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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares My Little Borgies: Friendship is Irrelevant
  2. Re: The cranky thread Prayers and condolences. May the Good Lord bless you with sufficient wisdom to cope with your grief and mom's irrational behavior.
  3. Re: APG II Commentary/Discussion thread [Previous reply removed by author as being, perhaps, inappropriate.] Your "humor" is only funny to you. To the rest of us it just sounds rude. Is that really the effect you're trying for?
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The above quote, referring to Major Tom. If he's a witch, he must have turned me into a newt. I hit "Submit Reply" before I realized how far back in the thread I was, and that I might have benefited from a quote.
  5. Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)? A lot of my characters have been anthropomorphic (furries), but not all of them. Usually, I want my character to have a lot of useful senses, a decent (well-above-average) INT (TCWOAN had INT 10, which is supergenius for a household feline). As Lord Mhoram says above, their moral compass should neither be broken nor ignored. Most of my characters have higher-than-average CHA, so as to remain calm in the face of danger. Disads or complications should reflect an unwillingness to let innocents suffer when the character can do something about it. CVK, "protects the innocent", "Code of the B-Western Cowboy" have all seen use on my character sheets.
  6. Re: ...And now the city is mine to control! Muahahahaha!!!
  7. Re: Need a name for batlike hero Nosferatu? Wolfbat? (bigger than a flying fox.) Ghost-bat? Bat-Specter? Night Terror? Shadowbat? Nightwraith? Batfink? Shadow Hunter? Midnight Avenger? Manbat? (Yeah, but if it sounds good and the character isn't in that world...?) Nightstalker? Wraith Bat? Bat Wraith? Bat-Bat? C'mon, folks! I'm brainstorming. Work offa these or make up your own. Somebody's gonna come up with something good or inspire the OP to come up with something he likes. Either way is a win.
  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Dark Matters: http://science.discovery.com/videos/dark-matters-twisted-but-true-ape-human-hybrid.html
  9. Re: APG II Commentary/Discussion thread Normally we mock badwrongfun as being irrelevant, but when you single out another poster for ridicule, that is perhaps the ONLY definition of badwrongfun we recognize. Play nice. Please.
  10. Re: ...And now the city is mine to control! Muahahahaha!!! Very insightful. Repped.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... *looks at self* I got better.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... He turned me into a newt!
  13. Re: Making a magic System and need help Make it a side effect/transform into undead lich, that heals back unless the conversion is complete (or some unholy quest is completed). The side effect is conditional upon whether or not an appropriate sacrifice is offered (variable limitation: sacrificial victim or side effect as described). An appropriate sacrificial offering might be the life of a creature whose point total equals X% of the spell point total or some other valuable thing acceptable to the necromantic PTB (suggestions, anyone?) In my own FH campaigns, sacrifices of any sort were related to divine/profane magic. Necromancy was a "religion", though not one many openly professed, and necromantic magic was performed by necromancers, priests of a religion devoted to death (usually that of others) being the path to ultimate power.
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Excellent point. Repped!
  15. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) Weirder than usual, this was a dream where I was moving and trying to find my stuff. In this case, I not only was finding stuff, but cars that had gone missing, computer and phone equipment, etc. I had an embarrassment of riches I had been completely unaware of until this stuff started turning up. This dream took place in the "military school" setting I dream about frequently.
  16. Admit it. Everyone who's run a game has had a moment where, if you're not completely oblivious, you realized too late you'd crossed a line and turned a fun game into something less than fun. Example: In one 2nd Edition four-color, semi-comedic Champions campaign I ran in the mid-Eighties, one scenario had the WW-II-era heroes investigating a report of "Martians" landing near a small mining town in Colorado. It turned out that a small band of Nazi spies had been experimenting with an interstellar communications device one of their operatives had discovered in an abandoned mine. A passing Kzin vessel landed to investigate, wiped out the nazis, and decided that since that was so easy, they'd just stay and conquer the planet. By the time the heroes got to the town, almost everyone inclined to resist the 7-foot-tall "tiger-men from mars" had been killed and either eaten or stored in a freezer for later scientific study. The remaining living humans were in dire straits and abject terror. I had made the mistake of having the heroes of a light-hearted campaign arrive too late to do much except kill/capture the remaining Kzin and destroy their ship before they could send for more of their buddies. The players were upset. I should have had them introduced to the adventure earlier, perhaps investigating "suspicious characters" in a remote Colorado mining town. It would have been better if the Nazis were discovered and defeated before the Kzin arrived, and the Kzin should have arrived right when the heroes were able to respond, before half the town was wiped out. Big mistake, and almost ended the campaign. Fortunately, my players had learned that I responded to feedback and let the campaign continue. Without a recurrence of such a grimdark episode.
  17. Re: I made the GM cry.... Everyone here is beginning to sound as stubborn as Balabanto. Balabanto, I respect stubborn because I am stubborn. In your campaign the situation as described may not have been satisfactory. I won't argue that. I'd just like to hear you admit that since no-one in the game had any problems with it, and most importanly, they all had fun, that perhaps, for them, just then, that was an okay way to deal with the situation. A recurrent mystery-villain can add flavor to a campaign, if used judiciously.
  18. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? The Last Futurama of the season.
  19. Re: "Neat" Pictures Spoilered for size
  20. Re: I made the GM cry.... You're allowing the "perfect" to become the enemy of the "good". Perfectionism is a flawed approach to problem-solving, especially in a situation where a decision is required now rather than when you can examine things calmly and at leisure. Your proposed solution might not even be the best solution, but in most cases (especially for emergency response) a good solution Right Now is worth way more than a perfect solution implemented too late. You weren't the player at the table. You don't know what information they had or how urgent stopping the drug operation was. You ignore that not only were the players playing teenagers, but that this scenario was played years ago and that therefore the players themselves may have been teenagers with limited life experience. You want your particular vision of The One Correct Way of handling this situation to be the ONLY correct way of handling this situation. You deride the GM as a jackass and the players as, if not stupid, at least being maliciously negligent. What do you want? Should people new to RPGs and with limited life experience be prohibited from playing Champions until they meet with your approval? I think you are being far less reasonable about this than you'd like to think. The GM was taken unawares by the solution the players came up with. The players were thinking outside the box when they came up with this solution. The outcome had no real effect on actual people, and the in-game outcome was satisfactory to the GM and the players. A good time was had by all. Except now. By you. Apart from your assertion that They Did It Wrong, I can't see why this wasn't a successful outcome?
  21. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Better question: Got defibrillator?
  22. Re: Cool Guns for your Games It looks sorta like a Colt M1911, no doubt intentional since that wuz the Pistol that Won The War!!! Lots of cool new and antique air rifles and knives at this link.
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