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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos It's april first, but I don't like pranks, so here's some funnies instead [i dunno how the Drunken Scotsman song wound up down here, but it should be gone now.]
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Plus one unrelated to the rest:
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Riffing on a theme: Itsi Bitsi Polka-Dot Bikini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXVUh0t4-_Y
  4. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Tangled (DVD). Quite enjoyable.
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I just can't get enough of this stuff, but I suspect you can, so I stopped at two. You're welcome.
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures Oh, crap! (Ah, c'mon! Somebody had to say it!)
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos One of many reasons why I don't think I'll ever tire of the Venture Brothers:
  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Thank you. At least my disappointment (upon hearing the bad news) didn't cost me the price of admission like yours did. Thanks for taking one for the team.
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures [ATTACH=CONFIG]38252[/ATTACH]
  10. Re: Jokes Not just now, they don't. In fact, a belief in Jesus as the Messiah, by definition, means the believer is not a Jew, except possibly by descent (in every Jewish sect I am aware of). I figure it's a non-issue. When the Messiah comes, it won't matter what his given name is. [/tangent] I'm all outta jokes right now, so I'll come back later when I've got one.
  11. Re: Jokes Two cannibals sit down to lunch. One gives out with a heavy sigh. His bud asks: "What's wrong?" "Oh, I just HATE my mother-in-law!" "So? Then just eat the vegetables."
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures Don't look if you easily get the heebie-jeebies: World's Biggest "Bugs"
  13. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Shrek Forever After: The Final Chapter Alternate title:Okay, Now Seriously This Is The Last Shrek Film We're Going To Make Unless We Think We Can Squeeze Even More Money Out Of The Franchise. Actually quite an enjoyable flick, but I don't see how they can ever make a subsequent story in this series without lowering their standards.
  14. Re: A note on starship design: the engines point down. The following two drawings were based on the above Dual-Opposed-Gravity-Field-Drive (DOGFD: DOGFooD). I designed them as part of a Star Trek universe that had a bunch of vessels I would like to have seen, but of course, I wasn't consulted throughout the various series' runs. The Hephaestus was a prototype system defense ship. It's designed to patrol space near inhabited systems, supressing piracy, rendering aid to distressed spacefarers, and, when called upon, defending against invasion. The warp nacelles are uniquely-shaped to optimize them for use deep within a gravity well without unintended spacetime distortion (uneven time passage which will "weather" a spaceship's spaceframe, weakening it with microfractures). It's slower than other vessels outside of a stellar system, but within a stellar gravity well it can move at faster warp speeds without risk of damage. The DOGFooD drive gives unparalleled maneuverability at sublight speeds, superior to impulse-based sublight drives. There is a sublight drive mounted aft, but it's primary purpose is to serve as an auxiliary power generation unit than additional propulsion. The Lewis-class System Defense Ship was developed from the Hephaestus prototype. Major differences are the elimination of the former ship's "waist", providing extra room for auxiliary equipment, and the application of a layer of armor covered with a Distributed Integrated Multifunction Weapons, Sensor and Shield Array (DIMWSS), a hull coating with integral microstructures that provide phaser emitter, sensor, camouflage, and shield functions in a distributed array over the entire hull rather than as discrete emitters and recievers. Even when damaged, the system remains functional, though with lesser resolution (sensors and camouflage), power handling (weapons) and shield strength.
  15. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? There's little to choose between them, but I enjoyed both of them. Of course, I'm a cartoon geek who loves animated anything, so long as it isn't preachy (*Cough!* Last Rainforest *Cough!*) I also watched Pom Poko.
  16. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Megamind.
  17. Re: A note on starship design: the engines point down. In some of my Space-faring campaigns, propulsion was by a system I called "gravity slope generators". GSGs were electronically-controlled devices that could reorient and amplify the slope of space (gravity). Within a GSG field, the direction and strength of gravity could be wildly different than just outside. Everything inside the GSG field would fall in the same direction at the same rate, so a single field could not generate gravity. If you used two GSGs, you would create two overlapping fields. The area of overlap would cancel out, but if your ship was designed to place half the mass in one field, pulling aft at one gee, and had the front half pulling in the opposite direction at two gees, you'd have a net thrust of one gee. Because of the difference in field strengths, objects in the forward decks would experience an apparent one gee in the direction of travel, and the aft decks would experience the same gee-force, but towards the aft. Once the vessel has accelerated to coasting speed, each field is adjusted to maintain the one gee tug in each direction, with a net acceleration of zero. Steering is by intentionally directing each field in slightly different directions to rotate the vessel to a new heading. Actually, it's more complicated than that, but the ship can be rotated to orient in the desired direction and then thrust applied to alter its course.
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Ditto.
  19. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Despicable Me.
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures That reminds me of how zookeepers "enrich" the lives of their charges by providing changes in their routine and giving them unexpected treats and puzzles. We need more guerrilla knitters if you ask me. It's sort of like the opposite of terrorism.
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtuRv5eciAo
  22. Re: Superhero Images I must be getting older. My first reaction upon seeing the bosom above wasn't "Wow! Wotta rack!" but "Careful girl! Your boobs look like they're about to pop!" I find that the older I get, and the more actual breasts I see, the more I can appreciate a bosom that shows the effects of time and gravity (and genetics, too). If you were to raise the point-of-attachment of the upper part of the breasts on the ribcage and lower the center of mass for her "prow" I think they'd look more naturally integrated with the rest of her physique. Right now, they look like they were added as an afterthought, and positioned more to give everyone a view than with an eye to human anatomy. I know this may impose something of a hardship upon you, but I suggest you study unretouched photographs of nekkid women (and on a more serious note, books on human anatomy) to get a more natural appearance. Actually, the rest of her is just about perfect. Good work!
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