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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties. I think it's almost done. I really need grammar and spelling Nazis to check in and let me know what might be improved. I'm hoping someone can look the document over and check for logical inconsistencies and continuity errors. Changes in one section may require changes in other sections and my attention span is kind of feeble, so I don't always get around to fixing inconsistencies. Also, if anyone has suggestions for additional content, I'd be pleased to field suggestions, but keep in mind that I will only implement ideas that appeal to me and fit into my concept of the Way Things Work. Changes that I can remember off the top of my head: Added Smokey the Bear. Added more pictures. Expanded upon and added detail regarding the Cthulhoid incursion. Expanded upon and added detail regarding the war between the Ancient Ones and the Krell. Added Stargate references. Expanded upon and added detail to the stories of Opar, Gorilla City, and Wakanda. Added some "Hollow Earth" references. Expanded upon the story of Krypton. I finally came up with a (kinda-sorta) logical reason for the planet itself to have exploded, and I removed the Supernova story of its destruction. Added human silhouettes to some of the illustrations to give scale. Many of the pictures may have to be replaced. I finally figured out how to make pictures fit without scaling them down first (which made pixellation obvious). Added a reason why "Good Doctor Jekyll" would continue taking the Hyde formula after he realizes what he becomes when he takes it. Added a couple sentences regarding Hugo Danner's childhood development. Added a reference to the expedition that discovered Lord Greystoke (Tarzan) was alive, but can't seem to remember to look up the names of the other people (specifically Jane and her Father). Help? Please? The "Great Aurora" start time is supposed to be 10:00 a.m. Colorado time. Could someone check my estimation of Greenwich time to see if it's correct? Remember this was 1908 and there wasn't any "Daylight Saving Time" in the U.S. until 1917. Added the origin of the "Fortress of Solitude". Two of them, actually. Gave yet more space to the saga of the ever-put-upon Professor Roy Hinkley Jr. Altered the "Black Scorpion account to link the events more closely to U.S. above-ground nuclear testing. Added the launch of the Jupiter Two in 1999. Added the rise of this universe's "Real" movement. "Norms" are ordinary people who go out in costume and do things like feed the poor, help the homeless, promote literacy, etc. This whole sentence links to the documents in question.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Racism & sexism during WWII. I really wish there were forums for settings regardless of genre. A lot of this info is useful to any campaign set about that time. Postwar attitudes weren't dramatically different from pre-war attitudes, and many strides towards equality were pushed back after the war ended. African Americans in World War II: A Legacy of Patriotism and Valor - Part 1 (1997) “African Americans in World War II: A Legacy of Patriotism and Valor” playlist results 1 - 10 of about 34 ETA: Cross-posted from this thread.
  3. Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties. Concord generously donated webspace for these files. I'll let you know when I've updated them. Actually, they've been updated (a lot) since the last time I made them available, so go ahead & have a look. At This Website. (this whole paragraph is a link. Click anywhere on it.)
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Grandpa has to dial the phone now:
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I've been catching up on Doctor Who. Last night I watched the two-parter where reptilian humanoids attack the surface world when they're threatened by a miles-deep borehole. Whats-his-name (the fifth-wheel companion) doesn't die but ceases to have existed at all, because of some interdimensional crack which seems to be portending the ultimate destruction of the Tardis.
  6. Re: Jokes A man came into the barber, closely followed his little girl, who was eating a snack cake. As the Barber prepared to cut the man's hair he warned the little girl: "You better step back, honey, you'll get hair on your Twinkie". Excitedly, the little girl replied "Yeah, and I'll get BOOBS, too!
  7. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of.
  8. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of. More relevant material: African Americans in World War II: A Legacy of Patriotism and Valor - Part 1 (1997) “African Americans in World War II: A Legacy of Patriotism and Valor” playlist results 1 - 10 of about 34
  9. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of. More relevant vids regarding the technology of the day: Sikorsky VS-300
  10. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of. A few things related to the era in question: Telephone and Telegraph (1946) (I am astonished sometimes at the sloooow pacing of some of these films.)
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Thank you. I'd rep you, but I have to spread it.
  12. Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties. Unfortunately, the inclusion of images has made the resulting document too large to upload as an attachment, and I don't know where to get free online space to upload it for perusal. If anyone wants to see a copy I can email it to you, but keep in mind it's over 2 megs and growing. If anyone can suggest a free site I can keep files for others to peruse, let me know. Since the demise of Geocities I've been at a loss.
