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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A Superhuman Registration World The OP didn't specify why there was a superdraft, and the reasons he alluded to sounded kind of vague (and therefore weak). Given a superterrorist attack, I'm sure there would be supers crawling out of the woodwork to lend a hand, but I also suggest that it would have to be a seriously dire threat for more than a small percentage (I'd guess about 10%) to give up a job they are skilled at for a job where they might be expected to deal violence to others on a regular basis. I don't know about you, but I would get very, very stressed out (possibly to the point of what used to be called a "nervous breakdown") having to frequently face hostile people with intent to harm myself or others, and equipped with the ability to do so. The only options in the OP for superpowered individuals are military service or as part of a superteam with law enforcement responsibilities. I'm pretty sure draftee Superguy's talents would not be squandered by assigning him to the motorpool as a wrench-turner. Likewise Superwimp, though not well-suited to law enforcement (he's a pacifist and abhors violence of any kind) is unlikely to be expected to handle only kitchen duties as part of Strikeforce Alpha. Personally, I think it would be kind of neat to enlist in the National Forest Service and assist in fighting wildfires or searching for lost hikers, but that's just me. Basically, I'd rather not have to kill anyone if it can possibly be avoided. Likewise, beating someone up isn't my idea of a positive experience. People in the military have no choice in such matters so long as the order commanding them to do so is lawful. Perhaps it's just me, but If my GM proposed a campaign along these lines, I would have concerns that it might be a darker campaign than I could have fun with.
  2. Re: Dr Zero's Art Thread Love the character with a cookpot for a helmet. Repped.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The product is real, but is the ad real, too? The Former Emperor looks for work:
  4. Re: A Superhuman Registration World When I served, I was a volunteer. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't mind being recalled to active duty, so long as there was no coercion involved, but so far you have described a system where the government's methods for ensuring cooperation seem a greater threat to the nation than the things they are trying to oppose. I'd definitely investigate the Ghandi/Martin Luther King passive resistance bit. I'd help people with my powers but would object to being forced into government service against my will. Unless my character's in a fantasy campaign, I refuse to outright kill any opponent that can be dealt with by less lethal means. Getting drafted would mean someone else would be calling my shots for me, and perhaps expecting me to kill. I don't think I would cooperate. I wouldn't devastate city blocks in an effort to avoid capture, but if captured I would passively resist cooperation to the best of my ability.
  5. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Doctors Who, What, and Where Meet the Daleks
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcxioU7AMM4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wmz7FfJ94A&feature=related
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos It's like a trainwreck! It's so awful I can't look away!
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Moe Howard. Larry Fine. Curley Howard. in: Dr. Who, What and Where
  9. Re: Egg McGuffin *Burrrrrp!* What egg?
  10. Re: A Superhuman Registration World Now that I got that previous outburst off my chest, Just what powers do I have? Do I get to pick them? What if I'm a conscientious objector? What if I have Asperger's syndrome? What if I have Downs syndrome? What if I'm over 50 and would rather be "a good citizen" on my own time when my arthritis isn't acting up? What if my superpower is flight and I have a paralyzing fear of heights? Seriously, we already have the draft and we're not using it here even though we're involved in military action in multiple locations. Why are they using it in that world, and why only folks with superpowers?
  11. Re: A Superhuman Registration World
  12. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) Giant spaceships were landing all over the world and large godzilla-like (but much more slender) creatures came out of them. They were here to subjugate the Earth. By their thinking, their huge size would overawe us humans into capitulation. They seemed to have conscious control over their size, such that officers grew larger than their subordinates before issuing commands, and a subordinate shrank when being disciplined by a superior to demonstrate submission. They were so huge they didn't notice when I snuck aboard one of their vessels. I was looking for something that would help fight against them. I found a "thing" (I don't remember if it was a device or a potion of some sort) that would grant size-change powers to an Earth creature. I stole it and when I returned to base (by this time I was back in the military again) and administered some of the stuff to myself, and some to Garfield the cat. We went outside and grew larger than the aliens. They attempted to grow larger than us, but when they did, we surprised them by attacking them. Apparently, their idea of combat was posturing until someone was bigger than the other guy could get. Then the littler guy would capitulate. Huge as they were, the giant creatures were terrified of us violent Earthlings, especially Garfield with his fangs and claws. They surrendered to us and the rest of the Aliens fled.
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine New one, just getting back in practice: Strong Guy He's sorta like Superman or Captain Marvel, but with glasses and barefoot.
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Doctor Cthul Who Curious George of the Jungle
  15. Re: "Neat" Pictures No love for the Monkey Bar from Tales of the Golden Monkey?
  16. Re: Cool Guns for your Games 19th Century Air Rifle No Idea what this is but I guess it's a Mad Science solution to the problem of shooting out of a foxhole without exposing yourself to enemy fire. That looks like an Astra 499 (I used to own one) with an improbably large magazine. Standard Issue bolt-action Lilliputian rifle.
  17. Re: Combat Incompetence Back in the day, martial arts aficionados claimed that Bruce Lee's style had been designed to be completely unpredictable.
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