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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index.jhtml?videoId=147744&title=claw-plagh
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Witch Doctor, performed by Don Lang.
  3. Re: A thematic question regarding Life Support (Disease) and (Poisons) RE: The discussion above regarding how much of cigarette addiction is "in your head"... I quit smoking a few years back, and when I was input to the V.A. outpatient mental health clinic, I had to sit in on a substance abuse therapy group so they could determine that my depression and anxiety problems weren't the result of an addictive lifestyle. Several of my classmates were recovering from cocaine and/or heroin addiction. More than a few admitted that quitting cigarettes was harder than quitting their drug of choice. Just because something's "all in your head" doesn't mean it isn't as serious as something that has a wholly outside cause.[/soapbox] There're a few ways to handle this, and Hero is flexible enough to do it whatever way the player wants: LS negates both positive and negative aspects of the protected substance. He drinks, and if he doesn't like the flavor, he may quit with little or no difficulty. LS Negates all negative effects, but "entertaining" aspects of the substance are fully experienced. LS protects the player from long-lasting harm, but he will feel all non-fatal effects of the substance. Some other thing that wasn't the previous three. What disadvantage you use to reflect the difference between fully-effective and the low-rent versions depends on how often the GM expects the character to come in contact with the substances in question, and the player, too of course. Of course, if the GM doesn't want to expose anyone to disease or poisons, he can just tell the player not to buy the power, but if he really wants it why not? Unless you were counting on all your heroes being K.O.-ed by the villain's sleep-gas or plague-spray, I see no problem letting a super-hero have that particular superpower. If you argue that someone with "Immunity to poisons" can't appreciate the taste of brown liquor or a fine tobacco, I'd say you're wrong. Maybe he just enjoys everyone else's reaction to his stinky cigar? Or maybe, to him it doesn't stink? When diluted with water, many hard drinks "bloom", giving off more aromatic chemicals and flavors, as well as reducing some of the less-pleasant effects, or at least delaying them.
  4. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? OMG! I forgot I ever owned the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs RPG! Repped for no good reason!
  5. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I'm getting an early Halloween music fix: This channel on Pandora.
  6. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I vaguely remember our efforts as kids to find lyrics for the title tune that included (mostly) fart jokes, with mixed results. I watched episode II of season two for My Little Ponies: Friendship is magic; Two episodes of American Icon: The Hot Rod; And some show describing coming events on Turner Classic Movies.
  7. Re: Augmented Reality Start-Up Ready to Disrupt Business http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaHUpWuqNHY Was I the only one reminded of the above Futurama episode?
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I don't know what they're advertising, but they have my attention. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBH9gx4FdZ4
  9. Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"? ??? Would you restate that using complete sentences please?
  10. Re: Heroes for pay It's one of those things that should be left to the experts? What if you're the expert and see an opening? Besides, people, when threatened, don't always flee, and have to think fast. I'm not surprised that some conclude resistance is not futile. Especially old Marines.
  11. Re: Is it worth converting I'm probably gonna have to order them online from HG. My FLGS never seems to have any core Hero books available.
  12. Re: Fangberry Thicket w/ Chew Spiders 6E You forgot to supply an 800-number for ordering, and the obligatory fine print where you discover that shipping costs more than the product itself. Repped.
  13. Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"? Remembering my own teenaged years, I remember more than a few times where I was so distracted by a Fetching Female Form© that I tripped, walked into a wall, or nearly had an automobile accident when the higher functions of my brain shut down while the rest of it was going "Wow!"
  14. Re: Is it worth converting I'm gonna get the two-volume set as well. I haven't decided whether I'll be scavenging the new book for ideas or using my old supplements with 6edn yet.
  15. Re: Dieselpunk? I think there were some War Wheels in an episode I can't remember well except they went back in time and fought in WWII. About the blimp, I guess I should use more smileys next time?
  16. Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"? ...But we're not talking about your problem! (Please forgive me -- I just can't help myself!)
  17. Re: Dieselpunk? The War Wheel is dieselpunk. (Warning: NSFW Language) Likewise the huge amount of uncompleted and/or rumored advanced projects the Nazis had going by the end of that conflict means there's a long list of fantastic contraptions the heroes (pulp, superheroic or other) may encounter in a dieselpunk setting. I'd go so far as to say that keeping dirigibles in play for very long after the Hindenberg should've dampened everyone's enthusiasm for all things dirigible to the point that the word "Blimp" had to be coined to distinguish them from those other, highly-flammable vehicles, (pauses for breath) counts as dieselpunk, along with battleship-sized supertanks, rocket packs and flying saucers. Yes, it's pulp, but with a bit of modern perspective brought into the creative process.
  18. Re: Heroes for pay In my WW II campaigns, the heroes were not-quite-drafted, but paid a decent wage and offered living quarters and a base of operations. Their base was minimalist (except for size) and had an interference roll to represent the team's primary responsibility of countering axis agents and super-agents, as well as regular crime-fighting duties.
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Carry on, My Hero Carry on Justice League Carry on Cthulhu
  20. Re: Converting adventures from other systems for fantasy hero
  21. Re: Is it worth converting I've been wanting to at least get the two volumes of 6ed myself. Tell me how I may derive more fun from the new system?
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