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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jCHv1p6yes
  2. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I dreamed I was back in the military. The enemy had declared war and we were preparing for battle. I discovered that one of our civilian contractors was a double agent and had planted a bomb in the marshalling yard where we were getting our equipment ready for deployment. The trigger was a timer he had hidden in our shop. I found it and while everyone was debating what to do, I disassembled the thing, analyzed the circuitry and disarmed it. Later I was getting my own gear together and couldn't find my chemical warfare ensemble. I then ran to the shop, hoping I wouldn't get in trouble for not having my full gear on before I could get there, and hoping that, like when I was stationed in Korea, it was stored at the shop for just such an emergency.
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Samurai Applejack
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos A Twofer -- unrelated videos.
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Rango. Quite possibly the best western produced in the last decade.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Peace and prayers for you Old Man. Me? I've been having a knockdown drag-out with bronchitis all week. I wake up in the morning and it feels like I can barely breathe. When I try to cough, my lungs rattle on intake, but when exhaling I get no traction. Ginger tea helps, and after a few hours I feel almost normal. Then I go to bed at night and wake up the next morning feeling like hell. I want my old immune system back, the one that kicks a cold's ass in less than a week.
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: the Gathering
  8. Re: What 6ED books should I buy? What are the titles of Vol1 and Vol2? I'm not sure which of several books it might be.
  9. During my recent move, my one-and-only 6th edition hero system book went AWOL. What books, as a minimum, are necessary for 6ED hero? Is the information in my 5th edition books easily adapted for use with 6ED rules?
  10. Re: Creepy Pics. Beautiful music, creepy animation:
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Brokeback Fountain When a lonely guy looking for love fishes some coins out of a wishing fountain, the people who threw the coins in fall deeply, madly, deliriously in love with him. Unfortunately, everyone involved is a straight male. Hilarity ensues.
  12. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I dreamed that the reason I keep having so many dreams about my military service is because I'm still in my '20s, in a machine that placed my mind in my present body in a different, parallel dimension. Everything I thought was real was really false, and they kept trying to draw me back into my real body but something had gone wrong so I was stuck as a 53-year-old arthritic fat guy, believing that that was the true reality. Then I woke up. Very confused.
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I've always been fond of Thai sweet chile sauce. Now I want some spring rolls!
  14. Re: Black Powder Arms in the Hero System. Gun Nuts and reenactors welcome! Which version of FH has rules for Black Powder weapons in a fantasy setting?
  15. Re: Jokes I hear an approaching helicopter!
  16. I've been working on black powder arms for the hero system for some time now and seem to have lost my momentum for the project. The link below is for a Mediafire page to download the (as-yet) incomplete document. Commentary and critiques are welcome, as well as links to resources relevant to the subject at hand. Thanks! Link: Black Powder Arms in the Hero System
  17. Re: Creepy Pics. Bonus pic: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39667[/ATTACH]
  18. Re: More "Dwarf Planets"...... http://video.adultswim.com/robot-chicken/scientist-mad-with-power.html
  19. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. My nephew (who lives in a sparsely-populated area of Oregon) and I were discussing the level of driving stupidity displayed any time we went anywhere in Sacramento. Me: The percentage of idiots isn't any higher than where you live, but there are just a whole lot more people, so you get more idiots per square mile. Him: There are a lot of idiots in this village. Me: That's gotta be my next tee-shirt!
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Vicar of Dilbert The Unbearable Lightness of Being Human Indiana Jones and the Shirley Temple of Doom Star War of the Roses Song of the South (as performed in a world where the South won the Civil War -- not that it isn't politically correct already). Tale Spin: The War Chronicles Star Trek: The Wesley Chronicles
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