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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Ok GM's weigh in. We've been talking players CvK...how do you handle these things
  2. Re: Ok GM's weigh in. We've been talking players CvK...how do you handle these things
  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures Beats the hell outta starving, though. It's sad that people donate food they wouldn't eat themselves to help feed the starving, then complain that the starving aren't eating healthier. It costs money to eat right, and some folks just haven't got it.
  4. Re: What defines a Superhuman? Actually, Most of my superheroic campaigns used the definitions I laid out above. Basically, any normal, with training, talent, and dedication can rise to "Superheroic" levels of competence. No-one can train themselves into having superpowers. That requires genetics, magical, supernatural or scientific intervention, or some other means which "normals" don't have at their disposal. By that definition, Captain America is superpowered, but Batman isn't. They're both superheroic.
  5. Re: What defines a Superhuman? In one campaign I ran, "Superhero" was applied to anyone who stepped into that role, regardless of innate ability. A "normal" with training, talent and/or equipment could become a superhero. Superpowers ran the gamut from Incredibly powerful to practically useless. Anyone with a superpower was "superhuman" by definition, without regard to who might be able to beat them up. "Super" is semantics. Don't assume your players have the same definitions as you do and you might save some grief later on.
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine ETA: Now I think of it I could've made Agent P smaller.
  7. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Cowboy Canteen (1944) Apart from Roy Acuff, Dub Taylor, the Mills Brothers and Tex Ritter I doubt I'd ever heard of these guys before. Interesting snapshot of 1944 entertainment, though.
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Phineas and Ferb in: Lost in Space, Star Trek, Starsky and Hutch, Miami Vice & Mythbusters
  9. Re: Campaign Damage Caps, Code vs. Killing & Pulling a Punch I think at one time I experimented with tying damage cap to SPD so that higher-SPD characters would have about the same number of dice of attack in a turn as a lower-speed one. That worked reasonably well, but handicapped the team speedster. ETA: ISTR the rule was (20-SPD) x 5 = Maximum effective points in an attack (disregarding haymakers, martial maneuvers, etc.)
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Cesare Millan is: the Kaiju Whisperer
  11. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? What did it taste like?
  12. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? Exactly. Space Opera is to Science Fiction as WWE-style Wrestling is to Greco-Roman Wrestling.
  13. Re: Junior Superheroes Started a new thread for the "What defines a Superhuman" debate. If you want to debate that instead of discussing underaged superheroes, you can now do so without pulling this one off the rails.
  14. In the Junior Superheroes discussion thread, a debate has arisen about just what constitutes a superhuman. Some folks are arguing that any character built on fewer points than the guidelines in the rulebook isn't superhuman, despite the possession of powers that ordinary humans can't possess. Others (myself included) argue that point total doesn't matter. You could (theoretically) build a 300-point cab driver without any super-abilities whatsoever. He might be the world's smartest, strongest, quickest ex-Navy Seal cabdriver with multiple degrees in science, medicine, and philosophy, but without any ability that any other "normal" person can possess for an outlay of the correct number of points and GM's permission. What do you say? What defines "superhuman"?
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbDIwejAubs
  17. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Futurama. Ugly Americans.
  18. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) About what? I had no insight into my own Bathroom-Search dreams until I was typing my answer. I was actually reminded off them only as I hit "Post Reply"
  19. Re: The cranky thread Having gone through and not-quite-exited my own wringer of similar events, you have my deepest sympathy. If things get bad, remember you have friends who are praying (or similar) on your behalf. That and (VOE), if you find yourself mentally asking if you need professional help, you probably do. Treatment helps, and sometimes they can recommend services that can help you reduce some of your expenses. PM me if you want commiseration.
  20. Re: Junior Superheroes Some of you seem to be arguing semantics or Meta-gaming issues. "Super" has to be defined in the context of the setting. When your opponents are those big kids in sixth grade, the strength of an adult is a superpower. Flight is cheap, yet I have yet to see anyone in the real world with this ability, so some 10-year-old kid with flight is a "super" as far as I'm concerned. I don't know that I'd want to play a teenaged character, what with all the angst, etc., but an elementary-school kid with superpowers, however feeble, might be fun to play. Just don't send Doctor Destroyer or Mechanon after my 9-year-old speedster (who can run at 20 mph -- woo=hoo!). I wonder how to model bursting into tears? As a presence attack? Low-powered mind-control?
  21. Re: "Neat" Pictures From Knights of the Dinner Table: http://www.kenzerco.com/Operiodicals/kodt/kodt%20webstrips/phpslideshow.php?directory=.&currentPic=17 There was a guy like Bob in the first group I regularly GM'd for.
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