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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? My only faforite Bakshi bit was from Wizards. Even that was impaired by poor animation technique, but of course, Terrytoons wasn't famous for its animation excellence, either.
  2. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? last night I watched an old episode of ST:TNG. Tonight, I'm Tivo-ing Through the Wormhole, a TV series that is full of cool science that could be rubberized for a science-fiction or superhero setting. ETA This Link
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I've probably already done that, but in case it's a feature I've overlooked, what is this 'snipping tool' to which you refer?
  4. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? What piut you off? It was years before I finally figured out he wasn't a cinematic genius myself.
  5. Re: Super Transportation [Emphasis added] Dude! My couch is bigger than that! I've seen the Phantom Corsair in person and it's longer and wider than that (and probably at least 1/2 meter taller). The actual car seats six people, four of them in the front (bench) seat and two more in rear-facing seats behind the front bench.
  6. Re: Blasters: why? I am reminded of a science fiction campaign I ran inspired by the old TV series The Invaders. I gave the aliens blasters with autofire so they could "disintegrate" people and things (defined as doing more than 2x body in one hit, after all defenses are accounted for). When the PCs inevitably captured blasters from the aliens, the aliens regretted not adopting firearms similar to those used on Earth, since one of the PCs was a not-quite-mad scientist who figured out how to make disintegration bombs from blaster parts, which could breach the defenses of the alien strongholds where common explosives nor even cannonfire could not.
  7. Re: Blasters: why? Because blaster "ammo" doesn't have the mass of solid projectiles, casings, and propellants, and is unlikely to explode if exposed to extreme temperatures? Also, slugthrower ammo doesn't just have mass, but volume, so maybe blasters can carry more "shots" without lugging heavy cases of ammunition around?
  8. Re: The cranky thread Crack spackle you can actually buy: Longtail T with Crack Spackle bucket
  9. Re: Super Transportation More flying aircraft carriers:
  10. Re: Super Transportation Flying aircraft carriers: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39592[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]39593[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]39594[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]39595[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]39596[/ATTACH]
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Just before posting the name, I thought I'd google it and see what I might find. I found this: My Little Powerpuff Ponies
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos If that's his sense of humor and she responds with anything other than delighted laughter, this marriage is doomed!
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  14. Re: Superhero Images [ATTACH=CONFIG]39583[/ATTACH] I want to see this movie and I don't know the title. It lookjs like a sequel to Superhero Movie.
  15. Re: Creepy Pics. Zombie Michael Jackson wants little boy brains
  16. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Did you consider cooking lessons? *ducks* Sounds llike the guy was having some "entertaining" drug interactions.
  17. Re: The cranky thread Thursday evening two weeks ago my main computer died. I spilled an almost-full glass of soda on it. I was so upset I went into a deep blue funk. It was a week before I remembered I might have bought the Service Agreement this time. Saturday I took it into Best Buy to see if they could fix it. It's covered! Yaay! They couldn't recover any data from the hard drive. All those PDFs, pictures, and works-in-progress -- lost! I won't see it again until September. I'm just glad I hadn't gotten around to disposing of my old computer before this happened. The OC doesn't have 4G built in, but I can use it at wifi hotspots.
  18. Re: The cranky thread Just how smart do your knees have to be before they'll let you in?
  19. Re: Creepy Pics. Good taste wins this time. Post removed by author for off-color inuendo.
  20. Re: Making Hero 6E More Dangerous (Skyrealms of Jorune Conversion) ? I really don't grok having weapon familiarities in a supers campaign. By tradition of long standing (and according to the rules, last I checked), anyone can use a mundane weapon unless the GM rules that your character has no way of figuring out how to work it, usually given in examples such as why your King-of-the-Jungle character doesn't intuitively understand the workings of the Great White Hunter's "bang-stick". The Mighty Arrow can probably pick up any bow and use it without WF unless his GM is a duck-head. In a non-super campaign, I'd insist on weapon familiarity to avoid the penalty, but Joe Daggerthruster can pick up a shortbow and arrows and use them, only at -3 unfamiliarity penalty plus any other penalty a skilled archer would have to contend with. If he has combat skill levels with bows, I'd allow him to use those to offset his unfamiliarity with the shortbow, but I wouldn't let someone in a less-than-super campaign buy skill levels for weapons he doesn't possess in any case.
  21. Re: How can mutants be discriminated against while other "supers" get a pass? Sounds like a porno title.
  22. Re: How can mutants be discriminated against while other "supers" get a pass? This. Emphasis added.
  23. Re: When, if ever, would your character kill? If my GM ever did to me what these guys did to Wonder Woman:
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