  13. Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties. I made a few changes, including the decision to make the Ancient Ones aquatic (or at least amphibious) and changing the picture to something rather more slug-like. There are lots of other tweaks, including some revision of poor, troubled Roy Hinkley's biography.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. My mom and I were talking about someone we both know: Mom: "She wouldn't get so stressed if she'd just go with the flow." Me: "She doesn't want to go with the flow. She wants the flow to go with her." Me commenting on how stressed out I've been for a couple of months: "If it weren't for denial I'd never make it through the day."
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Agreed. Disney propaganda aside, Bambi can look out for himself if you get too close, and a buck in rut isn't a timid woodland creature. And they taste good with french fries. What?
  16. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I dunno if this has been posted yet, but: [ATTACH=CONFIG]37042[/ATTACH]
  17. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares [ATTACH=CONFIG]37017[/ATTACH] The Liquor Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Everybody Loves Raymond's Poops A Sesame Streetcar named Desire Star Trek: Now, Voyager
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I started looking for pictures or videos of the Great Race of Yith and got side-tracked. Here's what I found (after I jumped the tracks, that is).
  19. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I watched a 1931 Warner Bros production of the Maltese Falcon. It may have been better with Bogey but it was still pretty damn good, especially when compared with other films of that era. I just acquired season one of Star Trek (the one that started it all) with remastered FX. I look forward to seeing it again. ETA: The Maltese Falcon was the first Detective Novel I ever read. I wasted over $100 (in 1984 dollars) buying more until I figured out that I had read the best of the genre in the first go and nothing else could live up to that standard. Bummer.
  20. Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties. Good to hear. I'm still looking for a limpet-like creature to represent the Krell, but the Great Race of Yith was the first thing I thought of when I watched the movie back in the mid-80s. I'd seen the movie several times before but it wasn't until then that I became aware of the Cthulhu mythos, at first through D&D and later through ICE's Call of Cthulhu" game. I still remember fondly the first game where an insane or dead character could be fun, depending on how he got that way. HELP WANTED: My google-fu isn't always up to the task, so I'm asking folks to look for pictures that might be useful to me in illustrating this document. I'm especially proud of finding the Marilyn Monroe-as-Supergirl image, and the agricultural equipment that became Hugo Danner/Kal-El's spaceship, but I think I just got lucky. Besides, I'm easily distracted and often forget what I was looking for in the first place.
  21. Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties. An incomplete list of additions and changes: Added vague descriptions for the Ancient Ones and the Krell. Changed the entry on the origins of Gorilla City to explain why they weren't able to de-ape themselves. Edited the Amazons' history so their behavior and attitudes make more sense. Added an entry referencing Mysterious Island. Changed the 1873 entry so it was the Krell, not the Ancient Ones, who seeded Hugo Danner's homeworld. Added a bit more regarding the Electric Horse. Changed the description of what constitutes a "Mystery Man". Added references to "hollow Earth" and Nazi Flying Saucers. Attached is the latest version as of now.
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Now I want to move to the Phillipines! Darna
  23. Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties. Still not complete, but now I'm adding pictures. Woo-hoo!
  24. Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties. I'm still massaging the timeline. There are just too many 1950s Alien Invader and Giant Creature sci-fi movies to mention each one, though I still hope to include Attack of the 50-Foot Woman, some reference to Plan Nine from Outer Space, and George Pal's Destination Moon. Yes, the existence of Super Science (and Mad Science) has changed things a little, but not so much as to make things unrecognizeable.
  25. Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties. Latest update. The '50s are slightly different and I decided I'd sleep better if someone else (Steve Rogers, it turns out) were the father of Wonder Woman's love child. I always felt uneasy having 14-year-old Billy Batson, even in his Captain Marvel identity, becoming a father. I also added Wakanda into the mix, as well as adding multiple outbreaks of zombies and Giant Monsters in the desert southwest (there are an abundance of movies to draw from*). I added the George Pal version of The War of the Worlds, but superheroes made shorter work of them than the germs did. I also added The Incredible Mr. Limpet and a 1925 Fortean report of werewolf attacks in England. * There will be more additions, I assure you, but I just can't remember everything at once.
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