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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Creepy Pics. I never freaked over hobo, tramp, or bum clowns like Emmett Kelley or Freddy the Freeloader, or rodeo clowns. It was the whiteface clowns that scared me (with the exception of Bozo, mentioned above, mostly because I saw him every day on TV). It was sort of like with Santa Claus; I could enjoy them from a distance but feared their gaze for some reason. The big red noses and exaggerated mouth may have given the clown a predatory look to my childish eyes. Clowns article on Wikipedia
  2. Re: Resources for Campaign ideas, backgrounds, etcetera, for supers settings. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBstzHEyHgI
  3. Re: Resources for Campaign ideas, backgrounds, etcetera, for supers settings. George Bush time travelled into the past to kill the dinosaurs and insure a copious supply of oil! Glenn Beck claims he will not bring us a story that's "half-baked". Maybe they're secret Stronghold-style prisons to incarcerate supervillains (and other superbeings) without due process?
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos That's his best quote? I'm unimpressed. Items of potential interest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uLovgPsH20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=or2GH3CHXqY
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine If you want them to be able to ride in a car or other vehicle, I would suggest one of the bipedal versions. If you go with a centauroid, might I suggest the wings be lowered to his equine back rather than attached to his human torso? That way his wings are closer to his CG.
  6. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I had Taco Bell for lunch last Thursday. You might want to ensure you don't block his path to the restroom either. Voice of Experience, so to speak.
  7. Re: Super Transportation I first saw a picture of this car in 1968. It is still the car of the future as far as I'm concerned.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Cut it out. If you didn't want kids you should have remained celibate.
  9. Re: The cranky thread Take it from a fat guy who's now (finally) actually losing weight; a lot of things can be mistaken for appetite. I agree, however, that none whatsoever is not a good sign, unless you've just eaten.
  10. Re: Creepy Pics. Fear of clowns was fairly common before Stephen King. When I was three, I had a stuffed (cloth) clown named "Bobo". I didn't like to look at his face, it was made of vacuum-formed plastic and colorfully painted. When I was put to bed at night I'd push Bobo away and put my head under the covers. That same year my grandmother took me to see a circus and when I saw the clowns I thought they were funny until I got a better look at them. Their faces were pasty-white with red accents and awful, bright colors; colors you don't often see on unbruised flesh. I sat closer to grandma and looked away. I didn't want them coming over to get in my face like I saw them doing to other kids. I really wasn't okay with clowns until I was at least seven, possibly even older. ETA: I wasn't afraid of Bozo the clown, but Bozo was a person who talked. That "no-communicating-by-talking" that some clowns do really creeped me out.
  11. Re: Automobiles of the Pulp Era http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L-sCG2ltQs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4ceKzvHPQc
  12. Re: Automobiles of the Pulp Era http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJgfyclrr5400
  13. Re: Take a Teammate to a Movie Fist-Man: Not a movie buff, would just see what's showing, ask around for recommendations, and then just pick something. Unless The World's Fastest Indian was showing. He'd take her to see that just because he knows he'd enjoy it. Bob Tiger: He'd show her Miracle at Morgan's Creek, and The Human Comedy. The Cat Without a Name: "Are you kidding?" (Pronounced: "Meow?"). Lance O'Bannon, The Singing Cowboy: Unfamiliar with movie entertainment, he would look for something you could take the whole family to. If this request was after his ascension to near-godhood, he would take her to a different dimension that had lots of movies available to see and let her pick something she might like. Afterwards, they would return to the exact time and place (perhaps a moment later than) they left.
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Emperor Norton I, "Emperor of These United States and Protector of Mexico"
  15. Re: Immunity to Drains Antimatter? I don't think that word means what you think it means. Are you using enough phlebotinum? @ the O.P.: So why is it so important that this NPC have an absolute defense against drains? Until we know that fact, many of us don't know what result your going for, and cannot effectively suggest solutions. And if you don't want to share that particular bit of information with us, they why?
  16. Re: When IS the future, exactly? According to some experts, about 1½ seconds from now, give-or-take.
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I love British Comedy. They can be funny about things we can rarely discuss both publicly and in a civil manner. Possibly NSFW in America, sad-to-say.
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures Isn't that what C3P-O is for?
  19. Re: Immunity to Drains Super-Plumber: "Of course, I have personal immunuity to drains. I carry a plumber's helper and a stopper!" *Rimshot*
  20. Re: Immunity to Drains This sounds like an attempt to show a player that drains are not the uber-weapon the GM has let them become. Of course, I could be wrong...?
  21. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Spoilered for animation:
  22. I'm putting together a playlist of weird history and news items (real and manufactured) to serve as a resource for superhero campaigns. I find the paranoid fringe is a highly fruitful source for ideas, without regard to whether they're right or just crazy. They do go into splendid detail and you can always modify the source material to better fit the needs of your game. I'm also providing a link to: The Hollow Earth News' list of playlists. UFO TV WeAreNotAloneDotCom That's all for now except > <. If anyone finds anything that's just outlandish enough for a super's game, post links, images or videos here. Thanks!
  23. Re: Super Transportation I started a playlist > < on Youtube. If anyone finds something you think I might want to know about , either PM me a link or post it in this thread, if appropriate. I will add the above paragraph to the O.P. and see what videos, if any, can be added to the list.
  24. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Try substituting thinly-sliced strips of pastrami for the bacon.
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