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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Join the Imperial Navy and See the Universe! Warning! The following video is so sweet you may require insulin before its over.
  2. Re: They Might be Heroes Images such as these are useful as visual aids in your campaign or perhaps as a starting point for designing a character.
  3. Re: They Might be Heroes Actually, I'm not an artillery geek, but I used to have the formulae for calculating these things (not anymore, drat it!) Thanks. Un-repped only because I gotta spread some first.
  4. Re: Dieselpunk? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe_rS_vFndA
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVk9xyJKOeg
  6. Re: They Might be Heroes How much would that weight weigh if it were made of cast iron? Assume the guy's 5' 10" tall (~1.75m).
  7. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? X-Men: First Class Thor I just hope Captain America comes out on DVD before Christmas.
  8. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_I2pv3HWIcA
  9. Re: They Might be Heroes Anyone else? Surely I'm not the only one finding pics like this.
  10. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg1iVu62hiw&feature=fvst
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Picky, picky, picky!
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Picky, picky, picky!
  13. Re: Jokes Wikipedia entry: With Six You Get Eggroll IMDB entry (more info than the Wiki): With Six You Get Eggroll [/pedantry] The famous general died and his ashes were to be taken to Arlington National Cemetery. All the air lines were booked and there were no other planes available. Someone came up with the idea of using a helicopter. It arrived at 5:00 A.M. The newspapers reported the incident with the headlines, “The Whirly Bird Gets The Urn”.
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rz31VhUEoA
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I recall playing in someone else's Star Wars campaigh in 1980, using Traveller rules because we didn't have anything better. At one point I was getting bored and made the mistake of channeling Yoda, saying: "How you get so big eating crap like this?" This incapacitated the GM for nearly a minute. Afterwards, I was stuck with voicing the Little Green Jedi Toad™ whenever he showed up.
  16. Re: Jokes A family of high-class potatoes was able to send their daughter to college. A few months later, however, she came home and announced that she was quitting college to get married. Very upset, the parents demanded to know who the man was. When the girl told them she was in love with a famous newscaster, Dan Spud, the mother exclaimed: “Good heavens, girl! After all we`ve done for you, how could you marry a common tater?” A string walked into a bar and ordered a drink. The bartender looked at him and said, “We don’t serve strings here.” Offended, the string left. A second string came in and also was refused. As he was leaving, a third string showed up, and the second paused to warn him. So the third string tied himself into a knot and ruffled his hair. As he approached the bar, the bartender glared at him and asked, “Are you a string?” “No,” he replied, “a frayed knot.” A man on his first visit to San Francisco’s Chinatown wandered into a Grant Street cocktail lounge, where he was surprised to note that the pianist was offering incredibly sad pieces, such as Chopsticks as a funeral march. After five such selections, each sadder than the last, the visitor said to the pianist, “Please! Couldn`t you play something less mournful?” “No problem,” said the pianist. “I will play something happy now. With six you get allegro.” A young rabbit wanted to be the Easter Bunny. The other rabbits laughed, saying, “You’re not even old enough to shave!” So he shaved. But at Easter the children still refused to accept him. “You’re not the Easter Bunny!” they cried. “You haven’t any whiskers!” All of which goes to prove that a bunny shaved is a bunny spurned. A young couple approached the desk in a big hotel. “We’ve just been married,” said the bridegroom. “Could you give us a suite?” “Certainly,” replied the clerk. “Would you like the bridal?” “Oh, no thanks,” said the young man. “Now that we’re married, we’re going to stop horsing around.” When Bishop Tutu toured the United States last fall, he visited his relatives in Tennessee, revealing for the first time that he was a Chattanooga Tutu.
  17. The Magic Well A woman had a magic well. She would put her pail on the edge of the well and clap her hands and the well would dispense a measured amount of water into the pail. The only problem was that the well would never give out the same amount of water. This distressed the woman and she decided that she would consult the neighborhood priest. She showed the priest the problem and the priest decided the well was infected with some sort of malicious spirit. The priest then proceeded to pray and bless the well with holy water. He then instructed the woman to place the pail on the edge of the well and to clap her hands. This time the well filled the pail 1/4 full. The priest then instructed the woman to place the pail a little to the left of the previous spot and to clap her hands. This time the pail was filled 1/2 full. The priest then told the woman to move the pail just a bit further to the left and to clap her hands. This time the pail was filled to the brim and made the woman very happy. Each day the woman enjoyed the pleasure of getting a full pail of water, as long as she placed the pail in the same exact spot. She thanked the priest every time she saw him. One day the priest decided to take the bishop to the woman’s home to demonstrate the procedure. After seeing the woman go through the steps and the subsequent filling of the pail, the bishop remarked, “I see you have trained her well.”
  18. Re: What FTL Drives do people use in their campaigns? And what techno bable do you us All very good. Someone rep this guy for me, huh?
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The vid I posted above is one of those things where you start watching, your chin drops, and you find yourself watching the whole thing. Not so much because it's so profound that you're mesmerized by the beauty of it, but because it's so bizarre that whenever you start to look away, some part of your brain says "Hang on a bit. I'm sure this will start making sense any second now." By the time you find out it doesn't, you've sat through 13 minutes of... whatever it is?
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Videos This one's, not so much random as it is berserk!
  21. SSgt Baloo

    The Tick

    Re: The Tick I think the Tick's characteristic behavior would best be represented by Social Limitation: Not on First-Name Basis with Reality. Must use "Mister Reality" instead.
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