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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: I made the GM cry.... You seem to think that the blame for memory loss resides with the heroes, rather than the villain who "stole" those six weeks by mind-controlling his labor force. That's just wrong. I think this is pissing you off for some other reason than your stated ones, and you're just not recognizing the reason it does. Sort of like when dad gets mad about dinner not being ready when he gets home, but he's really pissed because his boss was a duck* to him today. * Not the actual spelling of the word, but SFW.
  2. Re: The cranky thread http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/16203-Funny-pics?p=2217194#post2217194
  3. Re: I made the GM cry.... The situation is described as having occurred in a Teen Champions game (or at least, with teen-age characters). When was the last time you observed a teenager making a decision on adequate information but inadequate experience? As an NCO in the Air Force, I have seen teen-aged Airmen do things that I, as an experienced troop would not. If the results aren't perfect, well, after all, they're teenagers. They'll learn. Eventually.
  4. Re: How (un)realistic are Street Samurai? Excellent points. I'd vote for those reasons why Street Samurai are runnung around with swords and hang "realistic" out to dry. Sometimes you have to sacrifice realism for entertainment value.
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The second and first place winners (in that order) of the Mellow Brick Road competition:
  6. Re: "Holy Silver Age, Batman!" Actually, these villains would be a perfect foil for TCWOAN and his associated superfriends (one "Character" of that group was based on Moe, Larry and Curly, equipped with Stooge-Fu).
  7. Re: How (un)realistic are Street Samurai? As others have pointed out, swords-vs-guns is impractical unless your gunfighter opponent has his weapon holstered and your character attacks from no further than 6 meters (~20 feet) away. If you want swords to be practical in your setting, you will have to bend reality to make it a good fit. It could be that laws governing weapons carry in a cyberpunk setting require "open carry" (as opposed to concealed carry), so anyone who looks at you can tell you are armed and act accordingly. In such a setting, the open carry of a samurai blade might just be advertising that you are above-average, and adhere to whatever form Bushido has taken in the setting. Seriously, a Katana would almost always be a weapon reserved for where the sound of gunfire would draw unwanted attention. From an ambush in close quarters, a wakizashi or tanto (or a Ninja-to) would be more practical. When the Street Samurai was first invented, people were speculating that America would be economically overwhelmed by Japanese economic might and that Americans would adopt aspects of Japanese culture in an effort to gain employment with our Economic Overlords™.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Me to my Mom: "I think I've developed the first sign of senile dementia. A few days ago I was admiring a beautiful car when I suddenly realized I was ogling a Buick."
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcTcS37LroU
  10. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? 2 episodes of Dinosaur Revolution. and last night's episode of Curiosity, about parallel universes.
  11. Re: How (un)realistic are Street Samurai? "Look out! He's got the bone china!!"
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Hey! I remember this song!
  13. Re: "Holy Silver Age, Batman!" My thoughts exactly! Mosy of my heroes have to rely on others to figure out the important details. My guys were usually in charge of the obvious stuff like stopping villains in the act.
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos A condensed look at the roaring '20s:
  15. Re: How (un)realistic are Street Samurai? What's a Street Samurai?
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures In my case it was a conscious decision!
  17. Especially in older comics, some "supervillain" or "supervillains" (say, a gang with an armored flying car or a M-S* with an earthquake machine or an army of robots) hold a city hostage in the belief that once they achieve objective X no-one can wrest control of the city from them. Just what sort of schemes might a villain use to "Rule the City", apart from schemes where they run it through subterfuge? Seriously, if he can take over a city but not the county/state/federal gummint, what's going to prevent the military from running in and smashing down the small-potatoes tyrant? After all, you don't want the rest of not-up-to-national-threat-level villainy to think you'll stand by and let some nobody take one of your towns without your permission? Besides, think of the lost revenue (taxes). If you had a villain who wanted to take over HomeBaseBurg© and keep it, how would he do it? What are some good reasons why The Government™ wouldn't just send in the National Guard (or why they would be inneffective)? Why would supers be necessary to deal with situations military might should squash with ease? * M-S = Mad Scientist, of course!
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Warning: NSFW Language http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUn86Yy7-IA
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares And another:
  20. Re: The cranky thread I got my "good" computer back Saturday. I'm still in the process of loading software and generally trying to restore this machine to not-like-it-was-but-close-enough. It's gonna take a while.
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? What would you do?
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Emphasis added. How many other hometowns did he wipe out before they got to his place? The more towns on that list, the less likely he'll benefit from a change of costume.
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