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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures Seriously, those pics look like what I can remember of my colonoscopy session a year ago (they used really good drugs, so it's a wonder I can remember anything at all ). I had no idea Venus looked like that from any angle or distance. Here's some pictures I altered. Some were pretty awesome before I got to 'em:
  2. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of.
  3. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of. Found a fabulous resource here at youtube: WWII German Propaganda Newsreels
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Sorry about that. I should have included a few videos. Hopefully these make up for the lack in my last post: The following video is a remix of the song I'll make a man out of you and WWII propaganda video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRop0x2pm0o
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Someone rep this guy for me. I've never seen either of these before and now I want to see more. Thanks!
  6. Re: Jokes @Escafarc: I'd give you math geek rep, but I gotta spread some.
  7. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.herogames.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=37151&d=1285630806
  8. Re: Steampunk - Source Material I checked the following book out from my local library: http://www.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Fantastic-Victoriana-Jess-Nevins/dp/1932265155 It looks like a comprehensive resource.
  9. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I saw Zone Troopers for the very first time last night. I must've missed it when it first came out. It was cheesy, but I like cheese.
  10. Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties. This whole sentence links to the documents in question. I've taken to working on the post (this one) I'm going to make offline to save time and so I have less trouble remembering what changes I made since last time, since I can write them down as I make them. This isn't entirely effective since I sometimes get caught up in the process and make multiple changes before I remember to write them down. By that time, the only detail I remember is what I just did. I removed more instances of duplicate events and changed the order or timing of some events so the beginning, middle, and end parts happened in that order (instead of jumbled or backwards). My mind doesn't seem to work in strictly chronological fashion, so often I describe an event starting in the middle (or the end) and work my way out to either end. When I write a new paragraph, I frequently end up having to reverse the sentence order for it to finally mean what I meant in the first place. *shrug* It's late Sunday and I forgot to write down the changes I made, but there were a lot of them so hopefully they are easy to find. Hopefully these documents are more cohesive. I cut and paste the relevant section, 1880 to the end of 1941, from the timeline to the Golden Age supplement, and then have to edit it to make sure the pictures are near the relevant paragraph.
  11. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore You're right. It's a good thing other people doing stuff doesn't bother me. Just so long as they return the favor.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I remember when they'd show Felix the Cat cartoons on Captain Kangaroo. This sounds like a new recording of the old lyrics. I thought so. Compare the music to that in this old episode. ???? Sometimes you find really strange stuff when you're looking for something else. The following videos illustrate why the past is a foreign culture. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etmAfOhix4Q
  13. Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties. Making more changes that throw the formatting out of whack. I'll post the newest version later tomorrow or Monday.
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I saw this guy's act only once, on TV, about 20± years ago and I still remembered this guy's bit well enough to find it.
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I want to see this movie made!
  16. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Outsourced. The show holds promise but all the gags were low-hanging fruit, and much of it was moldy and rotten. Hollywood loves to portray Americans as culturally insensitive, but cultural insensitivity isn't funny to me, just painful. You can almost hear the mocking laughter of the writers as they make the main character a stand-in for all the things they dislike about other Americans (not them, of course, the writers are the enlightened ones and would never be guilty of cultural insensitivity ). Since it's an ensemble cast comedy, they might need some time together before they "click". I won't take it off my DVR schedule unless it becomes evident that it's not getting any better.
  17. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore For the first time in this thread, someone has posted something that actually made me queasy. Thank you.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos A few things our history books glossed over (at least when I was in school). The Nazis are still with us, they just go by different names. And just because I thought it was funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq2FY0sZxak
  19. Re: Campaign tools need editorial review by interested parties. I went through and added (or replaced) pictures throughout the document. If anyone thinks they've found a picture worthy of inclusion, post a link to its location here and I'll have a look. I'm doing my best to make this document internally consistent. I went through the pre-human history and added detail to the Ancients' (formerly Ancient Ones) history and psychology. I expanded upon the first contact between the Krell and the Ancients, trying to make it clear that the Krell were, in fact, using (mental) violence only as a last resort after other means of persuasion hadn't diverted the Ancients from their intent to harvest and destroy all life on the Krell homeworld. As well, I made it clear that the Krell didn't destroy all the Ancients, but managed to rehabilitate significant numbers of them. I'm also modifying parts of the Amazons' history to add in the Greek gods and other familiar trappings. I'm trying to show that the only thing wrong with the Amazons is a lack of humility. I'm not trying to make them Rabidly anti-male feminists, but simply a radical society that came by its disfunctionality honestly. As I was writing that last line above, I got the mental image of Ma Kettle confronting the Amazons and chewing them out for their arrogance. "Where did you get the idea you could tell ME what bravery is? You go off and have ten or eleven kids and try to raise 'em all to be proper human bein's without disease or the bears gettin' 'em first. Teach 'em to mind their manners and respect their elders and still make sure they know when they're bein' sold a bill o' goods! /Then/ we'll talk! Now take your ladies' social club and get off my property!! I've got _real_ work to do!" I promise not to use that last bit in the timeline. I juggled the 1950s to get rid of (or combine) multiple instances of "Didn't this already happen?" I also added just a bit more about the Professor, providing him with a clean break from the University that keeps sending him to investigate strange events that end up getting people killed. This whole sentence links to the documents in question.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Better than prozac is the sight of happy dogs at play. I must have looked away for a moment. I missed the goat.
  21. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) The first dream I remember from last night, I was driving my car (in this dream it was a Model T). I was driving in the Sierra Nevada mountains. At first, haze obscured the mountain peaks so I could only see the terrain near the road. I found a place to stop and got out. While I was trying to see into the distance, the haze began to clear. The scenery was incredibly beautiful. The mountains were lush with grassy meadows and green forests, and capped with snow at their peaks. I'm sure some parts of heaven will look like that.* I got back into my car and drove further into the mountains. I found a small village that seemed to be stuck in the 1930s. Either that or I traveled back in time. There was more to this dream but I don't remember it. The next dream I could remember was that I had nowhere to live and no income and had to move back in with my parents. Dad was alive again, and he and Mom appeared to be in their mid-forties. They lived in a tiny house on a tiny lot. It was fenced in but there was no gate so you had to climb the fence to get in. Dad was giving me a lecture on how I could still "Make something of yourself". I was trying to explain that now I was 52, handicapped, mentally ill, and applying for disability, so there really wasn't much I could do. I had to give up trying to convince him because in the dream at least I could not shake his belief that I was just being "lazy". The last dream must be because I've been working hard on my timeline. Last night I dreamed that Lois Lane had married Clark Kent. They had a teen-aged daughter with superpowers. Somehow their daughter's not-quite evil twin from a parallel dimension showed up and started hanging with "Powergirl" (not her name in the dream -- she didn't seem to have one and she was a brunette). The other "Powergirl" (let's call her Girlpower) wasn't evil, just surly and a lesbian. For some reason Lois (Lane) Kent found this very upsetting. * If it doesn't, I'm asking for a refund.
  22. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Batman: The Brave and the Bold. I'm looking forward to the rest of the new season.
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