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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? It oughtta be, but with this crowd, ya never know.
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Exaggeration on my behalf? Possibly.
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Due to complaints about the Ultimate Soldier, here's a different version (again, on the left). The old one is shown at the right, just in case you don't know which.
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I thought the lack of expression on the new version looked more menacing. I kind of liked the old eyes, but I chose the new eyes because they looked more like camera lenses, which is what I'd imagine provides the pilot inside the chest cavity a way of seeing outside without sticking his head out.
  5. Re: The cranky thread I miss having a pet, but I'm not able to give a pet the care it requires right now.
  6. Re: Character Class Mottos Reminds me of a bumper sticker I once saw: Jesus Saves. He shoots! HE SCORES!!!
  7. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns)
  8. Re: The Walker - a very low powered superhero In a superheroic setting I would not be surprised to see supers of all power levels (even feeble). That guy is so very close to a "real". Except of course, he has powers. I like him!
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I used to never mind iced drinks until a certain fast food restaurant in New Mexico decided it was okay to pack their opaque styrofoam cups with shaved ice, coloring it with a slight amount of soda and sell you what amounts to a snowcone with insufficient syrup. I got in the habit of specifying "no ice" and decided I like it that way.
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures Win! (repped, too!)
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The Ultimate Soldier from a prior post was done without knowing what options were available with the new Fabrica. This one has better articulation. ETA: Bigger rocket motors, too. The old one is shown at the right, just in case you don't know which.
  12. Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds? First thing I thought of when I read the OP (spoilered for size): Then I remembered this:
  13. Re: They Might be Heroes The first "real" I ever heard of, Superbarrio:
  14. Re: They Might be Heroes I think she's just wearing baggy underoos.
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Pigeon, the Mighty Rooster's sidekick. Clark Kent Superman 1938 Even more working-class than the last one.
  16. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Me too.
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Videos ==> Link to trailer for Fox's new movie Chronicle <==
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos But wait! There's more: I know some Spanish, but I still wish this next one had subtitles.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VycOHbB_2-Q
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Part of the Mighty Chicken's Rooster's rogues' gallery: Peter Griffin (looking uncharacteristically fit) The Kentucky Colonel
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine It wasn't until just now! Thanks! ETA: If anyone wants to stat up any of the characters I've created here, feel free to post the results here or, if you prefer, a separate thread. Just PM me a link if you do so I can see what you came up with.
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine My three favorite members of the Justice Club of America (WW-II Supers): Lieutenant Glory, Sergeant Victory, and Ultimate Soldier. Lieutenant (Lt) Gloria Smith, US Navy and Sergeant (Sgt) Abner Victor, US Army, were assisting in the development of a super-soldier serum. Lt Smith was Professor Farnsworth's* laboratory assistant and Sgt Victor was assigned as the professor's bodyguard. When Axis spies attacked the lab, attempting to steal the formula and kill the inventor, Sgt Victor interposed his own body in an effort to shield the Professor and the Lt. He was gunned down where he stood and left for dead, while Lt Smith hid the syringes in her lab coat. The axis spies caught up with them and gunned them both down. One of the shots broke one of the syringes and introduced the super-serum into the lieutenant's bloodstream. Lt Smith knew only that she'd been hit by a gunshot and collapsed to the floor. Strangely, the pain quickly subsided and she was filled with a strange vitality. She sprang to full consciousness just as the spies were forcing the Professor to open the safe containing his notes. Checking her wound, she was surprised to see that although there was blood where she had been hit, she couldn't locate the bullet hole. She also discovered that one of the syringes had been shattered by the bullet that struck her. Just then she heard a low moan from Sgt Victor. Turning, she saw he was quickly bleeding to death. Having made the connection between her rapid recovery and the serum, she snuck over to Sgt Victor and injected him with it. Sgt Victor's moans stopped almost at once. To Lt Smith's amazement, Sgt Victor's wounds were not only closing, but one wound actually seemed to spit out the bullet that had caused it. Sgt. Victor sat up, looked across the room at the axis agents and leapt across the room almost faster than the eye could follow. Lt Smith watched in amazement as the Axis agents seemed to move in slow motion. A gun discharged and Sgt Victor batted the bullet out of the way. Lieutenant Smith was amazed to discover she was able to follow the blur of action, and actually joined the fight herself. When the dust had settled, The Lieutenant and the Sergeant had been classified "Top Secret", along with anything related to the super serum. The Professor Formulated more of the serum but found that it seemed to have a different effect on every test subject, with often crippling (and in one case, fatal) side effects. The Super Soldier program began exploring different avenues of enhancing their soldiers. Lieutenant Smith and Sergeant Victor were encouraged to Join the Justice Club of America as representatives of their respective services. They were given costumes with a patriotic theme and were encouraged to use their newfound abilities to counter spies and superagents. Henceforth they would be known as Lieutenant Glory and Sergeant Victory. Lieutenant Glory and Sergeant Victory are both subordinate only to the War Department and are allowed as much lattitude as