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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. My nephew asked me if I have upstairs neighbors. I told him "I don't know. If I do, they're either remodeling or they have an active sex life."
  2. Re: Younger PCs; Older Players I was once in a game where every PC had to be a teenager. I was in my forties and wasn't comfortable playing a High-School character, so the GM let me play an 18-year-old character. It was still kind of awkward.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3D7xuHDHfw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boNhydYZdXQ
  4. Re: Western Hero Helpful in any Victorian-era setting (I looked online and could not find digital versions of these catalogs): 1897 Sears and Roebuck Catalog Montgomery Ward & Co. Catalog and Buyers' Guide 1895 Bloomingdale's Illustrated 1886 Catalog
  5. Re: Cat Up a Tree Or they could just leave the cat in the tree like this guy did: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_RQxdTmehg
  6. Re: Cat Up a Tree Bob Tiger (and many other flightless bricks besides) would just climb up the tree, gently restrain the cat, and climb down. Unless the cat's armed with a bazooka BT it will suffer no harm. The Cat Without A Name would just climb up the tree, "sleep" the cat and carry it down by the scruff of its neck. Lance O'Bannon, the Singing Cowboy would just lasso the cat down. Alternatively, he'd sing a song that would calm the cat and attract it to come down by itself.
  7. Re: Golden Age Champions Of course, if you want your PCs to end the war early you can send them to the front. Of course, the Axis will likely be doing much the same thing.
  8. Re: Golden Age Champions In an early (Pre-war) WW II campaign I ran, heroes were limited to spd 3-4 except for the lone speedster (he could transform into a cheetah and had SPD 6 IIRC). Superman was SPD 3, STR 50, DEX 18, and could not fly (yet). He could swim rapidly, leap an eighth of a mile in a single bound, and nothing short of a bursting shell could penetrate his skin (High PD informed by the stats for what I considered a "bursting shell" at the time). The villains were often gangs or aliens and/or axis spies. Periodically, I'd have the characters stop individual crimes as a solo hero just so they could remember how much more powerful they were than Smiling Joe Average. While they might have enlisted in the military at some point, I was planning, post-Pearl Harbor, to have the US Govt. recruit the PCs into a National super-team to assist the FBI and other law enforcement in dealing with saboteurs, black-marketeers, enemy agents, and even aiding in quelling racial violence in Detroit (fortunately they were charismatic enough to save the day, and wise to the trope that anything that disrupted the home front war effort was likely the result of agents provocateur in the employ of the axis.
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsNoZ2q3mtM
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Now I'm hungry!
  11. Re: "Neat" Pictures Spoilered for animated gif.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1LrmLHOUpg Tex Jones' piston engines were sort of like this.
  13. Re: Best/Worst Characters?
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos But it just doesn't "sing" until it's set to music:
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Quite the dazzling beauty, isn't she?
  16. Re: Best/Worst Characters? My first attempt at making a hero system character was a Popeye-like character called Fist-Man (I was oblivious to other possible meanings for that name at the time). He had all his characteristics at maximum (20 for non-figured, whatever the limit was for figured). I ran him in one scenario and realized that trying to be the best at everything on a limited budget meant you weren't the best at anything. The GM and I overhauled him to be more super even if he wasn't competent at all things.
  17. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares In an attempt to revive his movie career, Bill Cosby remakes some of his old movies: Ghost Dog Elliot Hopper is retired, living with his adult children, their children and pet dog Quincy. When an escaped Quincy is picked up by the pound, the truck is hit by a drunk driver. Quincy returns home as a Ghost, but the only one who can see the (now talking) dog spirit is Elliot. In his attempts to find the still-living body of Quincy before he's "put out of his misery", Elliot gives the impression that he's suffering from delusions. Hilarity ensues. Leonard Part 7 Just the thought of a sequel to the horrid LP6 gives me the willies.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLmDFfXczbM
  19. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I recently bought the entire run of Sliders and just watched season one episodes 5-8.
  20. Re: Cool Guns for your Games http://www.youtube.com/user/ChrisGordan
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