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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Cool Guns for your Games It's a movie gun, so I don't know what it is (nor do I know what movie it's from). I found it while browsing the Internet Movie Firearms DataBase (IMFDB).
  2. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? More Wild Wild West, season one. That was my favorite TV series when I was 9 years old.
  3. Re: Cool Guns for your Games more stuff: The Annihilator 2000 - America's Premiere Survival Home and Travel Total Security Unit. This weapon has a cd player, phone, microwave, and much more. Available only at Beverly Hills Survival Boutique!
  4. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Pinky-Pie and the Brain Gone With The Windtalkers Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mindflayer
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos NSFW due to subject matter and language.
  6. Re: Best/Worst Characters? One more character that was a lot of fun was a permanently "duplicated" trio named Moe, Larry, and Curly created by a player in the same campaign as TCWOAN. The guy was a Three Stooges buff and knew them better than anyone I had ever met. He created his own version of "Stooge-Fu" for the trio and, even when we weren't in combat, kept us entertained with Stooge antics that flowed naturally from the campaign setting and the personalities of the individual Stooges. Fortunately, they were not the leaders of the group.
  7. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I was renting an apartment in a mountainous place with evergreen trees that also was right on the beach. I went to an interview for a job with three close friends (also candidates for the job). The woman who was interviewing us for the job seemed to be flirting with me. I knew I had the job in the bag but was concerned that I couldn't pursue a relationship with my boss (her) if I was hired. When she was about to hire me, she realized that I would not be available for romance, so she hired someone else who would. Back at my apartment, I realized I had superpowers, and that since this was the early '40s that meant I must be Superman. I tried out as many superpowers as I could, in secret. Some Imperial Japanese spies showed up, looking to kidnap Superman so they could discover the source of his power and ensure Imperial Japan's victory in the coming conflict. They didn't recognize me as Superman and when I was out, ransacked my apartment. when I got home, they were still there, so I beat them up, threw them out, and called the police. That evening a submarine ran up on shore with a crew bent on kidnapping Superman. Before I could start to investigate, the real Superman showed up. While Superman was kicking the badguys' butts, I flew over to the submarine, went in, and started gathering evidence for the State Department and military secrets that were scattered throughout the ship. One crewmember returned before I was done, but I was able to surprise him as he was washing his face at a sink. I realized the jig was up and after capturing whatever crew had managed to sneak back to the sub, I took it into deep water, opened the hatches and sank it. Superman was surprised to discover he wasn't the only one with superpowers, and I was surprised I wasn't Superman after all. Of course, I reasoned that since my "real" name wasn't Clark Kent, I must be just a superpowered version of myself. There was a lot more to the dream than that, but a lot of it faded before I could write it down.
  8. Re: Cool Guns for your Games For your steampunk campaigns: the thirty-six-shooter!
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4BMo3mZLxg
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Tiddleywinks: the Movie in 3-D The Little Engine that Could Gets Outsourced
  11. Re: "Neat" Pictures I think I might just want to see this.
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I want one. Charlie and the Chocolate Meth Lab Family Guy Fawkes Peter: "Stupid Parliament! Because of them I can't be Catholic any more. Guys! I have a great idea for a prank! We gonna dig under Parliament and set off a bunch of fireworks!" Joe: "I don't know Peter. Parliament isn't known for having a sense of humor." Peter: "Trust me. After the smoke clears they'll probably thank us for the entertainment." Cut to: Peter, Quagmire, Cleveland and Joe (wheelchair and all) are on the scaffold waiting to be hanged. Peter (deadpan): "I stand corrected" Carter Pewterschmidt: "Before we hang, draw and quarter you, I'd just like to thank you for the entertainment you're about to provide." Peter: (cheerfully) "Hear that guys? What did I tell you?"
  13. Re: "Neat" Pictures Captain Cripple's All-Terrain Wheelchair! But seriously, there's a whole bunch o' good stuff at Strange and Unusual Vehicles like: The Scubster (pedal-powered submarine)
  14. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Dodge City. Errol Flynn is a footloose Irishman, a veteran of British India and the Civil War. Offered the job of cleaning up Dodge City, he initially refuses until a small boy he befriended becomes a victim of the random violence. I kept expecting him to do some swashbuckling, but that never happened. An unexpectedly good flick.
  15. Re: Best/Worst Characters? Worst? That would have to be the 250-point speedster with a 38 DEX, 12 speed and (due to the cost) very little else. He could act before anyone else, but even against mooks he wasn't particularly effective. Of course, his favored move, disarming the badguys, didn't work very well because the GM allowed them to use their full Strength to resist disarming even when they were surprised. Best? Sort of a tossup. The Cat Without A Name (TCWOAN) was an escaped laboratory animal with human intelligence whose primary motivation was self-preservation and spreading his unique genetic heritage as widely as possible. Fortunately, I was playing in a group that "got" the character and played along. His primary power was a fully-invisible EGO attack, the special effects of which were that he was psionically inducing a fit of narcolepsy in his victims. He'd stand off a bit and repeatedly zap badguys while his team-mates kicked butt (The attack was only 2 or 3 dice, so it took a while to take full effect). My other "best" characters were Bob Tiger and Lance O'Bannon, the Singing Cowboy. Bob Tiger was a humanoid tiger (brick w/some growth and distinctive features) who was also a volunteer policeman and a movie actor (his day job). He usually got parts as monsters, but frequently wrote Bill Watterson practically begging him to allow a movie version of Calvin and Hobbes to be made, so BT could portray the Hobbes no-one else can see. Lance O'Bannon, TSC was a 400-point singing cowboy in a supers universe that was undergoing a Crisis on Infinite Earths-like campaign. He was incredibly persuasive and could shoot the guns out of your hands with pistols that never seemed to require reloading unless it would advance the plot.
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I enjoyed that movie when it came out, but it's also a reminder that Hollywood, when given a choice, will invariably take a superhero character and put him in a super-spy setting. Spies who wear distinctive costumes and drive easily-identifiable supervehicles? No problem. Supervillains? Now that's just silly! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkLHS8BCTQE
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMoEAfDJ8Iw&feature=related
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares You are sooo right! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBfwRiat8Ro
  19. Post any fictional, in development, or actual vehicles you think might be pretty cool as a basis for a superhero vehicle. The first vid has loads of jet noise so you might want to turn down your volume.
  20. Re: If you Had to Pick, ONE (already) Setting, to Run in, What is it? ...And now that I've read the rest of the thread... Yeah, They're always a-peeling humans! I've always wanted to do a prequel to Star Trek using the Hero System. The Hottie Vulcan in Spandex™ was an unexpected bonus when Enterprise began.
  21. Re: If you Had to Pick, ONE (already) Setting, to Run in, What is it?
  22. Re: Flash Mob *Bookmarks thread* Good stuff!
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