http://www.metacafe.com/watch/yt-n_8qaTWfOvA/funny_public_service_announcement_parody_coffee_ad diction/ Dyslexia PSA http://www.metacafe.com/watch/yt-tEmLFgk8Uso/frustrating/ Sexual Harassment http://www.metacafe.com/watch/fd-d047cbeadf/sexual_harassment_with_hayden_panettiere/ On-Line Piracy http://www.metacafe.com/watch/yt-oXR4T8xVFdw/online_piracy_psa_parody/
  15. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) My dreams have been somewhat disjointed lately, but in the latest installment, I was at a military base when aliens attacked. I knew what sort of weapons they had and what their capabilities were, but no-one would believe me until I demonstrated how to avoid being blown away by their powerful bombs (get in the "blast-shadow" of some sturdy structure). The aliens blew up our headquarters building (which I presumed meant they thought that would paralyze our military effort) and left to subdue the populace. I directed recovery efforts at the base, as we assembled high-tech weaponry and defenses from the materials at hand. Oddly, we were moving the parts around on a basewide rail system, but our weaponry was coming together and would prove a big surprise to the enemy. I wish I could tell you what happened next, but somehow my dream segued into a search for the Base eXchange (BX) where I could buy stuff that I needed. What stuff? I dunno, but I knew I needed it and could find it at the BX.
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.veryfunnyads.com/
  17. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store ...or a ring, helmet or other simple piece of equipment that, when donned (and/or activated) transforms the character (or enables him to transform at will, so long as the item is worn/wielded in a prescribed way)? Excalibur anyone? He-man's sword? Green Lantern's ring? Sinbad Jr.'s belt? Etc?
  18. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Colt Defender Click on either picture for more info.
  19. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes Just once I'd like to see a hero who's old, apparently out of shape (and out of out of breath from "speeding to the rescue") show up to the fight, get laughed at by the villain, then pwn the guy. Yeah, I did re-watch Kung-Fu Panda recently.
  20. Re: "Wee Folk", traditional or furry It's been a while since I've run anything, but I would expect that if the PCs were intelligent rats or leprechauns (or some other smaller-than-human critter), I would set the campaign norms as usual, with the humans having whatever powers and characteristics best represent their increased size relative to the PC critters/race. In other words, STR 10 represents the usual strength of an athletic baseline creature (with 8 being the nominal average for non-adventurers). I'd give humans more STR to represent their (relatively) huge size, with possibly a lower speed and/or dex to represent that they aren't as light and maneuverable as the baseline critters. (I'll be back later to elaborate, but I'm about out of time on this [public library] computer.)
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The Sea Named Solaris
  22. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I've been having trouble paying attention for more than an hour lately, so I've been watching a lot of one-hour programs. I watched two episodes of Life on Discovery channel, one about plants (cooler than you might think) and the other about primates (also very interesting). I also watched a BBC program about monkeys (Can't seem to find a link) and the first full episode of Dr. Who with the eleventh Doctor.
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