necessary to perform their duties. They are highly resistant to damage and heal incredibly fast even when they are wounded. They have enhanced reflexes, increased strength, and a rapid metabolism. Lt Glory is a Naval Lieutenant (equivalent to an Army or Marine captain) and is trained in advanced nursing skills and first aid. She acts as the group's medic when neccessary. Sgt Victory is a Sergeant in the U.S. Army with the unique rank of "Super Sergeant". Functionally, this just means that he is a Warrant Officer (WO-1) with a unique title. Sgt Victory is trained in both armed and unarmed combat, as well as demolitions and combat engineering. *Not his real name. Ultimate Soldier was an attempt to create a powered armor suit that would make each Marine infantryman the equivalent of a tank. A prototype was constructed, but when the Navy Department learned just how much each unit would cost, the project was halted and the Ultimate Soldier was put in storage until such time as it could be dismantled as scrap. Silas Jones had been classified 4-F by the draft board because of his limp. He had been stricken with polio as a child, but had suffered less than most because of his uncanny resistance to disease. When he was a child, he got just about anything that was going around, but recovered quickly -- usually in a day or less. The polio had been the worst, warping his leg before his body could reject the disease. Now Silas was only able to serve his country as a janitor at a remote Marine base in South Carolina. Then came the night that Nazi spies parachuted onto the base, apparently in search of some new weapon. Silas knew standing up to armed men with only with a wet mop for a weapon would be foolish, so he sought a place to hide. He hid in a hangar, then realized he was in trouble. The Nazi commandos were headed towards the hangar Silas was hiding in. Silas squeezed between the haphazardly stacked crates, looking for a place to hide. He came up against a metal pillar in the darkness. Next to the pillar was a ladder. Silas climbed. At the top of the ladder was a hatch. Silas fumbled with the hatch until, without knowing why, it opened. He scrambled inside and found himself sitting inside a very small room in a supportive chair. The Nazis were in the hangar now. Silas quietly reached up and pulled the hatch shut. The latches clanged home and the interior of the room lit up. He could hear the Nazis approaching but he could also see them on a small screen just in front of his eyes. He turned his head and there was a hissing and humming noise. The screen swiveled to stay in front of his eyes, and now harnesses extended from the chair, securing Silas in place and wrapping his arms and legs. Silas moved his arms and he saw an enourmous arm and hand pass through his field of vision. When he moved his legs, the room tipped over with a crash. Silas looked around and realized that he was inside a big robot, perhaps 14 feet high. Now that he understood what was going on, he went through the motions of standing back up and the robot precisely mimicked his motions, ending upright on its feet. Just then the Nazis opened fire on Silas. Their bullets clanged harmlessly from his armored shell. Silas hefted a large crate labeled "Brake Drums" and hurled it at the commandoes. They continued shooting, but now their aim was off because they were dodging behind cover and leaping out of the way of the large crates Silas was hurling at them. Seconds later, the commandoes broke and ran for the exits, Silas stomping right behind them. "Throw down your weapons!" Silas shouted, and a deep, booming voice emanated from the giant robot: "Throw down your weapons!" The Nazi commandoes were confronted by an apparently unstoppable metal golem and the base's security detail was bearing down on them as well. They surrendered. The base commander was just arriving with more soldiers when Silas, realizing it was now safe, opened the hatch and climbed down from the robot. The Commander stared at him in amazement. "Were you controlling that armor?" "Yes, sir." said Silas. "I saw the Nazis headed my way and it looked like a good place to hide." The General was still puzzled "But how did you get it to move?" "Well, I just climbed in and it started working. General, am I in trouble?" "No, son, but I'm just wondering how you got over two tons of machinery to move without a powerplant?" Silas' 4-F classification was upgraded to 1-B and he was allowed to continue using the Ultimate Soldier armor under Government Supervision. Since it is a one-of-a-kind vehicle, Ultimate Soldier remains in the lower 48 states, performing rescues and cooperating with the Justice Club of America as a Marine Liaison. Ultimate Soldier only functions when Silas Jones is inside. Why this is, has been credited to everything from telekinesis to magic. No rational explanation can even begin to explain why the armor has an affinity for Silas. Silas thinks that the machine "just likes me, I guess". Ultimate Soldier can lift and throw objects weighing more than a main battle tank, well beyond it's designed capacity. The armor has a self-contained life support system (that also shouldn't work, but does anyway) and a rocket motor that allows it to fly in hops of up to 1/4 mile. Ultimate Soldier's armor is impervious to small arms fire and has been safely tested with weapons as powerful as a 20mm cannon. The machine seems able to repair itself while Silas is inside (yes, no one can explain that either). Silas Jones is an African-American with a high-school education. He is well above average intelligence and is quite well-read, though he prefers not to let on, as some folks might think he was getting "uppitty". He is innately resistant to disease and toxins, and seems to recover from injury much more rapidly than normal. His left leg is slightly deformed due to his childhood bout with polio, and he is unable to run or jump. He is well-muscled and schooled in boxing. Fortunately for him, the rest of the JCA is fairly progressive (especially Futureboy). Silas is friends with Supersnipe and Futureboy. The rest are genuinely trying to make Silas feel like part of the team, but are oblivious that they often come across as patronizing.
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Batmoon: Defender of the Night Lapina: Powerful Sorceress from Another Dimension The Mighty Rooster Sure, he's yellow and chicken. Want to make something of it?
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