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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? [Overly dramatic] That's not how you spell committee! [/overly]
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures Psssszxst! Lower! Much! lower!
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I dithered on whether to post this here or in a political thread, then realized "here" was a lot less trouble than "there", and since politics nowadays is sort of random I suppose this qualifies.
  4. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I have begun to note recurrent themes in my dreams. Strange, wonderful cars and other vehicles: Many of my dreams feature airshows or used car lots with an amazing selection of eccentric vehicles, ranging from adult-sized pedal-cars to alien spacecraft being sold to cover gambling debts. Not all of them have a backstory, but in many dreams I get to drive them, either because I buy it in the dream or because it's "my car". Often I find myself travelling long distances in airplanes (sometimes I'm the pilot, others, I'm a passenger. Frequently there are airshows with very odd and interesting aircraft, many of which I assume were inspired by some artist's conception I saw in a book about future flight or some such Wilderness parks and beaches populated by bizarre, often monstrous creatures: Last night I was part of a team of park rangers trying to capture something that looked like a 1/4-scale Gojira. There were many animals similar to the mammalian megafauna (like this) and I seemed to have a way with most of them. If there's a beach, the waters inevitably host very large, often unspecified dangerous animals. Frequently I find myself nervously swimming in these waters, looking for something big that's been causing problems for everyone. Although I'm not confident of my ability to deal with the threat, in the dream, I'm the best shot anyone has, so in I go. Long road trips (or the occasional space voyage): My most memorable was the motorcycle trip I took with my 88-year-old mom to some lake resort in Southern California, followed by a quick ride through Mexico, Central and South America. Sometimes I drive from New Mexico to Germany or visit London (I've never been to the latter, nor to any British isle). There's more, but that's all I can recall for now.
  5. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I was a "presence" in the dream, sort of like a guardian angel. There was an ocean beach next to moderately steep hills with a dirt road running along the ridge. My guy was standing at the foot of the hill when a large bear, sent by the "enemy" (whoever that was) was about to attack. I stopped time, teleported my guy to the top of the ridge, facing the bear, and equipped him with a rifle and the knowledge of the bear's location and its intent to kill him. Then I unstopped time and let things happen. I had hours of dreams like that last night
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Next time, try asking native-speakers for suggestions?
  7. Re: "Neat" Pictures Okay, I'm sure I'm missing something. Sure, it's funny, but I really hate not getting cultural references from my own culture. Somebody PM me the details you think I might be missing, huh? And get offa my lawn!
  8. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'm sure that was deeply meaningful (or possibly bring-the-house-down funny) but something was undoubtedly lost in the translation!
  9. SSgt Baloo


    Re: Fish-Men If I'm not mistaken, some Polynesian cultures revere the shark as a protector-god. Unfortunately a quick search only turned up the Wikipedia entry, which is so uninformative that I believe I scooped the article by adding qualifiers. LINK
  10. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore "Then you may be excused." See? Was that so hard?
  11. Re: "Neat" Pictures I really want this doormat. ...Aaand it's out of stock...!
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My sister's Boyfriend (at the time) took her to meet his folks in the Dakotas. One of the "treats" they offered her were breaded, deep-fried "Rocky Mountain Oysters". She ate them. If my squeemish sister can eat something, then so can you unless the attempt is likely to trigger a psychotic episode. It's just meat! Sure, it's a part from the bull that makes him a steer forevermore, but I don't quite understand how it's not a good thing unless it's not kosher (I suspect eating part of an animal that still lives isn't), you don't like beef, or you never touch organ meat for whatever reason. If it's just sympathy for the formerly-male steer, why don't you show any remorse for your hamburger? It was a steer once. At least this way you can guess how good the rest of 'im is going to taste. ...Now I'm just hungry!
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My sister's Boyfriend (at the time) took her to meet his folks in the Dakotas. One of the "treats" they offered her were breaded, deep-fried "Rocky Mountain Oysters". She ate them. If my squeemish sister can eat something, then so can you unless the attempt is likely to trigger a psychotic episode. It's just meat! Sure, it's a part from the bull that makes him a steer forevermore, but I don't quite understand how it's not a good thing unless it's not kosher (I suspect eating part of an animal that still lives isn't), you don't like beef, or never touch organ meat for whatever reason. If it's just sympathy for the formerly-male steer, where was this sympathy when you were eating a hamburger? ...Now I'm just hungry!
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Gawwwwwwwlllleeee Sergeant Carter! I wish we'd kept our shoes and socks on before we climbed up here!
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos That kind of music was the favored form of expression of teen-aged angst at those times. Something along the same lines: The Leader of the Pack was pretty popular in its day: http://youtu.be/UiJaNSXlYuQ As was Teen Angel: Link= Let's give grandma a break. After all, I'm sure when you're her age your music will sound rather peculiar to your kids, too.
  16. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) In my dream, I'm some sort of a hyper-capable detective seeking to find and stop some maniac who's trying to take over the world. I keep having to undo the damage he's done to someone just before I arrive (and just after he leaves). This damage consists of cheering people up because the bad guy said something "cruel" to them. I think he was more like Discord than Darkseid.
  17. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Yeah, but I was thinking of those alternating barrels mounted on something with a pistol grip, fed from two different barrels, firing individual shots or autofire from alternating barrels. I don't think anything like that's in the works. I did see a shoulder-fired, hand-cranked .22-long gatling gun a long time ago in a magazine, but I don't recall if it was a working model or not.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Many "religious" crazies are hearing the Trump of God. I'm pretty sure this is a natural phenomenon. I've read accounts of similar sounds in scientific journals (Probably Science Digest back when it was still in print) attributed to interactions between solar radiation, the resulting aurora, and the atmosphere below. Solar energy is quite powerful and violent, and it's not surprising that when waves of energy crash against the shores of our atmosphere sometimes we get to hear the "surf".
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Rednecks, hicks, hillbillies, whatever you call them, are not an exclusively American commodity. They come from all over, and are easily recognized by their simple forms of entertainment:
  20. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I''l help get us started again. How does Rat Flambé sound? Yummy!
  21. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore This thread is qiockly devolving into a food blog. Where are the disgusting/obviously fattening/unhealthy comestibles?
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