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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: They Might be Heroes It is pretty jarring, isn't it? OTOH, there's so much cleavage that I almost didn't notice she was pasted over Godzilla.
  2. Pictures that could be superheroes. Post 'em here. Captions optional, but share 'em if you got 'em. Shirtless Heroes patrol the park. Giant-Polka-Dot-Fire-Breathing-Woman-With A-Godzilla-Tail protects Tokyo from a deformed giant gorilla and ponders the wisdom of choosing a less-lengthy name. Thor: That Villain struck us with his Lego-ray! Beast: Oh, my stars and garters! Red Skull: You dolt! I said wait until we were clear! Captain America: Oh, hey Skullie, it it time for me to kick your @ss already? Loki: *Facepalm* Beast-boy likes messing with penguins. Musical Bonus: Spiderman theme loungified.
  3. Re: Dieselpunk? So I'm guessing we've completely discussed the subject of dieselpunk and now all that remains is the conflict between curmudgeons who so despise the word "punk" they dismiss anything with a -punk suffix out of hand and youth who are less interested in dieselpunk than in trying to explain that times have changed, so get over it? I'd like to see/hear more on the original topic and perhaps if the Not-Punk-but-Pulp crowd would oblige, they could move that discussion to another thread?
  4. Re: Dieselpunk? I've never heard of dieselpunk before, but I've been using elements of it in my WW II-era campaigns even since before I switched to Champions/Hero System for good.
  5. Re: How (un)realistic are Street Samurai? It depends. If you want people running around with swords in a technological setting, you have to provide reasons that make carrying a sword a good idea instead of unnecessary baggage. If you don't want characters to carry swords, then give them plenty of better options, like "that sword weighs as much as six loaded clips for your pistol", or whatever.
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Children of the Cornflakes
  7. Re: Creepy Pics. [ATTACH=CONFIG]39931[/ATTACH] Found here (link).
  8. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I was helping the Top Gear guys film a segment on American pick-up trucks. I am not a truck person, but while we were stopped to buy gas for the trucks, one of them spray-painted my windshield so I couldn't see where I was going. I guessed it was because I was filling in for James May, and they rarely give him any respect either.
  9. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Carry on Sergeant
  10. Re: Fangberry Thicket w/ Chew Spiders 6E I'm repped out for today. Would someone get lapsedgamer for me?
  11. Re: How can mutants be discriminated against while other "supers" get a pass? Dude, didn't you listen to the lyrics? Those are TIGHT tights!
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Carry On Dr. Who
  13. Re: "Summon Staff" It depends on whether it's paid or unpaid staff. What?
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos It's a Russian TV commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNcezYx9rLI
  15. Re: How can mutants be discriminated against while other "supers" get a pass? "ID Politics" = ???
  16. Re: How can mutants be discriminated against while other "supers" get a pass? Because they knew and trusted their priests, who were the ones who warned them that witches were bad news in the first place. Is anyone/anything that widely trusted pointing out the mutants for the unwashed masses?
  17. Re: How can mutants be discriminated against while other "supers" get a pass? I still don't understand why John Q. Public seems not to notice that there are other people with superpowers, or if he does, how his unscientific mind identifies them as "not mutants" when he has no way of objectively determining whether any person is/is not a mutant. Mutants can be detected with appropriate technology, but it's not like you can go to Wal-Mart's electronics department and purchase a home-use mutant detector (perhaps they'd be in pharmacy instead?). How can norms view the Fantastic Four on the evening news and not wonder if the cosmic rays they were exposed to had somehow "mutated" them, thus making them mutants, at least in layman's terms. Why doesn't the vast majority of humanity conclude that all supers are mutants?
  18. Re: The cranky thread No, it'll make it easier to see what's doing the hitting.
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