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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Horton Hears Dr. Who League of Ordinary Gentlemen Mr. Magorium's Wonderbra Emporium 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea Muppets War of the Worlds Car Wars Talk Hosted by Tom and Ray
  2. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) Last night's dream: I was in the Air Force, looking at my work schedule and realized that I had more than 30 years in the service (not the real number, but it was a dream ). Not only that, but it seemed they only had me down to work two days a week. I wasn't sure why that was, but I was relieved since (in the dream) I had been showing up for work only occasionally anyway. Then, someone told me the Shop Chief wanted to see me. I thought that must mean I was in trouble so I went in prepared to get reamed for something or other. Instead, the Shop Chief sat me down and said we were doing an evaluation (of my work). I was still nervous, since I wasn't confident I was living up to the standard despite trying my best. I just didn't feel like my best was good enough. Instead, the Shop Chief began telling me what an excellent job I had been doing, that my attitude boosted shop morale and that my suggestions for improving the way we did things were making our shop an example for the rest of the Base to follow. Once I awoke, I realized that, with a couple of exceptions, for most of my career I had bosses whose management philosophy relied on fear and uncertainty to keep the underlings in line. The boss in that dream (he wasn't just a generic boss-guy) was one of the exceptions.
  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures [Futurama] "I'm afraid you've got owls." [/Futurama]
  4. Re: Dwarves, Elves and Hobbits Need Not Apply! Nah! The players hate being scammed like that. You told them they were in a fantasy setting and failed to produce elves. For a lot of people elves are the litmus test of fantasy: "Elves = fantasy", "no elves = it ain't fantasy, it's something else." Maybe if the pre-game briefing had been more thorough?
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Thanks! That helps whole bunches! [/sarcasm]
  6. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. A clerk at a store tells me "Have a good day!" My response: "If you insist!"
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Yah! I don't understand Cyrillic letters very well at all.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos That is so full of awesome I'm sitting here with goosebumps! Somebody rep this guy for me, huh?
  9. Re: Dwarves, Elves and Hobbits Need Not Apply! Moral: If you can't stand elves, stay away from fantasy RPGs.
  10. Re: Dwarves, Elves and Hobbits Need Not Apply!
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Oh, dear G-d! I had successfully banished that drek from my brain since I was four years old. And now...!
  12. Re: Help! Phaser Disintegration Redux That's pretty-much how I handled the aliens' Death-rays in my The Invaders,1999 campaign. Of course, they were autofire weapons, to allow someone to "sweep" his fire over several targets. Repped.
  13. Re: Jokes You wouldn't believe how many cops have been saved that sort of embarrassment since the proliferation of dash cams!
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I was looking up hominid substitutes for the traditional Tolkien-style elves, dwarves, gnomes, etc. I found that pic on this site. I blurred the genitalia in case someone might be offended by a visible hominid penis and posted the result on PhotoBucket. That pic and some others as much like it as I could find are posted here: Dwarves, Elves and Hobbits Need Not Apply!
  15. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I can just imagine someone answering during a gunfight: "Can I call you back? I'm kinda busy now!"
  16. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I've exchanged my mediocre and somewhat expensive cable provider for Dish Network. I've been watching JLU reruns on boomerang. I never knew that show was even on until it was over. Now I can catch up.
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Is it possible to download any of these hero-making programs so I can work on stuff offline?
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Indiana Jones and the Australopithecine Beer Factory
  19. Re: Dwarves, Elves and Hobbits Need Not Apply! Good stuff, Maynard! I've always thought it might be interesting if the humans were the elves, with other hominids being used for the other "less-developed" races. I'll concede that their brains should be bigger/better than in the originals, but they needen't look all that human. My candidates? Gigantopithecus = Ork Homo Sapiens (Cro-Magnon Man) = "Elf" Neanderthal = "human" (primary protagonists) Australopithecine = Dwarf Homo Habilis (~ the height of Australopithecines) = Gnome Homo Floresiensis = Hobbits
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures The following image is a combination image of satellite-imaged Earth surface morphed into a globe and showing various and sundry satellites, showing their coverage of the Earth. I presume its not to scale. A similar image showing orbital debris. Spoilered for size: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Imagery of TGPGP: Those swirly-looking bits of ocean contain large mats of plastic waste, according to this site. Never mind. Apparently there aren't any satellite pics of the garbage patch. when I tried to find a link I discovered that the above image is being used to "illustrate" what it might look like from space, but in my book, it's dishonest to use pictures of something unrelated to the subject to outrage people into backing your position.
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Last night I watched The Golden Age of Cartoons: Cartoons for Victory! There were several interesting ones, including a German short that seemed to have nothing to do with the War whatsoever and a Vichy French (collaborationist) one showing Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Popeye, etc., on a bombing mission over France while a derogatory Jewish stereotype broadcasts propaganda to the resistance about how they should stand firm because "we are coming!" Of course, the family listening to the broadcast is destroyed by the bombing mission mentioned earlier. It ends with the Angel of Death arriving to collect the souls of the "poor, deluded French patriots". There were a couple of training films about camouflage, one of them (Private Snafu) was kind of funny, but the other, aptly-titled Camouflage, was produced by Walt Disney studios and features an "old hand at camouflage" (a Chameleon named "Jehudi") instructing airmen in how to use camouflage to conceal their planes, buildings, and roads, while using scrap materials to create camo-netting, dummy planes, etc. There are also a bunch of wartime posters (Allied and Axis) in the Special Features section. Good stuff for a buff like myself. Bonus: Found a short version of one of the propaganda films @ YouTube:
  22. Addendum: Just found a more accurate pic. Imagine the gun below with grips like the gun above.
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